PCX2PAL v.92 by Mike Ruete - ruetem@lafcol.lafayette.edu Copyright 1997, All rights reserved Usage: pcx2pal infile is a .pcx file outfile will be a 768 byte raw palette This program will rip the palette lump from a standard .pcx file and save it to a separate file. This program was written to create raw palette files for various uses, such as creating the palette lump for a Quake WAD2 file. I hope you find it useful. There are no known bugs at this time, though that doesn't mean it's bug free. I provide this program "as-is" and make no gaurantees that it won't do something rash like summoning satan all over your hard drive or deleting all your pr0n. Feel free to distribute this program, preferably with the .txt file. Contact me before you do any mass distribution such as including this program on a CD-Sampler. If you have any comments/questions/suggestions for new functionality, please email ruetem@lafcol.lafayette.edu You can also find me on IRC with the nick "Gripp" in #deathmatch, #level_design, and #qteam. -Mike Ruete / Gripp