_____________________________________________________________________________ SPRGEN: The Quake Sprite Generator ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please replace the other TXT file (SPRGEN.TXT) with my new one. --Jabber You know there are 3 Sprites (2d animations) in Quake right? They are the center of explosions, the bubbles, and the light balls on sticks (don't ask:). If it's in Quake, it must be editable, right? Right! SPRGEN.EXE was DCCed to me a long while ago on IRC, and I recently noticed that it is not found in many places. I did not compile this, nor did I use it, so I have no idea how to answer any questions. The script under USAGE should help you. This works similar to MDLGEN, and was actually with the source code for it. What does it do? It should convert a series of LBM files and make a new SPR file that can be loaded in Quake. The SPR file is a sprite animation. You will most likely have to write some new QC for a new sprite, but I would suggest just replacing a Quake sprite at first (ie. bubbles.spr). Delux Paint is a good program to use to make LBM files. Files Included SPRGEN.EXE LBM->SPR Compiler SPRGEN.TXT Help and Examples Out of pak0.pak of Quake: S_BUBBLE.SPR Bubbles Sprite S_EXPLOD.SPR Explosion Sprite S_LIGHT.SPR Ligh Ball on Stick Sprite _____________________________________________________________________________ USAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type this in DOS: SPRGEN SCRIPT.TXT -Normal Commands- $spritename, $type, $beamlength, $sync, $frame, $load -Group Commands- $groupstart, $frame , $load, $groupstart, $groupend. -Example- $spritename sprtname $type oriented $groupstart $frame 0 0 8 8 0.5 $load sprtname.lbm $frame 1 1 8 8 0.5 $load sprtnam2.lbm $groupend -Other Commands- vp_parallel_upright, facing_upright, vp_parallel, oriented, vp_parallel_oriented. _____________________________________________________________________________ This was uploaded by Joshua Robison AKA Jabber (jrobison@feist.com), but I did not compile it. I don't know who did. I have not used it, so I would not be able to answer any questions about it's use. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------