Swch pal 1.0 This is a simple program I wrote to convert the quake palette from one to another. This program is used to convert all the graphic data from the old palette to the new one that you plan to use. Usage: swchpal myfile.ext if you do not include a filename it will use pak0.pak. You may convert: Pak All the graphics in this archive are done, it's recursive. Wad2 This uses the type indicator in the wad file. spr converts the sprites. BSP converts the textures in the BSP files. Lmp usually converts the graphics in these.(used on wad's data too) Mdl converts the skins to the new palette. If you put a pak file in a pak file, I don't know what quake does, but this program will follow it too. The palette entry in Wad files are converted. but to the RGB triplets, not the index numbers (The right way). If you have any questions or comments, just e-mail me at ABay@teir.com. If you just copy your pak files to a new directory, you need to modify pak0 so that the palette and colormap entries are not what they are called. Quake will use them first, not the ones in the \gfx directory. You will see a lot of neat stuff go by, and if you want to you may redirect it to a file by adding >output.txt to the command. Just hit enter a few times so that it won't stop forever on you. Then you may read a lot of interesting information. Remember to put the lmp's in the gfx dir to use them. Only the first 768 bytes of the newpal.pal are really used. Planned features: Command line parameter to change the size of the fullbrights(to 0 if desired). only converting certain types of files in the pak, or only of a size