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Screenshot of rdefull
Author:Jesse van Dijk
Title:Runner's Delight (67deb51b6f9b4fa302dc630d9b4146f6)
Filesize:7114 Kilobytes
Release date:13.08.1999
Additional Links: TEAMShamblerUnderworldfan's
Type:Partial conversion
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
rde.txt8 KB13.08.1999
info.txt13 KB13.08.1999
pak0.pak17156 KB13.08.1999

Runner's Delight

Six SP/DM maps of varying sizes and themes, designed specifically (but not exclusively) for speed-running. Comes with some custom progs, e.g. rotating objects, and a start map.

Tags: speedrunning, dinosaurs, chthon, decon

Editor's Rating: Excellent
User Rating:
3.6/5 with 16 ratings
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