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Screenshot of seraphim
Author:Peter van Wingerden
Title:The House of Seraphim (fb11fd4e9abd275825bf6ab6d460e75e)
Filesize:1350 Kilobytes
Release date:23.11.1997
Additional Links: Underworldfan's
Type:Single BSP File(s)
BSP: ✘ • PAK: ✘ • PROGS.DAT: ✘ • Custom Models/Sounds: ✘

Files in the ZIP archive
Files in the ZIP archive:
File Size Date
seraphim.txt7 KB23.11.1997
seraphim.bsp3121 KB23.11.1997

The House of Seraphim

Medium-sized puzzle map with Hipnotic/Metal textures. The layout is cramped and fairly nonlinear, the gameplay relies heavily on finding secret areas and hidden buttons.

Tags: medium, puzzles, traps, nonlinear

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