===== Spirit ===== Hi, I am Spirit, formerly known as "Spirit of 85". You can send me mails at **spirit ät quaddicted döt com** (replace the "ät" with an "@" and the "döt" with a "."). If you know how to, [[https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?search=spirit%40quaddicted.com&fingerprint=on&op=index|please use PGP]], I'll reply faster to you as reward. Don't try it for the first time just for me, it's probably a waste of time. Back in 2004 ([[http://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=1&start=5878&end=5883|22.10.2004]]) I started a Quake news site, "Spirit of 85's Quake Weblog" where I attempted to post everything that happened anywhere in the Quake scene day for day. The Quake scene felt very fragmented back then which annoyed me, so I tried to fix it. Feedback was great, I remember being so excited when it hit Planetquake.com. Over time I realised that those guys who made those maps and mods were people too. IRC and discussion on random sites got me deeper into the community and as a side effect improved my english (Quake is good for you!). Quaddicted was launched on the 17th March 2005. Files were hosted at a friend's server first (I actually send him CDs with the files on them, god bless ISDN). I tried hard to make it a self-contained news site where people would post "their" news but that never took off. But it attracted many very helpful people. I should continue writing this later...