The Great Big Table of Quake Packages

Here you can find, discuss and rate all kinds of Quake things, like maps, mods¹, engines², tools², ...
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SHA256 Release Date Author(s) Filename(s) Title(s) M # α Info Release Group
e090ab6 2021-12-09 c0j Mayhem Pantera 3.88 4 25 551 game=quake game_mode=singleplayer map_size=medium nonspecific_tag=shub nonspecific_tag=smp source=included theme=bricks theme=cave theme=cavern theme=wizard type=mod
e8b117b 2021-12-05 Anonymous users, Coffee Achiever, DiamondBlack, Streaky Violent Rumble 1.00 3.86 4 28 560 bsp_format=bsp2 exceeds_quake_limits=yes game=quake game_mode=singleplayer map_layout=arena map_size=large mod=arcanedimensions mod=quoth music=custom nonspecific_tag=ad nonspecific_tag=cathedral nonspecific_tag=construction nonspecific_tag=factory nonspecific_tag=items nonspecific_tag=models nonspecific_tag=monsters nonspecific_tag=progs_dump nonspecific_tag=rmq nonspecific_tag=rogue nonspecific_tag=secret nonspecific_tag=shub nonspecific_tag=skybox nonspecific_tag=start nonspecific_tag=textures nonspecific_tag=weapons theme=arcane dimensions theme=base theme=cave theme=church theme=city theme=dissolution of eternity theme=industrial theme=quoth theme=realism theme=void type=episode type=mod
c833ed9 2010-12-16 negke Runic Recycling 4.5 5 44 125 game=quake game_mode=singleplayer nonspecific_tag=hard nonspecific_tag=negke wizardry nonspecific_tag=shub theme=metal theme=runic type=map
e6ee551 2003-07-09 necros Dawn of Eternity 4.47 5 38 157 exceeds_quake_limits=yes game=quake game_mode=singleplayer map_size=large nonspecific_tag=chthon nonspecific_tag=dragons nonspecific_tag=monsters nonspecific_tag=shub theme=metal theme=runic type=mod
bcb832a 1997-05-23 Martin R. Goedtke (Iam) Myworld is Yourworld 4.14 4 50 285 game=quake game_mode=singleplayer map_size=medium nonspecific_tag=chthon nonspecific_tag=hard nonspecific_tag=mustplay nonspecific_tag=shub playstyle=tricks theme=boss theme=brick theme=metal theme=traps type=map
5 package(s) are shown above (unless a client-side table filter is active).
Template (excluding the DB data fetch) rendered in 2 ms
FYI: There is some caching so updates might take a few minutes.
¹: Well, so far only some, mostly singleplayer map related ones.
²: None are in the database yet, maybe you will be the leader who adds them?