Winquake-X. Attached is Winquake-X, a derivative of the original Winquake with file-based music (tested with OGG), custom video resolutions at default video aspect (directx8), hor+ scaling, and inclusion of essential fixes only. This is a Quake engine; but it is not a "Fitzquake" derivative engine, also sometimes called a "modern quake engine" even though all Quake features and modifications are typically not supported.
Attached both the Winquake-X source code and a test binary. These are available for others' convenience, so the user takes full responsibility for running the binary and for any editing of code.
Instructions on use
To customize the video resolution, modify lines in the config.cfg; for example:
vid_config_y "400"
vid_config_x "1020"
Other settings
fov_adapt (hor+), scr_centersbar (affects HUD in netplay), m_look
Music files are copied to MUSIC subdirectory under the ID1 directory (the game directory in the case of Quake 1 and its music). The console commands are: music, music_pause, music_resume, music_loop, music_stop.
For example:
music track01
Thanks to other authors: uhexen2 for file-based music and hor+ scaling code; MH and qbism for directx video code; and Id for releasing the source code to their game engine.
Optional build instructions
Winquake-X builds with mingw32/gcc. If the directx headers/libraries are not in searchable paths recognized by the compiler/linker, then the makefile has examples to add additional paths to directories where the files are located.
Winquake-Y. Also attached is Winquake-Y (both source code and binary). This different version has the above features and disclaimer, but it is not based on the original Winquake. Instead, it is based on "glquakebjp" by Bengt Jardrup, and contains extensive improvements to the original Winquake engine, including increased map-related limits so that specially designed large maps will load (this is specific to the BSP file format for Quake 1).