DIRECTQ 1.7.666c UPDATES ======================== * Increased quality of sound scale table (less abrupt transitions between volume levels). * Increased sound paintbuffer size to help prevent sound stuttering, breakup or drop-out. * Added ProQuake NAT fix (use cl_natfix to toggle, default 1 (on)). * Fixed bug where BeginScene would not get called in time if only liquid surfs were visible in the world. * Rationalized sound buffer locking and usage a little better. * Fixed bug where a player head model skin would get replaced with a full player model skin. * Begun generalising the effect system for both HLSL and non-HLSL. * Added fallback for cases where L8, A8L8 and X8R8G8B8 texture formats are not supported. * Added rudimentary HalfLife BSP Support (not too robust, yes I'm aware of the bugs). * Added exception handling around main loop to try help with restoring gamma correctly after a crash. * Added HLSL classic sky warp - no depth buffer trickery, no perspective trickery, just looks *right*.