Flash Makaqu development installation on Windows ---------------------------------------------------- These instructions and install zips are experimental. The immediate goal is feedback. The intended audience: A. Coders who already have installed and compiled Flash Quake, and are willing to provide feedback. OR B. Hearty, pioneering coders planning to do a fresh install of the tools and willing to take the potential risk to their computers and sanity. Besides my post directing you to these instructions, also see a detailed installation discussion at inside3d.com forum, topic "Flash Quake Source Code and SVN". 1. Install Cygwin with the auto-installer from http://cygwin.com/ by clicking "install cygwin now". 2. Install FlashDevelop: http://www.flashdevelop.org/wikidocs/index.php?title=Main_Page and configure it - instructions: http://www.flashdevelop.org/wikidocs/index.php?title=Configuration 3. Download flashQ-alchemy.zip and extract to a temporary folder. Relocate the extracted directory directly under c: drive. C:\alchemy (Sure, you could extract alchemy straight to C: without a temp folder, but that's fool-hardy!) 4. Download flashQ-flex.zip and extract to a temporary folder. Relocate the extracted directory directly under c: drive. (C:\flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958) 5. Download flashQ-jre6.zip and extract to a temporary folder. Relocate the extracted directory as follows: C:\cygwin\jre6 6. Add the c:\cygwin\jre6\bin folder (Java binaries) to the Windows system path: Right Click on My Computer [or press Windows key + Break] Select the Advanced Tab (Vista: says "Advanced System Settings") Click Environmental Variables Select PATH in the list box Select Edit Add the folder to the end of the current path, add ";c:\cygwin\jre6\bin" to the end 7. Install Flash 10 stand-alone debug player http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html Note, you may have to uninstall the browser flash player, although I did not. Using Firefox in Vista. 8. Open c:\cygwin\etc\profile in a text editor. Find the PATH and add the Java JDK 6 and Flex binaries to the Cygwin path- /jre6/bin and /cygdrive/c/flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958/bin The result will look something like: PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/jre6/bin:/cygdrive/c/flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958/bin:$PATH 9. Start Cygwin and type: cd $ALCHEMY_HOME\samples\FlashQuakeV2\quakeswf (Cygwin has path autocomplete if you type a couple of characters.) 10. Compile the swc. Type: make -j3 -f makeswf A list of compiled .o files will scroll by. The end should look similar to: WARNING: While resolving call to function 'main' arguments were dropped! 2296.achacks.swf, 1972726 bytes written frame rate: 60 frame count: 1 69 : 4 72 : 1972661 76 : 28 1 : 0 0 : 0 frame rate: 24 frame count: 1 69 : 4 77 : 506 64 : 31 63 : 16 65 : 4 9 : 3 41 : 26 82 : 471 1 : 0 0 : 0 converting to DOS line endings catalog.xml: done. adding: catalog.xml (deflated 76%) adding: library.swf (deflated 76%) cp Release/quake.swc lib/quake.swc 11. Copy Quake shareware pak0.pak to the embed folder under quakeswf C:\alchemy\samples\FlashQuakeV2\quakeswf\embed). Note, I've uploaded the quake106.zip shareware installer just to be handy. 12. Start up FlashDevelop, open the project located in C:\alchemy\samples\FlashQuakeV2\quakeswf, and compile. Many thanks to Baker for his Flash quakePro port and his installation help and instructions on inside3d. Thanks to Michael Rennie for the initial port and to Manoel Kasimier for Makaqu quake. Jeff Ford 01-17-2010