WARNING! SEE BUGS BEFORE YOU PLAY THIS LEVEL! ================================================================ Title : Attack! Filename : attack.WAD Author : Justin Madigan Email Address : JJM12379@aol.com Misc. Author Info : Hacked Doom for a total of: OVER 150 hours!!! (Not just on this level, just in general) Description : For years, scientists have played around with teleports and such, but now, one scientist, considered to be insane, has made what we thought was mad. He found a gateway between time, a "Time Slip". This allows you to travel back in time, and then come back to where you began, walk into the time slip chamber, press the button, and ZAP! you're back in the present. One problem. The teleports, as you may know, (if you read readme.exe in Doom) have unleashed some of the most hideous creatures ever. Those cannibal mutations are getting through the teleport statios, and entering the "Time Slips". Since then people have been disappearing rapidly. So has some shops and buildings. The Demons must be killing people in the past, which is effecting the future. A Marine, like you, is sent to spy on the enemies. He was killed and hung by a chain, as his last words were: "You b*st*rds! [click click] What? [more clicking] Oh sh*t! My gun...get away from me with that!! [clanking of chains and choking noises] Please!" [transmission cut] That spy was useful, though, he told that they had a whole castle under control. They've put up glass windows to check on the prison cells without trouble. They've through of everything. Except for the fact that someone can get to them through the time slip. You are sent through the time slip, and are to destroy these hellspawns. Your main task is: Attack! (See end of Text for Mission 2 story) Information : I tried to add some cool stuff into this level, like two new doors, and those worked. I've also got a new "lite" texture, and some new music. But my favorite of them all is the glass window. No, this isn't some blank wall texture that you shoot through. It's something much better. I've created a window that you can break through when you shoot it. Yes, bullet holes appear like magic! Yes, it is cool, but you'll have to be one h*ll of a hacker to figure out how I did it. Additional Credits to : The ID crew, for the coolest games! Raphael Quintet & Brendon Wyber for Deu5.21(good!) NWT guy Maker of gangster.wad (music) ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Doom Episode and Level # : E2M1 & E2M2 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (lots) New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Deu 5.21, NWT. Building Time : Not too long, lots of play testing. Known Bugs : Level 1: Glass doesn't break on 2nd sidedef. for best effect, shoot glass when you find it. You can get stuck if you hit switches too fast. Take 'em slow and you'll be fine. Level 2: DO NOT ENTER THE ICKWALL BUILDING WITHOUT HITTING ALL SEVEN OF THE SWITCHES IN EACH OF THE BUILDINGS! YOU'LL GET STUCK! If you do get stuck, type idspispopd for walk thru walls. TO turn off the effect, type idspispopd again. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels if the author is included in the text. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * ***************************_IMPORTANT!!!_************************************* The author is not responsible for any problems caused by this PWAD or TEXT. Mission II: Home sweet home? After you clean out the citadel, your mission is achived. You triumphantly swagger into the dank Time Slip, ready for your welcome mat back at the base. You press the time warp button, happy as can be. But when you return, no one is there to greet you. No cake, no party, not a trace of humans. This means only one thing. While you were killing, so were they! Just at a different place. They were destroying your friends' past. The base is now filled with the enemies' humans. But, how could they kill the 320 people in your city? How did they just "disappear"? This can't be right. They've got to be alive somewhere. Or, maybe they did get assasinated. Hmm...who could they kill to stop all humans...? Wait! The first people were Adam and Eve, right? If they kill Adam or Eve, earth's population will never exist! But then, why am I alive? Well, if the moment I Slipped, Adam and Eve died, it wouldn't effect me, I don't think. Well, you've still got the Time Slip chamber, so why don't you go back and kill all those monsters at the Garden of Eden? But wait. You've got to kill the monsters first, or else they'll keep killing Adam and Eve over and over. Maybe, if you kill all the lunkheads on Interius, the monsters' generation point, home of the scientist who invented `Time Slips' and most of the laboratories in the Galaxy. So, if you clean out Interius, the labs, and then slip back to before Adam and Eve were created, kill the assasins that will slip in and then leave back to your base, things will be as they were. (Scroll Down for Epilogue) After you return home, everyone is waiting for your arrival back from the castle, they don't even know that they were killed a few times. Boy, have you got a story for them. T H E E N D . . . ...right?