WAD file : CLAUS_01.WAD WAD title : "The Possessed Warehouse" Created by : Claus Nielsen : (d93cn@sdrborges.dk) WAD Description : The basic idea was to create a warehouse/office-like building with 4 floors, combined through a staircase centered around an open area, where it should be possible to see from one floor to another. - Well, I've got the staircase and a store- room, but the rest is not something you're likely to find in any normal buildings... But nevertheless have I tried to keep some kind of "realistic design". Thanks to : Peter Madsen & Peter Bendixen - hard but fair(?) critics and playtesters. Also to the makers of the tools I've used, and last but not least Id Software for a great game... (No, I did not have Wolfenstein 3D in mind). LMP file(s) : CN01_12.LMP and CN01_16.LMP Recording time : 13min 09sec and 14min 23sec LMP Description : A walk-through of this level, showing you how to get all the good stuff... Both LMP's are recorded using the option "-nomonsters", and should also be played with this option... (I don't want you to know the locations of all the monsters too). Because a LMP recorded on Doom 1.2 wont work with Doom 1.666 and vice versa, I've included a LMP file that will work only with Doom 1.2 and one for Doom 1.666. Feel free to mail LMP's recorded with the option "-maxdemo xxxx", that shows how you're dealing with the monsters... ============================================================================== How to play WAD : DOOM -FILE CLAUS_01.WAD (-DEVPARM -WART 1 1 -SKILL 4) How to play LMP : DOOM -FILE CLAUS_01.WAD -DEVPARM -PLAYDEMO CN01_1x -NOMONSTERS ============================================================================== WAD information : Episode and Mission # : E1 M1 Single player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 player : No Deathmatch 2-4 player : No Difficulty settings : Yes - But made for UltraViolent. New sounds : No New graphics : No Demos replaced : No - LMP file included instead. Base : Totally new level. Build time : Weeks!.. But it was worth it; I think it's a nice looking level with matching textures and no "graphical bugs". Okay, I know the spacing between the crates look terrible, but there's an explanation to that; see the WAD diary... Editors used : DEU521GCC, DE_250B3 and BSP11X - Great tools! Known bugs : If you're "lucky", you should be able to catch a glimpse of the HOM effect in the store-room. This is caused as you can look across too many two-sided linedef's, but it shouldn't affect the gameplay though... That's it I guess. ============================================================================== Copyright : Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels, just be so kind and mention me... Thanks. Distribution : You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. But DON'T charge any money! Where to get... : Stop, stop. Who cares?! You've got it now, right?! So forget anything about where to get this WAD, just play it... Comments : If you absolutely have to, then send your comments to the e-mail address mentioned above! Thank you. ============================================================================= The Story : Well, now you've done it! You just had to sneak over to the new neighbours in the middle of the night, even though your mother had told you not to go. But did you listen? No... You think you know everything much better than you mother. If you had only listened to her this time... But now it's to late to go back, the door you just entered, is stuck! So you have to find the emergency exit. And please try not to wake up the neighbours, otherwise they could tell your mother! Yes, I know the story sucks... Go buy a book! ============================================================================== WAD Diary : I had a few problems building this level, and if you want to know about them, just read on... In the beginnig I mostly used DoomEd v2.50 Beta 3, but after I had finished the staicase, the store-room, the roof and a bit more, DoomEd began to crash. Apparently for no reason. After a little testing, I think it's because DoomEd isn't able to handle more than 2048 sidedefs. A few days later I got my hands on DoomEd v2.60 Beta 4, and the sidedef-problem was luckily not present. But not many WAD modifications later, DoomEd began to crash again, and this time I haven't been able to figure why. Well, this was not good news; Neither DoomEd or DEU (or BSP for that sake) could handle it properly if the crates were linked together, but DoomEd were able to do a perfect node-building with a space of only one! And it did look alright. But with DoomEd not being able to handle my level anymore, I was forced solely to use DEU and a bigger spacing between the crates. Even with the "-SF 0" option DEU would still screw it up; you were able to fall down into some of the crates! That's the reason why the crates look the way they do. If somebody can fix this, don't hesitate to let me know! (Otherwise I'll just have to wait until DoomEd v3.00, or something like that).... BSP v1.1x is a nice little tool... But after I ran a WAD through it, and it added invisible walls and made a couple of things hang in the air, I stopped using it. I was left with DEU v5.21 GCC, and my WAD has been completed with the help of this great utility. No complaints other than the one mentioned above, and... It appears that DEU can't handle anymore than 512 sectors; if you have more than that, it can't build the Reject Data. Finally I finished my level, only to discover that it wasn't possible to save (or quit) because I had way to many things. So I reduced the number from 498 to 472, which allowed you to save your game - once! The number then dropped drastically to the current 418, which dosn't(?) create any bugs... ============================================================================== The "hintbook" : May only be read if you're stuck, (or just want to "cheat"). 1. Wherever there's a blinking light, there's a good chance of finding a secret room close by. 2. In the store-room there are three lifts; look for a brown crate with small grey crates on top. It's also possible to find a soul sphere there, it's pretty close to the blue key - just jump down there... 3. The plasmagun is behind one of the gargyles. 4. To get to the BFG9000 you must activate the switch in the opposite blue room, which opens the secret door you can see behind the BFG9000 - it's got a poison warning on the other side. You'll have to be fast! 5. You can see the yellow key, but you can't get it?! Okay; When you've been in the south-west room, (the one with the switch opening a door to another soul sphere!), a switch has been uncovered in the grey room with the lift and the two windows, (with view to the green doors). Activate this switch, and you'll be on you're way... 6. The secret door to the computer map is in the room with the two windows, (and probably a lot of dead guys).