Note from the uploader: This is one of my old favorites, a highly original and tricky WAD, found on the "Death Match - The Ultimate Game Player's Kit" 2 CDROM set of Doom/Doom ][ levels compiled and released by Micro Star Software in 1996. I was surprised to discover it was not on the main Doom archive, so here it it at last, along with a demo of me finishing it on UV with 100% kills and secrets (!pipe!uv.lmp, 14:58) Enjoy this true Doom classic! Never_Again ================================================================ ================================================================ Title : Pipes Filename : !PIPE!.WAD Author : Jon Landis Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Description : Here is your chance to take a lovely tour of the subterranian sewer system that exists to fulfil all of Hell's waste disposal needs. But what is that coming out of the pipe?! I guess it is time to take out the trash! Mangle the monsters, clean the sewers out, explore horrific ventilation shafts and find the pipe that will bring you back to the surface. For all of you thrill seekers out there, try ULTRAVIOLENCE... You will have a little trouble getting down the first pipe, but after that it will be smooth sailing, yea right! A warning to anyone who thinks they are cool and anyone who downloads a wad file, then uses IDDT IDDQD and IDKFA and breezes through the wad. You will be pleasently surprized by this wad file. I put a few IDDT busters in there for all the cheaters of the world to be discouraged with. Be warned. I am a crafty bastard. This Wad file is a bitch and there are many chances to die, so die and have fun doing so. There is a demo included It is the SECOND demo, so wait for it. For all you network jocks out there... This level was designed for CO-OP play. Deathmatch starts have been inserted, but Deathmatch sucks with this level. There is a great possibility that one or more players will get stuck someplace. And a greater possibility that any player will never see any of the other players. Go CO-OP for this one. Additional Credits to : ID software (for such a kick-ass game!!!) Raphael Quinet and Brendom J. Wyber for DEU 5.21 (One word, quality) Colin Redd for BSP 1.2 (A Troubleshooting lifesaver) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : ExMx (2,2) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : Demo #2 * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, BSP 1.2 Known Bugs : The room with three pipes has a slight node error that BSP couldn't handle. In each of the rooms with two pipes, you can see the Cacodemons as they are rising through slight nodes errors. In the rooms where you have to shoot the Skull buttons, there may be a slight nodes error, but that is not definate. In the last room you can walk on the toxic waste and get to a spot where the entire screen turns green. That is pretty cool, but an error! Some monsters regain their hearing. The lift near the end gets you stuck sometimes because the monsters set it off. The music sometimes just cuts out. The demo does not complete the level. (It was such a pain in the ass to make that damn thing!!!!) *** This may look like a big bunch of errors, but this level is still quality. You won't even notice! *** * Copyright / Permissions * Authors (MAY) use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. You MAY not use my pipe design without giving me credit. I have never seen anyone make pipes like mine. * Where to get this WAD * Well, I guess you got it, hey?