============================================================================= Title :PLEASURE.WAD Author :Shawn Holmstead Email Address :sholmste@novell.com Misc. Author Info :Send Comments! Description :Welcome to the Pleasure Dome! This is where all of the posessed soldiers and sargents come to watch those marines die who will not succumb to posession by the demons infesting the world. This level is like the Roman Coloseums of old, except that you are the poor slob about to be fed to the beasts. They do give you a shotgun to try to duke it out with, but they don't expect you to last long. They just hope that your death will be entertaining. Notes :The level has been designed so you can play it in single player, multiplayer, and deathmatch. Deathmatch is especially good because everything is interconnected and there are several good sniper spots. I have not included any big nasties (such as the Cyber-Demon or Spider-Demon), but this would make a perfect setting for them if you want to modify the level. I spent a lot of time trying to make the level look good, so tell me if you find something that makes you just puke. I also only used natural light everywhere. There are only 2 dark areas, but you never fight in those areas -- just collect goodies. I even put in some light-amp goggels in those areas. The only time you will appreciate these things is when the level is empty because you don't have time to sit and enjoy the scenery. Additional Credits to :Tim Schmanski and Ron McClellan for playtesting. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # :E1M1 (but meant for somewhere in episode 3 -- This level looks great with the red sky!) Single Player :Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player :Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player :Yes Difficulty Settings :Yes * Construction * Base :New Level Build Time :Far too much...around 50+ hours Editors used :DEU v5.0, v5.1 and BSP v1.0, v1.1x Known Bugs :The dreaded HOM shows up occasionally in the arena when there are lots of monsters roaming around. I've removed as many of the 2-sided linedefs as I can without getting rid of the stands, but the HOM still shows up in the sky. It is not very distracting, and only shows up in 1 or 2 spots. * Copyrights / Permissions * You may do whatever you want with this wad, just give me some credit for building the base level. I would be interested in how people modify this level. Drop me a line. * Where to get this WAD * ocf.unt.edu (and its mirrors) infant2.sph.indiana.edu alt.binaries.doom