This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry U4M6-444.TXT U4M6-444.ZIP U4M6-444.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using Doom v. 1.9 DooM -PlayDemo with Doom v. 1.9 DooM - Ep.4 Mi.6 - Against Thee Wickedly Kills 100% (Items 100) Secrets 100% and Time 04:44 ----- Description: I like maps in which you can use the rocketlauncher a lot. This map is one of my favorites anyway. I played that map for the -fast, -respawn and now max category. For -fast I took it savely in 9:57.That has been easy. Surprisingly it has been easier to beat the record in the max category than to survive at all on -respawn. Try it yourself, it's fun! Author: Steffen "Rini" Udluft E-mail: