LMP Title: Mariachi Vs. Tyranork Filename: Mar_tyra.zip LMP Version: v1.9 Game: Doom2 Map Level: 1 Skill: 5 Options: No Monsters Multiplayer Mode: Old Deathmatch Number of Players: 2 Perspective: Indigo (Mariachi) Length: About 20 minutes. Author: Mariachi ***************************************************************************** Email: tgarrett@csra.net Misc. Info: Just a 17 year old with a Doom obsession. ****************************************************************************** Description: El Mariachi and Tyranork in a level 1 fragfest. We played first to 50. ******************************************************************************** Additional Credits: Tyranork, for playing me. Toaster for helping me get better by being my cannon-fodder. Vader187 and all the other lmp makers out there. ********************************************************************************** Player Info: We both played with mouse/keyboard combination. Score was 50-27, my favor. Fun game.