[1] INTRODUCTION ================ This is BSP version 1.1 for Windows, written by Colin Reed: Original algorithm for nodes builder by Rapha‰l Quinet: Ported to Windows and optimized by Alex Korobka: This builds a BSP node tree for your DOOM wad files. [2] USAGE ========= Run it from Windows and then you'll be asked for input WAD. Upon completing you'll be asked for output filename.If you press 'Cancel' button in 'Save' dialog box then 'tmp.wad' will be written. You can run it from DOS as well - but it will be restricted to 640K address space. [3] MISC ======== This ZIP includes the fully commented source code for all you Doom editor/utility writers out there. You can compile it for DOS without changing anything in source code using Borland C 3.1. Windows version is for those who wants to create really large WADs but doesn't have 387 compatible coprocessor (standard BSP 1.1x requires it and BSP 1.1tc complains about memory even in QEMM's 635K when building 190K+ WADs). Also it's faster than original one. But note that this version needs at least 386SX. FTP sites: - infant2.sphs.indiana.edu