This is a preliminary decompile of the progs.dat file that came with the Hexen2 Demo. Due to the inability to test the new instruction set with the demo version I am not sure that I have all of the instructions interpreted correctly. In quake there are 65 op_codes, in Hexen there are 97 op_codes. As a result some op_codes are probably being misinterpreted by myself. Its hard to tell the difference between += and -= without being able to test. The new instructions appear to be: +=,-=,*=,/=,~=,|= these are self explanatory I used "A : B" to represent a random between A and B were and can be both floats or both vectors "A->B" is used to offset A by B spaces in the global table. Kinda like A[b] in c there are instructions for setting the next think time and the next frame I just expanded these out I am probably forgetting some but... ***NOTE THIS WILL NOT COMPILE WITH A QUAKE C COMPILER, I AM RELEASING THIS JUST SO PEOPLE CAN GET AN IDEA AS TO WHAT HEXENC LOOKS LIKE. I HAVE A COMPILER THAT USES THE NEW INSTRUCTIONS BUT SINCE I CAN NOT USE IT IN THE GAME I AM NOT RELEASING IT. IF SOMEONE WANTS THE SOURCE TO THE DECOMPILER I USED I COULD POSSIBLY BE PERSUADED TO GIVE IT TO THEM. I hope someone finds this usefull, eman