The following prefabs were obtained from PrefabLand ( Please read any accompanying text in the prefab .zip files for specific author instruction. As always, when using someone elses prefab, be sure to adhere to their wishes and give them credit where credit is due. . 320 - RA Barrack 327 - Projector 328 - Pendulum of Death 329 - Blade of death 330 - Self Constructing Bridge 331 - Filing Cabinet Elevator 332 - Book Shelves/Weapon store 333 - Cut Door 335 - Death In A Box 336 - Pop Up And Kill 337 - kryptonite 388 - Hummer 391 - Intro Tram 392 - Intro Tram 393 - Spheric Lamp 394 - lovely doors 397 - Small drawer 398 - Large drawer 399 - Drinks Cabinet 400 - Bank Door 408 - Special Ed. Fountain 409 - MEGABOT 410 - MEGABOT 411 - Cave 412 - Insanely High face Mounta 413 - Old Home 414 - Navy Cruiser 415 - Build1 416 - Whatever (a bunker) 417 - Zeplin 418 - Space Marine Rhino 419 - Space Marine Predator 420 - Door Cut 421 - Wall Banga 422 - Bunker 423 - Red Train 424 - Water Floor 425 - Dr. Pepper Machine 426 - AH-1 Huey Cobra 432 - AH-64 APACHE v2 433 - Ladder Pipe v1.1 434 - Sparking Light 436 - Flip Signs 440 - Space Marine LandRaider 442 - Laser Altar 448 - Decontamination chamber 449 - Above Ground Pool 450 - Slave Bot 451 - Kill Bot 453 - Helipad