6th June 2000

Badd Ass'ed Revolution!

Atrophy newest member has debuted in style with the release of the Deathmatch map "Fragtown Revolution". [TCC}Bad Ass first map has all the quality of a Xatrix release and I urge you to give this map a go. 
He is currently converting the map for Bagman and that should be out soon.

You can download the map here or in the files section.


26th May 2000

Update to kpq2dm5

Rat Instinct has fixed a couple of minor bugs with his kpq2dm5 map - The Atrophy Pits - download it here or from the files section. 


15th May 2000

Hitmen 1.4 released

Currently running at BC's and soon to go up elsewhere - this is the latest version of the game and adds the "resume" function, which means that if you get kicked off during a game, or get disconnected from your ISP, you can reconnect and get your score back -wicked!

Get the file from here - Hitmen 1.4

Godfathers 1.3 released

And as if Rat instinct was busy enough with doing all that, he's also added the "resume" function to Godfathers. Download it here - Godfathers V1.3


14th May 2000

New Map is The Pits!

That's right, another new map "The Atrophy Pits" which is Rat Instinct's conversion of Q2DM5 "The Pits" - A quake 2 deathmatch classic. Download it here.

Hitmen 1.4 Out Monday

Currently running at BC's and soon to go up elsewhere - this is the latest version of the game and adds the "resume" function, which means that if you get kicked off during a game, or get disconnected from your ISP, you can reconnect and get your score back -wicked! Will be available tomorrow after some last minute adjustments.

Godfathers 1.3 Out Monday

And as if Rat instinct was busy enough with doing all that, he's also added the "resume" function to Godfathers. Will be available tomorrow after some last minute adjustments.

Atrophy's Domain

You can now reach us here using the easy to remember http://www.atrophy.co.uk - no excuse for not remembering that one!


6th May 2000


I spotted some errors on the map I released yesterday (namely some texture problems and spawn points facing the wrong way) and realised I'd zipped up the wrong version. I've now completed the map, and replaced the download with the new version. If you downloaded the map yesterday - apologies for any inconvenience!

Get the proper version here!


5th May 2000

More Map News -  One Released and Two Imminent 

I've just finished my first original DM map, a small map suited for 2-6 players (or more on something like the chaos server) entitled "To Kill A Weakling Child" (tkawc.bsp). The map is quite claustrophobic yet still provides plenty of room to maneouver and lots of escape routes if needed. The zip file weighs in at a paltry 188k zipped, so you've really got no excuse not to try it out have you! Download it here - "To Kill A Weakling Child"  . For those of you interested in where I got the name, its a corruption of the title of an Aphex Twin track "To cure a weakling child" - hasn't got anything to do with the map, just liked the sound of it :-).

Following on from our release of Quake 2 conversions "Tokay's Towers", "The Warehouse" and "The Slimy Place", a further two from the Quake 2 series will be making appearances over the weekend. Rat Instincts convertion of "The Pits" (Q2Dm5) is going well and I've all but finished my conversion of "The Frag Pipe" (Q2Dm3). I may not get a chance to do the final tweaks before sunday, so expect release then, or monday at the latest. I'll try to put up a page of screenshots too.

Coming Up...

After this, we'll be converting Q2DM4 and Q2DM6 to complete the set. Rat is contemplating a return to coding (after his mapping sabbatical)  this weekend too, and I hope to bring you some good news regarding development of a new mod at the beginning of next week. Personally I may stop any new coding for Kingpin as the number of servers is not growing and I feel it may be wasted work. I'm canning the Bodyguards project for the moment and moving it over to Soldier of Fortune. Depending on how it's recieved there, I may do a Kingpin version. Rest assured I will continue to support Godfathers, and Rat will still be developing. I'm also looking at enhancing the ASC mod to better suit admins, so i'm not quitting developing for Kingpin completely, just not doing any new ones and splitting my development time between both games.


1st May 2000

Another New Map - The Slimy Place for Kingpin

Rat Instinct has followed up on his conversion of "The Warehouse" Q2 Deathmatch map, by converting "The Slimy Place" (Q2DM7) from Quake 2 for Kingpin. This is an exceptional 1 on 1 map - more so than it was in the days of Quake 2. Pretty manic with six or more players it is best played with 2-5. Download it here.

Next up should be a conversion of "The Frag Pipe" (Q2DM3) by Pigwhistler, and Rat is busy on getting "The Pits" (Q2DM5) converted. Both should be ready for release this week. In case you hadn't guessed, we're in the process of converting all the quake 2 standard deathmatch maps (except for q2dm1 which has already been done exceptionally well) and releasing them as a map-pack. This will include q2dm2 - 8 and match1, the much forgotten map included in Quake 2's 3.12 patch.

26th April 2000

Rat instinct in Da (ware)house!

Atrophy has gone mapping mad and hot on the heels of pigwhistler's conversion of Q2DM2, comes Rat Instinct's conversion of Q2DM8 - "The warehouse". This is a classic Quake 2 deathmatch map with plenty of room for frag-fests in three interconnected arenas spread over three levels. Of course, those of you familiar with Quake2 will know the warehouse level intimately, but for people new to map you won't be disappointed - a lot of Quake 2's success is owed to its excellent deathmatch map design  - and this element has been faithfully reproduced in Rat Instinct's conversion "KPQ2DM8". Download it here now!

24th April 2000

Pigwhistler's First Attempt at mapping (and it is jolly good!)

Well, I've slogged my guts out the last couple of days and after two 20 hour days of hacking at the map file with wordpad, I present my first map - a conversion of the Quake 2 classic - Tokay's Towers. The map takes the theme of an old abandoned mine and I've taken the liberty of repostitioning items and weapons to try to balance gameplay a bit more (i.e. the hmg isn't straight swapped for the railgun, taken out most of the grenade ammo to cut down on spamming).If you're a fan of the Quake 2 map, then hopefully you'll love this. If you're not aware of what the Quake 2 original was like, have a look and I promise you won't be disappointed. 
After my (IMHO) success on converting this, I might just have to try converting another. There's plenty of classic maps for quake 2 out there that I used to love, so perhaps you'll see some more mapping in the coming weeks. I've also started to do my first original map, but don't expect that for a while as I get to grips with kpradiant. 

You can download the map (1.5Mb zipped) here - KPQ2DM2.ZIP

Also, I'll try to fix all the mod links over the next day or so. If anyone out there was expecting Bulldog soon then I'm sorry that its taking so long - this is not down to the amount of work involved (though it is a lot) but rather that i'm busy with mapping and real-life. I can assure you that it will see the light of day at some point - I'm not going to give a date anymore but lets just say it'll be longer than six weeks...


21st April 2000

Godfathers 2 Beta 1 Released (Quake 3)

That ever productive man - Witchdoctor Ash has made astounding progress on Godfathers Two and has released the first Beta for download now. You can find the file, and more information on Godfathers 2 at http://www.planetquake.com/gf2. Remember this is for Quake 3 - not Kingpin.


20th April 2000

Godfathers 2

Apart from continuing work on IWRU Beta 2, Witchdoctor Ash has been beavering away for a while at Godfathers 2. Unfortunately for you kingpin bods, this won't be coming out for Kingpin, but for Quake 3. Godfathers 2 is more an evolution than a follow up - and the biggest change is the introduction of player classes. The levelling system that forms the backbone of the kingpin version will feature in the mod with each class having extra powerups and items the higher they get in levels. Planetquake is hosting the Godfathers 2 site and you can get to it at http://www.planetquake.com/gf2

In Progress

Work is progressing slowly on updating ASC-kingpin to fix the screenshot folder bug. I hope to sort this out for the weekend, along with a new MOTD for the mini mod, and optional respawn extras.


11th April 2000

As promised, here's Hitmen Version 1.3b to download. This latest version differs to V1.3 in that the showstats command has been enhanced to cycle through everyone's stats if you so desire.

You can download the file here, or from our files section.

If you were wondering where all the other news is, I've archived it off - follow the links below.


10th April 2000

Well another long wait for an update which would have come sooner had I not suffered a fatal hard drive crash. I didn't lose any work (as I do back up my code regularly), but I did lose my e-mails, icq's and details for uploading to the Atrophy site, which has slowed me down somewhat.  So what news do we have for you? Well - plenty as it happens.

Hitmen Version 1.3 Out Now (well almost)

No doubt you'll have seen that the increasingly popular Hitmen has jumped to version 3. This latest release includes full GSlogging stats (useful for server admins) and a new in-game bonus bind of showstats (e.g. bind k showstats) - which will give you some pertinent and not so pertinent but equally fun stats on how you are doing. There's a host of fixes such as grappling after death has been fixed and you now lose get a frag if you manage to kill someone with your grapple. 
Thanks to BC's for testing and feedback on the latest release and you all really owe him a big thank you for bugging us to get these latest features in.

Only problem is Rat Instinct sent me the final version tonight and the zip is corrupted (good start then). I'll get the file uploaded tomorrow, along with a more up to date hitmen page on the mods page.

Godfathers Version 1.2 out soon.

No sooner do we shake a stick at Rat Instinct to get him to update Hitmen, than he goes and does it again - making Pigwhistler obsolete by single handedly taking it upon himself to update Godfathers yet again. Two new features in version 1.2 are GSlogging support and the soon to be ubiquitous showstats command. This differs slightly to the one in Hitmen, but follows along similar lines. 

IWRU Beta 2 due soon

Witchdoctor Ash has taken a break from his top secret project to update the IWRU mod to fix a few minor bugs. Remember there is an IWRU server up at wireplay - give it a chance and you'll love it! 

Latest on everything else

Bodyguards is my main project at the moment (which isn't saying much as I've been quite lazy recently) and I hope to have the first beta available within the next four to five weeks. Rat Instinct is contemplating resurrecting the Racketeers idea and i'll be chivvying him towards this goal over the coming weeks. Godfathers is due a couple of more updates, as no doubt is Hitmen (though what we could possibly add now is a mystery). Hope to announce news on linux versions of Hitmen and Godfathers soon, they are the main projects at the moment. Not sure after Bodyguards is out whether I can sustain interest in developing new mods past that, depends how the scene goes with the arrival of new games. As long as we've got servers going up we're likely to churn them out, and we'll keep updating our usual suspects until the servers go offline or we get them perfect. I'm hoping to convert Godfathers to Soldier of Fortune once the SDK comes out, and Witchdoctor Ash is working on an awesome new mod for Quake 3, rest assured Atrophy will continue to bring you the best in server side mods for whatever field we're involved in.

Of course there's always planned development for other games so keep an eye out for future Atrophy releases covering Quake 3 and Soldier of Fortune, but rest assured that unlike other developers we will not abandon the Kingpin scene till the last server goes offline.

I'll be getting the mods section updated and clearing this page down tomorrow into the archives and the KDC could do with an update too - i'm on the case.

If you're wondering where the old news is - have a look at the archives below!





