I n f e r n a l  C h a o s
by Efflixi
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Click to open bigger picture in separate window
Date Added
Test Connection
LAN / Cable / 56K / Bot
Recommended # of Players
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
File Size
94 kb

Here's anothor author's first public release, and I wish I could say I didn't show, but I'm afraid it does. In the readme however he states he has built maps prior to this one, but never released them. It's intended for one-vs-one rail action, but other weapons have been included as well.

The map itself is pretty small (check the download size) and pretty much consists of just one big room (see top right) with two stories. The upper one has a hole in it and two bars forming a cross with a teleporter in the middle. The lower one has no doors, just a teleporter to the upper level. Very boxy architecture, with little or no detail, so the players can focus on gameplay. There are two pick-up corridors with small health stimpacks lined up neatly in the middle of them. Teleporters are placed in both ends of the corridors, and they take you back to the large room.

The weapons included besides the railgun are chaingun grenade- and rocket launcher, as well as the ever present super shotgun. The two corridors have a connecting hallway that holds the red armor, and the yellow armor is placed in the lower level of the large room.

With a map this small, I'd be surprised if anyone had technical problems with it. The gameplay is very hectic with four players, and more is not recommended; it's probably best suited for what it was designed for, one-vs-one duel games. Personally I think some angled architecture and a few details would have helped, it doesn't take a long time until you're quite satisified with this map and begin to wish for something else. Perhaps the number of teleporters should have been lower, and the hallways definitely should have been shorter. One thing that bugged me was that when exiting the top teleporter in the large room, there was a slight angled exit, so one has to correct it to be straight on the bars.

If you're looking for a clean, easy to learn and fast duel type of map, this is the answer to your prayers. Otherwise, seek elsewhere.