M3 Demos
(all from my point of view)

Demo Size Map Comments
m3a.zip 316k DEATH32A Bigass free for all.. Purty cool..
m3b.zip 1100k DM4 Me and two ClanGib guys.. Did pretty well (had the lead at times), considering these guys are outstanding players..
m3c.zip 837k DM4 I joined this game when the lead guy had about 20 frags, and came out on top by a decent margin at the end.. Started out at around 10 players and ended up with 15 or 16..
m3d.zip 1553k DM4 Low gravity anihilation.. Guess these dudes weren't practicing Skillz Test #3 :) Final score -- me: 100, other dude: -5, other dude: -8
m3e.zip 1103k DM6 Another cool low gravity war.. A bit closer this time..
m3f.zip 2267k DM4 Amazing free for all on DM4.. About 10 players.. Barely won this one.. (Top 3 or so were extremely close -- we were all tied at 98 near the end).. This one's a must download :) -- it's big, but it's worth it..
m3g.zip 473k DM6 Me, Giggler, and 2 others... Giggler had 66 when I joined.. I made it to 26 in the time it took him ta get to 100... May have been close if I joined at the start... Boy, does he like to camp around the red armor..
m3h.zip 1781k DM6 Embrionic Pete givin me a beatdown.. Think he about doubled my score in a race to 30.. I wanna rematch on DM4 with ya Pete ;)
m3i.zip 1036k DM2 Me and like 3 other players... sv_maxspeed was upped to around 500.. Did damn crappy at first, but made it a lot more respectable later..
m3j.zip 1081k DM6 About 7 of us.. Don't remember how I did..
m3k.zip 817k DM4 Me, JUDGECAL, and a couple others.. Think I came out on top..
m3l.zip 1129k DM6 Me, Cal, and a couple others again..