99-11-05 HEAL back from Vacation, Changes in Ranking system, settlers.net
I received a mail from Nathan Chapman. He´s the guy who bought Settler.net. He says he hopes to have the site up real soon. Hope the site will grow big and stay alive for a long time.

We have added a new map called S3F_Amazon_Winter. The map is made by Blue Bite.

I am back from my vacation, and some things have happened.

I have at last received The Amazon! I received it 1 hour before I left, but I was not able to test it at that time. Now that I have done this (I am on the first mission), I can see some things that is specific for the Amazon race! More about this later.

I saw that Blue Bite have been at Settlers Inn. I can tell you SOME more about that. TW Daze said that a TW-member had bought settlers.net, and that he should open it later. Hope this will get a great S3 Site!!

There have been some changes in The Settlers III Ranking system: Players that are resting on their laurels and inactive in defending their positions will now gradually lose points. After a week of inactivity, every further day without play will mean a loss of 15 points for single players. For clans the loss will start after two weeks of inactivity.

You might remember that I talked about a new section before: Occupations. It´s finished, so I think it will go online pretty soon!

99-11-03 Settlers net 1.0?
Went by Settlers Inn a couple of days ago. You remember that site , huh? The great site Nutty was running. It seems as it will be reopened (By whom, I do not no!) within the near future. "Settlers Net 1.0 launching soon" it says on the site.

Four new maps have been posted by the Annihalator over at S3 Catapult hall
/Blue Bite

99-11-01 A series of maps, HEAL´s first "real" Update
I´ve started workin on a series of maps which will all be amazon enabled. The first maps in the series will be for the amazons.

This is my first "real" update. I hope that all you "S3 Fansite-fans" will satisfied with my work here. With me here, you can expect more updates, more analysing, etc...

I am currently working on a new section: Occupations.
I guess that this one will be up pretty soon.

I will go for a vacation tomorrow (Tuesday), and I wont be back until Friday. So I really pray for you that you will make it with only Blue Bite and Jivaro! :-ş
Just kidding...I am sure you will!

So, I will be back here updating at Friday!
Nice to see an update from our new staffmember. I just want to add that there are more sections planned. The one we are most proud of is an interview with a BB programmer, which hasn´t yet taken place though. Other sections we´re working on are walkthroughs and a better clan section.
/Blue Bite

99-10-31 New maps by Pig farmer,- New maps here,-Mark´s S3 site down,-Heal is a new staffmember.
Pig farmer has finished some new amazon enabled maps. Check´em out. Pig Farmer

Today we received four maps from Haavard Ostensen. They´ve been posted already together with some othe maps. Big thanx to you Haavard!!

Here´s some not so fresh news. Mark´s S3 site has shut down. Guess everyone saw it coming, huh?

Heal has started working for us and he has just received his handles and instructions from our host. Hope to see some updates from him soon.

The annihalator (S3 Catapult hall) has started writing at LoS. This, he says, will not affect the updates on his own site.
/Blue Bite

Hello everyone out there! This is HEAL speaking. As you may have seen written by Blue Bite, I am joining staff here at S3 Fansite.
So, now you I guess you will see even more updates and new sections! :-) CYA!

99-10-28 Pig Farmer with new maps,- Updated sections.
The Pig Farmer has uploaded eight new singleplayer maps on his site. And he is currently working on some new amazon maps.

Since we now have received the amazon CD, we can start updating the Tactics & Races section, the screenshot section and the walkthrough section

99-10-27 Amazons in our posession,- Heal a new staffmember
Today we (Blue Bite and I) received The Quest of The Amazons. So now there will be a couple of new sectoins to work on.
We contacted Heal, over at Heal´s S3 site, about coming to work on this site. He´s a bit sceptical, but we really hope that he will become our third staffmember.

....Ahh, Heal has accepted our offer and will come to work on our site
/Blue Bite

99-10-26 Jivaro´s back,- New maps,- Heal needs help.
I´m back from my vacation and I will start update this site a.s.a.p. Seems like there has been a lot going on in my abscence.
The new maps we have received will be posted tonight (probably).

Heal needs some help with his site. He is having problems finding the time to update it. Heal´s S3 site
/Blue Bite

99-10-22 Nitr8 shuttin´ down,- hunters for S4,- New maps
So, it has happened again. A site in the community is shutting down. This time it´s Nitr8´s S3 site that is shutting down. Sad news, since this site was one of the better one´s at the moment. But those of you who has visit his site in the past might have seen it coming due to lack of updates

I´ve read a lot of postings on the message board concerning S4 wishes and come to the conclusion that the hunters are the most wanted elements in the upcoming sequal. Other elements are winter landscapes, better ships and a more advanced editor.

We´ve received a lot of new maps and we will try to post them a.s.a.p.
/Blue Bite

99-10-21Ashman to LoS,- Influence on Settlers 4,- Tactics & Races section
Sorry ´bout not updating for a while.