Quake 2 Cheating Example - Recorded 31/07/98 Playing quake2 late one night (as one does) a player came on the server and kicked ass Thinking to myself what a great player this guy must be, I switched to observer/chasecam mode and watched and recorded hoping to pick up some tips. This demo starts at the beginning of the level 'The Slimy Place' There is a bit in the middle where I couldn't get rid of the damn menu (duh! hehe) but it is only there for a few seconds... You can make you own minds up whether this guy IS any good, but he is definitely cheating! to see the demo... copy the cheating.dm2 into your Quake2/baseq2/demos directory. Load up Quake2 and in the console enter: demomap cheating.dm2 Watch and Enjoy! smeg (smeg999@hotmail.com)