unwad2.exe by Scott Mitting of CircleA Entertainment. smitting@netusa1.net download EdQuake at: http://www.netusa1.net/~smitting/edquake/ This is public domain software and is distributed with source code for free unlimited use, however the author is not responsable for any damage that may occur because of its use. Use at your own risk. These are routines that will eventually be added to the main section of EdQuake's texture controls. I made this file at the request of an EdQuake user. This program will read WAD2 texture files that are used by QBSP and will view and extract the textures to raw or .BMP data. All is ran by the command line, type UNWAD2 -h for help. Should be simple to use. Why did I include the source code? Why not. It's all simple code in comparison to what I'm use to doing, and maybe some people can't read wad2 formats in their editors. I hope I helped some people by releasing the code. This software was designed and programmed entirely on July 19, 1996. (This doc was entirely written after midnight, so I guess it's July 20 :-)