REMIP tool this program can do two things: * recompute all mipmaps of a Quake 1 WAD2 texture file * convert a Half Life WAD3 into a Quake 1 WAD2 It will automatically do the right thing depending on which kind of file you supply to it on the commandline, and output to "remipped.wad". NOTE: I wrote this tool for my own use, and its not meant to be user friendly. If you feed it weird wads, it will do weird things :) You want to remip a Quake 1 WAD2 for example if you created your own wad using mipdip or similar tool, but the mipdips look shit because most tools use a nearest pixel type sampling method which gives you moiree patterns and defeats the object of mipmaps. REMIP samples using averaging (an approximation mind) so looks a lot better. It even takes into account fullbright colours correctly. The WAD3 converter has simply been added to this and converts the individual Half Life palettes to the Quake 1 palette, and then recomputes the mips as above. It also scales down the luminance by 50% as Half Life textures look _very_ bright and as you might know bright textures and Quake 1 don't mix. The results are varying, some textures are usable, others will lose too much in the convertion. another thing is that the palettes will be kept in the WAD2 output file (I'm lazy), they will simply be ignored by mipdip/qoole etc. Wouter van Oortmerssen aka Aardappel NOTE: I'm releasing this for the benefits of others, DON'T email me asking for updates/bugfixes/feature changes.