*** FOR quake\utils\graphics_edit\wad2_builders section *** UpdBsp copyright 1997 by Geoff Phillips (TBF_GEFFERS) binky@DeathsDoor.com home page www.geffers.demon.co.uk This program updates the textures in a BSP (Quake) file from a WAD file, creating a new BSP file. The purpose of this is to allow speedy update of graphics to a level, without incurring the huge computational costs of rerunning the level builder. The program runs within about 2 seconds on any half decent PC, min spec: 386 with DOS. Note: the resultant BSP file has been reorganised, textures are now at the end and you might find some wasted space has been removed, as unused sections are not copied. I also do some word aligning on sections, this might make the BSP file a few bytes longer. Usage: UPDBSP /C inputbsp inputwad outputbsp or UPDBSP inputbsp inputwad outputbsp for example updbsp e4m6.bsp mywad.wad newlev.bsp ***WARNING don't use the same input filename as output filename, not designed to work that way, just don't do it, ok? **** The program is written in assembly, it is therefore fast and small. I release this as provisional freeware, that is, you can use it so long as you don't make a profit from reselling it, release it in another form, steal it or claim it your own. Other than that, give me a mention if you wish in products made where this has been a help. Other programs in this series: BSP2WAD, MERGEWAD, SUBWAD. Quake is a trademark of that fine ID company.