Quest Beta 1.090/1.091/1.092 Changes: -------------------------------------------------------- Changed in 1.092: - NOW I removed the debug statements. They were out of the code in 1.091, but not the executable. Don't ask me. Changed in 1.091: - Wait utility included with Quest. - When doing a Build Visible, if the info_player_start is hidden, you are started from the camera position of the active viewport. - Debug printfs removed when switched modes with TAB - Added bspdir variable to all the batch files for those without qbsp, light, and vis in their paths. - Menus cleaned up (old grouping stuff removed). Added: - Map building from within Quest. You will need to edit each of the six go?.bat files so they point to your quake and editing areas. Make sure that qbsp, light, and vis are in your path, and also make sure that you have enough environment space for the variables that I declare in the batch files. Alt+B brings up a list of build options, all of which are fairly self-explanitory. For the entity- and light-only options, make sure that you have previously run qbsp on your map. - Option in quest.cfg to specify the threshold at which Quest pops up the menu window. Some people were having problems getting the menu to pop up. Fixed: - When selecting a single entity, it did was registered as selected when trying to edit it. Changed: - Grouping has been largely re-done. Now all grouping functins are available through a single popup, accessed with Alt+G. It is organized in columns, starting with the display color, then whether it is using SmartSelect, then whether it is Hidden, and finally its name. The SmartSelect and Hidden buttons can be toggled, and clicking in the colora are will cycle through the possible group colors. Grouping now works for entities as well as brushes. PLEASE NOTE: Because of the major changes made the grouping code in Quest, groups made with previous versions (before 1.090) of Quest are no longer valid for loading. I apologize for this, but it was completely necessary. From this popup you can also: 1. Create a new Group. All brushes/entites that were selected prior to bringing up the Group popup will be assigned to the new group, whose name you are prompted for. 2. Delete a Group. Select a group from the list, click on the delete button, and it will be removed. All brushes/entities in the group being deleted are moved into the World group. 3. Add to a group. All brushes/entities that were selected prior to bringing up the Group popup will be assigned to the specified group. 4. Remove from a group. All brushes/entities that were selected prior to bringing up the Group popup will be removed from their current group and added to the World group.