Title YARDWAR Filename YARDWAR.MAP Author Don Safer Email Address DSAFER@DSP.COM Other levels by me CVA, QUATRO Level Notes This my first from scratch level. I had intended to have a rather large rail yard (I am a rail fan) to Duke Match in but the frame rate rapidly became to slow on my 66MHz SLC 486 so my plans changed. This is a single player map. You are pinned down in a four story building next to a rail yard. You must live long enough to find the exit button. I have not yet bothered to learn tags so the only one used is on the exit button. This map works well enough on a 133MHz Pentium. There are some visual glitches outside the building because DN3D was not intended to create large open spaces. Credits to: 3D Realms (they did not create this level and will not suport it). Thanks to play testers Victor, Glenn and Jeff. *Play Info* Tested with ver. 1.3 Single Player YES Cooperative No Dukematch No (sorry) Difficulty Setting No New Sound No New Graphics No New Music No Demos replaced None *Construction* Base New level from scratch Completion time Allot Editor used Build (Thank you Ken Silverman) KNOWN bugs Minor visual glitch in the building. *Copyright / Permissions* Authors are encouraged to use this level as a base or inspiration for additional levels. Please send me a copy. You may distribute this MAP (YARDWAR.MAP), provided you include this text file with no modifications. Don Safer 04/19/97