MSSP Episode V3.0 MSSP Episode for Duke Nukem v1.4 or 1.5 By: Mikko Sandt !!!IMPORTANT: READ STORY TO UNDERSTAND!!! MSSP Episode includes: +++++++++++++++++++ -Eight levels -New sounds -New musics -Modified enemies -New textures and lot more How to install/use MSSP episode: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Just unzip all files to your Duke v1.4 or 1.5 directory. Run game by clicking 'msspv3.0.bat' or type 'msspv3~1.bat' (if this doesn't work then type 'dir/p' and find out the name of the file) in dos. In game choose episode 3. Story: ++++++ After thousands of alien invasions a group of top scientists tried to find out the source of all alien force. Where's the planet of these creatures? Some of the alien craft were noticed in the direction of Orion star system. Scientists came in the conclusion that the aliens came from Orion's star (which seems to be a planet) called Betelgeuse. EDF tryed to nuke the whole planet away but aliens' defence system was better. As a revenge of this pathetic try to kill all alienkind they decided to strike back. Remains of the alien forces attacked to earth once again. This time with new units like clone Emperors and clone Overlords. Suddenly all people started to die all over the world. It was an alien-made plague which killed about 60% of the earth's population. Those who were left started their plans against the alien army. Duke was sent to find out if there are any fellows left in the EDF's main facility. He was also given a mission from the top: Kill all enemy forces by defeating the new Emperor. This can be done only by going through the bases, cities and died human bodies to reach the moon station where's the current base of operation of the new alien emperor. -Fate of mankind is in your hands. Tips: +++++ You might experience some problems in MSSP4 level (Riot). After finding the jetpack from the sewer fly back to the street with buildings and fly as high as you get to reach the window above where the blue keycard is located. MSSP5's (Project Blue) end might be a tricky thing. In the building site you just have to look down to locate the window in the opposite building - jump there - spare your energy. MSSPEND (The Source) has only very limited ammo. Use only pistol bullets to take down alien liztroops and use NVG to locate them. Don't waste your bullets in this level. ================================================================ Title : MSSP Episode Date Finished : V1.0: 16th of June 2000 V2.0: January 2001 V3.0: March 2001 Author : Mikko Sandt Email Address : or Misc. Author Info : Duke map/add-on king from Finland Born in 14th of November in 1984 - Because this my last product for Duke3D (probably) I will tell you something else too: I bought Duke3D as my first computer game in 1996 (december). I started building in 1997 (december) and first level in MSSP serie came 1999 (march). Now I'm leaving mapping... Description : Episode which has eight levels and new textures, sounds, modified enemies, musics etc. This is not a TC! Additional Credits to : To every MSSP4-MSSP6 beta testers. And others who I mentioned in MSSP map text's (single maps can be downloaded from MSDN). Also Children from BugTeam ( for Doom2 mid. Also to Valve and ID for sounds. To Bob Averill for new effects like 3d-switch and energy bars. Gary and Jonah Bishop for Group File Studio ( George W.Bernard for textures & enemies ( - This whole things wouldn't exist without your total conversions (gave me lots of inspiration and power). Kimmo Nikkanen for writing that Build guide book in Finnish - My Duke building products wouldn't exist without him. Starship Troopers TC and Moloch ( for giving me permission to use sky textures from SST TC. Antonio Rodríguez for bug report. Duke community for being alive as long as possible. Shambler because he released a cool map with a damn cool midi (MSSP4). and for hosting and supporting my stuff - thanks guys! You for playing my maps and things like that - you know. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Eight levels replaces episode three Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes (MSSP4, MSSP6, MSSP7) DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes (in some levels) Difficulty Settings : Yes (in most levels) New Sounds : Yes (from hl/q1/q2/q3) New Music : Yes New Graphics : Yes New/changed CONs : Yes Demos Replaced : Yes * Construction * Build Time : MSSP1 came out in March 1999. MSSP7 (latest) came out in February 2001. This pack was first released in 2000 summer and V3.0 in spring 2001. Editor(s) used : Build, QPed, Group file studio (for grp file), Editart, DukeRes, PSP. Known Bugs : Some small ones. Nothing serious or ugly. ================================================================ * Copyright, Permission * All sounds are from HL and Q2 and are property of Valve and Id software. Music is from Doom2 and is property of Id software. All other things including maps are made by me and are mine. If you want to use them as a base to build another levels, you have to ask me first. You may include single MSSP maps to your website if you wish as well as this episode. MSSP single map files with txts are available at MSDN (url above). New arts which are made for me by George W.Bernard can't be used in other projects unless you ask me first for permission. Also SST TC Skies can only be used with the permission of Moloch from SST TC. Version History: V3.0: (final) New map (mssp7) Modified enemies added Older levels modified new txt version New Sounds New high quality textures V2.0: New map (mssp6) Updated cons and txt New Sounds V1.0: Everything new