Hi! Welcome to the NEW AND IMPROVED DRONE 2 DOPEFISH CONVERSION. With new sounds, cleaned up graphics, and an improved install that lets you keep your original art and sound files intact. You should have these files: tiles007.dop - the artwork snakrg.dop - the sounds snakata.dop snakatb.dop snakpn.dop snakdy.dop enghum.dop yesdope.bat - will replace the drone with the dopefish nodope.bat - will replace the dopefish with the drone Have fun, and if you can't get any of this to run, e-mail me. roland@greatbasin.com Don't forget to get my awesome debut level, strangeday.map, with NEW GRAPHICS NEW SOUNDS NEW MUSIC NEW IDEAS at http://www.greatbasin.net/~roland/home.htm - follow the Duke3D stuff link! Peace, r