DukLanch - By Bradley Ansell Launching System for Duke Nukem 3D version 1.3D This is it! The BEST Launcher out there! One use will blow you away with the immense amount of features! Features include: - Level/Difficulty Selection - Single and Multiplayer Compatible - Access Setup and DN3DHELP easily - Fool-Proof Design so ANY idiot could figure it out! - Thoroughly tested by Yours Truly - Installer and Uninstaller included - And SO MUCH MORE!!!! This Program is FREE, so do not worry about paying me. How to use: Unzip DukLanch.zip to any directory and type install When installed, type "DukLanch" when in your Duke3d Directory. Copyright Notice: You may freely distribute this program only if the program and this README file stay in their original form. NO MODIFICATIONS ALLOWED. If you experience any problems, e-mail me at valcor87@hotmail.com