Classification Breakthrough! At the end of April, 1997, the Australian OFLC re-classified the original US version of 3D Realms' Mega-Hit - Duke Nukem 3D. This now may be distributed legally in Australia with the same MA15+ rating that the original censored Australian version received. If you have the earlier censored Australian version, and would like to change to the un-censored US version, download the compressed patch file here. Either download the file directly into the directory where you installed Duke on your hard drive, or copy it into that directory after downloading. Go to the DOS prompt in your Duke directory and type: D3D-US [Enter] - this will unpack the compressed file. Next, type: D3DUS [Enter] - your Australian version will be replaced with the US version. Please note: This patch will work only with the Australian version of Duke Nukem 3D, and only with the installed files from the complete version - not the shareware version.