Duke's Vacation readme Version:1.3d Description:These con,maps and midi replace episode1. They also change some weapons. weapon 2 is changed into a M-64 assualt rifle weapon 3 is changed into a plasma gun weapon 4 is changed into a set of dual uzis weapon 5 is changed into a very powerful rocket launcher,it is called a EDF Nuke launcher.Test it out to learn the blast radius so you don't get killed using it . weapon 6 the pipebomb is changed into a CBU-80 GUILLOTINE.This weapon is mini-nuke it is very deadly.Test it out to learn the blast radius so you don't get killed using this deadly but small weapon.Due to saftey restrictions you can only carry 20 mini-nukes. weapon 9 the tripbomb is changed into a CBU-60 GULLOTINE armed with a uranium core. Use with caution. maps due not require Atomic\Plutonium editon Duke's vacation story: Duke was sick and tired of fighting of alien invasions.He needed some R&R.So Duke took his private jet back home and flew to Hollywood for some beer,babes and rest.Duke was going to book a room at Hotel Hilton.But then Duke finds the streets empty no cars no people no nothing.Duke goes to the lobby of Hotel Hilton a waiting party of aliens is waiting.So Duke locks and loads ready for enything and thats what he should suspect enything. How to use: back up user con and extract to files duke3d derectory. credits:Yves Bresson,When Scum Returns T.C Team I was wondering how to make other explosions apear after the pipe bomb explodes. If you find a way post the updated version at www.dukeworld.com bugs:Game crashes if you use an explosive weapon in a heavily sprited area.