Vozhd: Imagine something so monstrous, so hideous, that mortal men often die from the mere sight of it. Nearly twenty feet, a mass of flessh, bone, sinew and gnashing maw... and it is stalking you, hungering for the sweet taste of your flesh. Music by Florindo aka "DJ PWKHA" of Traumtrek Slither: Slither is a piece inspired by fellow Redemption fanatic "Tagplazen" and his song "Creepy." The setting is the lair of a Setite priest. The dance has begun. The blood has been spilled. Temptation takes control and fills the void. ENGLISH: Temptation builds within . Set and I unify. Temptation frees me from myself. set and I unify. I dance in blood and temptation from inside outward. Set and I unify. LATIN: Temptatio in meo accrescit, et unus cum Sete sum. Temptatio meum ex meo liberat, et unus cum Sete sum. Per cruorem et per temptationem, circulus ab interiore saltatus est, et unus cum Sete sum. In caede aliorum et temptatio aliorum ex interiore meo ad exteriorem meo salto. Unus cum Sete sum. English to Latin translation by Erik Anders Lavas. Music and Lyrics by Florindo aka "DJ PWKHA" of Traumtrek