Celebrating 12 years of Quake!

Quake Franchise Photoshop Contest

The contest is to see who can come up with the best Photoshopped/GIMPed image. We're looking for images of retail or customer service environments, but with Quake characters replacing the employees, which should make for some entertaining scenes if people are creative. Think of a Shambler working the McDonalds drive-through - or whatever! If you need some inspiration, check out http://www.notalwaysright.com, which was the inspiration for this contest.

Word-balloons, captions, or anything added to the photo is totally legit, but try to keep it mostly appropriate (feel free to add in ludicrous gibs though).
Global Gamers staff will narrow the submissions down to the top 5, and then those submissions will be voted on by the Tastyspleen and Quake Expo crew.


There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for the submissions:
1st place receives a $50 gift certificate to ThinkGeek.com and a Quake Live beta invite
2nd place receives a $25 gift certificate.
3rd place receives a $10 gift certificate.
We reserve the right to increase the amount for the prizes if we REALLY like the submissions.


We ranked the winning entries by who followed our instructions the best. :) Thanks to everyone who participated!

  • First place, submitted by KainRacure:
    Quake @ BK

  • Second place, submitted by Nine:
    Orbb goes shopping!

  • Third place, submitted by ViciouZ: