Features | Mailbag | 11/14/98

Button Please
by B. Stevens
    My TFNewswire button is looking pretty outdated. Word on the TF scene is that it's a collectors item and is going for a slightly used rocket launcher or even a shiney new nailgun! Hey! how about a PlanetFortress Button? Or have they gone the way of the 2.5 FPS? Get someone on it....come on... puuuuleeeeaze.
(Editors note: Hm.... And just exactly how much are they going for, I have a few of them laying around! Actually, we do have a button at the bottom of the hosted sites menu. Does that mean you are not looking through the hosted sites list??? The button blends in with everything so well it is easy to miss I guess.)

You lost me there
by OgreBiter[=C=]
(Editors note: I am also a soldier, it's my job, it's what I do. The thing most people forget is that the soldier has plenty of disadvantages as well. It is the slowest class out there. Slower than slow. You ever try to catch a scout? The speed disadvantage all by it's self makes the nail grenade appropriate. To overcome the speed disadvantage, the soldier has to develop a lot of different tactics and skills and because of that, when people say the soldier is a newbie class, I think they are full of shit.)
(Editors note: The above is a comment I made last time I updated the Mail bag and here is OgreBiter's response to that)
Hi Ed.: You lost me there... Slower than slow??? Put on a HWYGuy suit sometime, then try to RUN REAL FAST (tm). The Soldiers rip right past us when we're still 'sprinting'. I could jump off the balcony in 2forts at the same time as a soldier and when I hit the ground the soldier is already halfway across the bridge. I just don't understand this point in the last Editorial. And then....Scout? What's that? I thought I saw a blur go by.... was that the team scout? No it's the enemy scout... Excuse me while I try to shoot another blur incoming...

(Editors note: Actually I thought the Soldier and HWGuy were the same speed but a soldier's speed is 240 and a HWGuy's speed is 230. So their speeds are very close you see. It would make for a very boring foot race I'm afraid. The real villin here is the Scout who has a speed of 450!!!!!)

What irrates me...
by scott
    You know what irrates me... When you go on a PUBLIC server and you ask if anyone is looking for a clan.. and the server OP tells you, you can't advertise on the server.. It should be a private server, then. Am I correct..?
(Editors note: Well...... I guess a server admin can make whatever rules they want, but it seems a bit anal to not allow recruiting on their server. I mean whats the big deal? Are they afraid someone will come along and steal all of the good players from the internet and no one will be left clanless??? For every person in a clan, I'll bet there are three who are not in a clan. Probably way more than that. That is a grubby, poor rule if you ask me. Sheesh....)

by Myzery[CWC]
    Hello PlanetFortress, this is Myzery[CWC] and I'm currently beta (actually Alpha) testing ICQ 99...when it is available to the public NOBODY will be dissapointed...hell it even has a built in email client and some other nice new features, but i wont get into that...this is the BEST ICQ EVER....
(Editors note: That's nice to hear. Is it still going to be free???? Bahahahaha)

by Wookieballs-UVM-V
Im really interested in how many clans plan on moving to tf2 and how many plan on staying in tf1 Has this been polled yet? If not, could you? I really think alot of people will end up coming back to TF1, seeing that it will probably be easier for them to have a frag fest. Just my opinion there. I know the hardcore clans that have been around forever will probably move on (which is a good thing) and we'll get some great competition like we did in the early days... It just seems like all the matches these days is the floodgate tactic... you know, open the floodgates of players and weaponry and see if the Defense can plug the holes? =) I wonder what will happen to all of the fragsters out there when they wont be able to rocketjump all over the place? (i guess jumppack all over) Oh yeah, and who plans on using current clans for Starsige Tribes? I sure as hell plan on being in a UVM contingent when that game comes out (if i can scrape together one).

Undique Venit Mors
"Death comes from all sides, even from within- Wooks"
(Editors note: We have done polls. We have done polls about polls and maybe even polls on polls about polls. I don't think we have had the poll you mention having yet though. I forwarded this to the pollster!)

Not Sure
by [CPFF] HeadlNr
    im not sure this even belongs anywhere, but im lookin for some help. I have recently had a run in with a TF'er that was spammin the respawn on a 2fort map, after a few minutes of this, i asked if there was anyone that had rcon, and could kick this player. as it turned out this guy kept targeting me, in the respawn so i just let him conc me over and over, couldnt get out anyway, so let it be. Well this wouldnt be the last i have to deal with this matter. I was playing today and a member from a clan, i wish not to mention, accused me of spammin respawn rooms the other day, i had to tell this guy that it wasnt me, it was a guy that wants to ruin my name. I play soldier only and that is the only class i play. So what do i do, I play for [CPFF] clan planetfortress farm, and i dont want it to give the clan a bad name, and i dont want to play under another name. So what do i do.

[CPFF] HeadlNr
(Editors note: Unfortunately, it appears you just stumbled upon a game with a bunch of loosers. Anyone who does that is a mental midget. They are sick puppies. Low lives. Non entities. Did I leave anything out? Oh yeah, cheezers and wankers too.)

Q II mods for Q?
by [RJ]••GhØst••
    Cant we have some of the Q2 mods in Quake(the first quake) like, Jailbreak, Qpong & others? ok fine...take out the pretty lights, great skins & graphics....Quake aint dead ya know! Sure Q2 may be the best, but it cant run on a 5x86 so-slow-a-snail-could-beat-it AMD PC! (well it runs but you should see how fast it is!) and about Q3. I heard that ID Games is rewriting the hell outta the networking code but can they or someone do the same to Quake 1 & 2? Now us Quakers would like to at least see some Q2 mods come to Quake 1 and it might be fun...not all of us play or like Q2. We all want a taste of Q2!!!

(Editors note: I doubt anyone will make any of the Q II mods for Q. BUt you never know. I don't expect Quake to die off any more than I expect TF to die off when TF for Half-Life is released. I could be wrong. But If I am it will be the first time.... that I can remember anyway.)

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