Features | Mailbag | 3/14/99

(Editors note: Yes, it has been a while since the last mail bag. But we have only received six items in the past month. I can only think that the majority of readers are perfectly satisfied and nothing but a bunch of yes men in the sense that they have no comments, gripes, observations or anything of interest to say at all. Could this indeed be the case? I seriously doubt it. Why not send in your comments today. I would be more than glad to respond heheh.... And I will not be so brutal and rude as some things I have read other places..... At least I try not to be. On with the mail bag! )
The memories
by Alpha Omega
I just thought i'd post this, as sort of a moment for everyone to sit back and remember the good o'le days of TF. I started to think like this when the other day, i was playing one of the older maps, 2Tech4. I wish more servers would play it, and if i had a server, I'd put it on. I sort of got off track, but anyways, I was guarding the flag when this soldier ran down into the basement and started towards the flag. I started spamming the room with MIRV grenades and pipebombs, and ran over and hit the button for the ceiling to crush. He killed me and went for the flag, and no more than a second after he got it, he got squished. Sorry people, but i didn't get a picture or demo, but then again, i dont record everything I do. Well just think about this and remember all the nice times you've had playing TF. =)

Alpha Omega
(Editors note: I can still remember how satisfying it was to get my first kill in TF. I still think the good times far outweigh the bad times while playing. It is just so much easier to focus on the bad. That is understandable seeing as one bad thing can ruin an entire game. But it is much more enjoyable to remember the good times, so I'm with you Alpha Omega!)
Team fortress
by Louise Springs
I have looked for team fortress in the stores and no one knows what im talking about and say it hasnt come out yet.......Is there a game out or not I see a page dedicated to this game. Where can I find it?
(Editors note: The people in the stores think you are asking about Team Fortress 2. It has not been released yet, probably won't be untill late this year. Team Fortress, on the other hand is readily availibe as a Quake mod. If you have Quake, then you can play TF. Go here and read about TF, and then go here to down load the files you need. Keep stopping by for the lates news we get on TF Classic, the port over of TF to the Half-Life engine, and TF2 as it becomes availible.)
Staff Question...
by Macguy
How do you get on the PTF staff??? I wanna be a part of the PTF world.

Alex Anderson
(Editors note: Send me $1,000 in unmarked bills and I'll get back to you. Actually, when we need new help, we advertise or draw from the help offers I have on file. Send us your qualifications, and I will file them for future reference! Seriously! I keep them all just in case. never know when you need fuel for a good bon fire!)
by Raun
In response to:
TFC Date (as posted on PF)
[17:36 PST - By Slick] Well, I can say that we got word from a reliable source that TeamFortress Classic, will be releasing in a few weeks. There is no official release date as of yet. But this we can tell you.
Oh gee! Thanks for the info.. DOH! People have been saying it'll be out in a few weeks since January when it WAS supposed to be out according to Valve/Team Fortress. This isn't exactly reliable news considering the vagueness of it. Seriously, I'm getting tired of people reporting release dates, saying their reliable then BAM.. they're not. This is the same as lying and there's no point to it. If you don't know, don't report it. And if Valve can't tell you with a straight answer then forget about it. Sorry to whoever reads this, I wanted to send it directly to Slick, but couldn't seem to find an email for him. Slap him on the side of the head... Just think, if it takes them this long to port the existing TF then I hope TF2 is already done cuz it'll be old before it's new.

(Editors note: Hm.... well eventually, if you get tired enough, perhaps you will fall asleep untill it is indeed released. As far as being accused of lying, you try reporting what you feel is accurate only to have someone jump all over your case when you have no controll what so ever of the outcome. (I only lie in bed) Slap yourself up side the head and see if maybe something is loose in there. Never hurts to check. There must be some reason for you being so sick and tired. Have you seen a doctor lately?)
by AndyX
I am confused... this is a common thing to us 1st person shooters newbies. I have been hearing about this port of the quake classic for HL - and now I have been reading about tournaments that will include this add-on? (free) Question - is there a free add-on some where? Question - Are they referring to the Multi Player Content download?

-Andy Wood
(Editors note: Finally, someone who lives in the same state I do! (State of confusion) Team Fortress was a very successful mod created for Quake. The Team Fortress Software guys and Valve Software (Makers of Half-Life) are now working on Team Fortress 2, based on a heavy modification of the Half-Life engine. However, in the mean time, they are offering Team Fortress Classic, a free down loadable add on to Half-Life. It is a direct port over of TF to the Half-life engine. It will be availible very soon. Keep checking back for any new developments. If you are still confused, try moving to another state, I think it's the air quality around here that does it. My head always seems to clear when I pull it out of the hole I have it buried in.)
Death Notices
by [kZ]OgreBiter
I agree with Hal's post. Not only do we have lamers, cheaters, and other assorted lowlifes flooding the community, now we have garden slugs as well. I have very strong thoughts on this kind of (deleted) behavior and am thoroughly disgusted. Maybe the cousin needs to be (deleted) with a (deleted) and then (deleted) until he (deleted) as well as the previous two (deleted) who started this whole thing. (delete) 'em all!! Argghhh...

PlanetFortress Guild Central
HWGuy Guild
News, Links, & Graphics Editor
Send TeamFortress News!!
(Editors note: OgreBiter is referring to an article I posted after the latest attempt of some one propagating an untrue death notice about an online friend. The lowest form of sadistic behavior in my opinion. I am appalled that even a juvenile would stoop so low. They have no meaning full redeeming qualities what so ever. Pathetic.)

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