#1 2017-09-15 01:53:33


Trouble installing Quake Injector

Just discovered this site and I'm trying to install QI.  The readme.txt says to click a .bat file which doesn't exist or to double click quakeinjector.jar.  When I do this I get an error "C:\Quake\quakeinjector.jar  Class not registered".  I also tried 'java -jar quakeinjector.jar' at the C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath_target_88092812> prompt (it wouldn't run anywhere else).  This at least opened the app... almost.  I get a pop-up that says "Downloading failed!  Failed to fetch current database; using previously downloaded info."  I click OK and I get another pop-up that says "Database parsing failed!  Database parsing failed! cannot download package database or read local cache".  I click OK and I get another pop-up that says "Quakepaths incorrect  Quakepath isn't set correctly.  It needs to be set before trying to install (or play)."  I can Open Engine Configuration or Cancel.  I Open Engine Configuration.  I get an Engine Configuration dialog box that asks for the following: Quake commandline options, Quake Directory, Quake Executable, Download Directory, Expansion packs installed: rogue; hipnotic.  That's as far as I get.

What am I doing wrong?

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