#1 2013-08-01 10:50:39


Encrypt everything, attempt #2

All requests to http://www.quaddicted.com should now redirect from http to https.
Excluded from that are requests by the Quake Injector as it currently does not support SSL. Also Java, as the QI uses that user-agent for image downloads...

If you experience problems, please first clear the cache of your browser. If you end up at https://www.quaddicted.comdoku.php/?id= please tell me what browser and when you last accessed the site before. If you are using some tool that requires plain HTTP access, tell me and convince me to whitelist it.

I am sure I broke things, so tell me about them.


#2 2013-08-01 19:45:03


Re: Encrypt everything, attempt #2

Thank you for this Spirit. I certainly don't want the NSA spying on my online Quake activities.


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