PCGamer (US)

Aug 1996 - Disc 2.7


Sep 1996 - Disc 2.8

Quake Shareware 0.91 (quake091.zip) and the patch to 0.92 (quake092p.zip).

Nov 1996 - Disc 2.10


Dec 1996 - Disc 2.11

5150.zip and 5days.zip, both included in the idgames2 deathmatch archive.

Jan 1997 - Disc 2.12

giggler4.zip and marsbase.zip, both included in the idgames2 deathmatch archive.

Not 100% sure if it is the December disc. Disc contents have a timestamp of late October.

Feb 1997 - Disc 2.13

runways.zip and tef_aop.zip, both included in the idgames2 deathmatch archive.

May 1997 - Disc 3.2

manson3.zip and demons.zip, both included in the idgames2 deathmatch archive. ctfbot12.zip from idgames2/quakec/bots/ . 3wctf31.zip (3.9 Megabytes, 818536bbe99ee5129d8d8fc2dc0d10c0), which is an obsolete server-side patch for Threewave CTF 3.0 ( http://www.bluesnews.com/archives/nov96-3.html ).