Secrets on Antediluvian (ant.bsp) by metlslime
This is a list of the secrets on the map Antediluvian by metlslime (ant.bsp from
Secret 1
Secret 2
Before entering the first wind tunnel, check the ceiling behind it. There is a shootable button. It removes bars in the previous room letting you access a secret.
Reward: Quad Damage
Secret 3
Right after that wind tunnel (the one that lets you bounce) there is a grating on the wall of the corridor to the right. Jump against it and a part of the floor will open.
Reward: Red Armor
Secret 4
In the pool of water where you landed after taking the silver key (and jumping into the wind tunnel) shoot the grating at the end of the left tunnel-like stub. Then turn around and swim into the right one, part of the floor will retract.
Reward: Rocket Launcher
Secret 5
After the big outside area you pressed a button to extend a bridge below. Jump onto it and you see a Death Knight on a platform. Kill it but stay inside the opening of the wall. Turn around and you will see a shootable button just below the bridge you previously extended. Shoot it and the platform on which the Death Knight stood will lower. Jump on it.
Reward: Megahealth