ezQuake Manual: Best Ping Route Lookup

ezQuake supports building a ping tree to find the best route for connecting to game servers in order to achieve the lowest possible ping. This is done by using Qwfwd proxies in the world to route traffic between the server and the client.



  1. Refresh the server browser. Either go to "Servers" tab and press [Space] or write sb_refresh into the console
  2. Four phases will commence: updating sources, pinging servers, getting infos and building ping tree
  3. After the last phase is done, "Ping tree has been created" will be printed in the console.
  4. To connect to given server using the best possible route open its info window (press Enter) and then press [x] key. To check what route will be used press [i] key - route will get printed into the console.
  5. Alternatively you can use the connectbr command instead of connect to always use the best available route while connecting.


You always need to have Server Browser refreshed. To get around this, you can try to use sb_listcache 1 which will write the contents of the SB to your hard disc so that next time you launch the client you can immediately use connectbr without having to refresh the Server Browser.

Using this feature your cl_proxyaddr variable will get changed. That means, the behavior of standard connect will be affected, unless you manually clear the content of the cl_proxyaddr variable.

Last update: 19.12.2011 03:43 UTC

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