ezQuake Manual: Colored text

You can use coloured text in this client. First you need to set scr_coloredText 1.
Then you can type colored text. The syntax is "{&cRGBtext&r}" where R is a hexadecimal number in range of 0,1,...,E,F specifying amount of red in the resulting color. Same is G for green and B for blue. E.g. '888' is gray, 'f0f' is pink.
Note.: values of those numbers get expanded to RRGGBB format so e.g. color '04f' can be found as color #0044FF in most graphics editors.

Color 'fff' has a special meaning. It turns coloured text off. It's equivalent to using &r code. To get white text, you should use braces { and }.

Example: "say {&cff0this text will be yellow}, {&cfff}this will be the default orange {and this will be white text}"

Note: The color of the text depends on the console font you use. Most console fonts have white letters. This client mixes the resulting color from these letters. If your standard console font color is not white, you might get different results.

Due to backward compatibility issues, colored text is not allowed to be used in the player's name.


{&c0b0safe&cfff} equivalent with {&c0b0safe&r}
{&cf00enemy&cfff} {&c04fquad&cfff}

Last update: 28.03.2009 17:44 UTC

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