ezQuake Manual: Settings Index

+, -, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

TypeNameShort description
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cmd+attackWhen active the player will fire the weapon he is currently holding. This is the primary command use...
cmd+attack2Secondary attack button.
cmd+backWhen active the player will move backwards.
cmd+forwardWhen active the player will move forward.
cmd+jumpWhen active the player will do a single jump. The next jump won't be performed until "-jump" has be...
cmd+klookWhen active, "+forward" and "+back" become "+lookup" and "+lookdown" respectively. This command is ...
cmd+leftWhen active the player will turn left.
cmd+lookdownWhen active the player will look down.
cmd+lookupWhen active the player will look up.
cmd+mlookWhen active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards performs "+lookup" and "+lookdown" ...
cmd+movedownWhen active the player will swim down when in the water.
cmd+moveleftWhen active the player will strafe left.
cmd+moverightWhen active the player will strafe right.
cmd+moveupWhen active the player will swim up when in the water.
cmd+rightWhen active the player will turn right.
cmd+showscoresDisplay scoreboard.
cmd+showteamscoresDisplay team scoreboard.
cmd+speedWhen active the player will run.
cmd+strafeWhen active, "+left" and "+right" function like "+moveleft" and "+moveright", strafing in that dire...
cmd+useWhen used it will activate objects in the game that have been designed to react at "+use"
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cmd-attackWhen used the player will stop firing the gun if "+attack" is active.
cmd-attack2Secondary attack button.
cmd-backWhen used the player will stop moving back if "+back" is active.
cmd-forwardWhen used the player will stop moving forward if "+forward" is active.
cmd-jumpWhen used the player will stop jumping if "+jump" is active.
cmd-klookWhen used the forward and back keys will stop making the player look up and down if "+klook" is act...
cmd-leftWhen used the player will stop turning left if "+left" is active.
cmd-lookdownWhen used the player will stop looking down if "+lookdown" is active.
cmd-lookupWhen used the player will stop looking up if "+lookup" is active.
cmd-mlookWhen used the mouse forward and back movement will stop making the player look up and down if "+mlo...
cmd-movedownWhen used the player will stop moving down if "+movedown" is active.
cmd-moveleftWhen used the player will stop moving left if "+moveleft" is active.
cmd-moverightWhen used the player will stop moving right if "+moveright" is active.
cmd-moveupWhen used the player will stop moving up if "+moveup" is active.
cmd-rightWhen used the player will stop turning right if "+right" is active.
cmd-showscoresWhen used the score screen will disappear if +showscores is active.
cmd-showteamscoresWhen used the score screen will disappear if +showteamscores is active.
cmd-speedWhen used the player will walk.
cmd-strafeWhen used the turn left and turn right keys will once again perform their original functions.
cmd-useWhen used it will stop activating objects in the game that have been designed to react at "+use".
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cmdaddipAdd a single IP or a domain of IPs to the IP list of the server. Very useful for banning people or ...
cmdaddlocAdds a new loc with the specified name at current location.
cmdaddserverServer Browser: This allows you to add a server to the UNBOUND source. This can be used to quickly b...
cmdaliasUsed to create a reference to a command or list of commands. When used without parameters, displays...
cmdaliaseditAllows you to edit your alias in console manually.
cmdaliaslistThis command supports (perl) regexp matching.
cmdalias_inInserts contents of variable into alias.
optallow360The default behaviour is: We only have room for 15 fullscreen modes, so don't allow 360-wide modes, ...
optallowmultipleAllows multiple instances of client. Allowed only in debug builds.
varallow_download_gfxEnables downloading files from the server from the gfx directory
varallow_download_otherEnables downloading files from the server which are not in \"skins\", \"progs\", \"sound\", \"maps\"...
varallow_scriptsYour current 'allow_scripts' setting will be reported to 'f_scripts' query and anyone will be able t...
cmdallskinsDownloads all skins that is currently in use. Useful for refreshing skins without exiting the level
varauth_validateIf you have 'auth_warninvalid 1' and someone gives a dirty hash in a version response (because the...
varauth_warninvalidCheck auth_validate.
optautostretchThis switch enables the stretching of the screen through pixel doubling when using high resolutions.
cmdautotrackToggles auto-tracking. Auto-tracking switches views for you when you are a spectator or when you are...
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cmdbar_armorHUD element that displays a bar representing your amount of armor.
cmdbar_healthHUD element that displays a bar representing your amount of health.
optbasedirThis switch sets the location of the game data files. You can use this switch to keep the executable...
varbaseskinDefines what skin you see other people using if you don't have their skin and don't have skin forcin...
cmdbfThis command shows a background screen flash that is the same one that is produced when the player ...
varbgmvolumeThis variable sets the volume of the CD music.
cmdbindThis command binds one or several commands to a key. To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose th...
cmdbindlistPrints all binds.
varbottomcolorSets the pants color.
optbppThis switch allows you to specify how many bits per pixel should be used. e.g. ezquake-gl.exe -bpp 3...
varb_switchThis variable allows you to define the highest weapon that the client should switch to upon a back...
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cmdcalendarSame as "date" but also shows a small calendar of the month. Nice :)
cmdcam_anglescam_angles pitch yaw or cam_angles "pitch yaw"
varcam_distfor use with cam_thirdperson. Use +forward/+back to adjust it smoothly
varcam_lockdirForce camera to locked direction mode
varcam_lockposForce camera to locked position mode
cmdcam_poscam_pos x y z or cam_pos "x y z
varcam_thirdpersonEnables third person view in demo playback and spectator mode. In track mode, we look at the person ...
varcam_zoomaccelTo control how fast you zoom in onto the target with +forward/+back in cam_thirdperson mode
varcam_zoomspeedTo control how fast you zoom in onto the target with +forward/+back in cam_thirdperson mode.
cmdcdcd play 5 plays cd track #5 Note: You need -cdaudio to use this command.
optcdaudioEnable Quake's ability to play CDs.
optcddevCD device, default is /dev/cdrom
cmdcenterviewCenters the player's view ahead after +lookup or +lookdown.
varcfg_browser_democolorColor of the demo entries in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_dircolorColor of the dir entries in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_interlineSize of the space between entries in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_scrollnamesToggle scrolling of the filenames in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_selectedcolorColor of the selected entries in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_showdateToggle the date column in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_showsizeToggle the file size column in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_showstatusToggle the display of the status bar in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_showtimeToggle the time column in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_sortmodeSorting mode in the cfg browser. Each number represents one column. Their order represents the prior...
varcfg_browser_stripnamesToggle stripping of the filenames in the cfg browser
varcfg_browser_zipcolorColor of the zip entries in the cfg browser
cmdcfg_loadThis will do a cfg_reset and then execute filename.cfg (ezquake/configs).
cmdcfg_resetThis command will unbind all keys, delete all aliases, msg_triggers, reset all plus commands, teamp...
cmdcfg_saveThis command will dump all aliases, bindings, plus commands, msg_triggers, teamplay settings and va...
varcfg_save_onquitConfiguration will be saved in the main user configuration file, that is config.cfg which can either...
varcfg_save_sysinfoNot implemented yet.
varcfg_save_unchangedconfig file.
varcfg_save_userinfoNote: 'cfg_save_userinfo 1' is best for teamfortress so you don't get kicked for changing bottom col...
varcfg_use_homeWhen turned on, configutaion will be saved into user's profile (home) directory.
optcheatsEnable to use cheats (need server support).
cmdclearThis command clears the console screen of any text.
cmdclearlocsClear all currently loaded locs.
optclientportAllows you to run client on different port than the default.
varcl_anglespeedkeyThis variable sets multiplier by which your "cl_yawspeed" (how fast you turn) is multiplied when run...
varcl_backspeedThis allows you to set your backward speed. Obviously this is also limited by the server, usually to...
varcl_bobThis variable controls how much your weapon moves up and down when walking.
varcl_bobcycleThis variable determines how quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking.
varcl_bobupThis variable controls how long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking.
varcl_bonusflashControls weapon and item pickup flash.
varcl_c2sImpulseBackupUsed with cl_c2spps, it controls how many backup copies of packets with non-zero impulses are to be...
varcl_c2sppsPacket filtering (a la Qizmo's .c2spps command). Use this to reduce network traffic if you're playi...
varcl_camera_deathEnabled only for viewing demos and observing games.
varcl_camera_tpp0 = 1st person view 1 = 3rd person view ala Tomb Raider (such a fun!) 2 = 3rd person view ala cl_c...
varcl_camera_tpp_distanceSet cl_camera_tpp 1 first. See cl_camera_tpp_height too.
varcl_camera_tpp_heightSets vertical position of 3rd person camera.
varcl_chasecamToggle between 3rd-person view and 1st-person view while observing or during demo playback.
varcl_chatmodeConsole chat mode.
varcl_chatsoundControls usage of con_sound_* variables.
varcl_chunksperframeAffects the download speed when using chunked downloads, more chunks per frame results in higher dow...
varcl_clock_format%H represents hours, %M minutes, %S seconds. There are many other flags you can use. See strftime (C...
varcl_clock_xHorizontal coordinates of the clock.
varcl_clock_yVertical coordinates of the clock. If < 0, the coordinates are calculated from bottom up, e.g. -1 me...
varcl_cmdlineRead-only variable showing you what were the commandline options used to launch the client
varcl_confirmquitThis sets whether to confirm on quit (1) or quit with no confirmation (0).
varcl_crossxThis variable allows you to move the position of the crosshair on the X-axis by the specified amount...
varcl_crossyThis variable allows you to move the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis by the specified amount...
varcl_crypt_rconEncrypts rcon messages sent to server.
varcl_curlybracesEnables new syntax to be used for Quake scripting allowing you to enclose commands into curly braces
varcl_delay_packetPlayers can use this to get equivalent pings on server. If you enter delay of 20 miliseconds, incomi...
varcl_democlockA clock showing how much time has elapsed since the start of the demo.
varcl_democlock_xDetermine where the democlock is positioned on your screen on the X co-ordinate.
varcl_democlock_yDetermine where the democlock is positioned on your screen on the Y co-ordinate.
varcl_demoPingIntervalHow often to request ping updates when recording demos. This variable doesn't affect ping updates w...
varcl_demoplay_flashReduces flash grenade effect when watching demos.
varcl_demospeedControls the speed of demo playback in percentage (can be changed during demo playback if you wish).
varcl_earlypacketsRead network data independently on physical frames. When using independent physics, network data wil...
varcl_fakenameAutomatically prefixes all team messages with a shorter version of your nick unless the message has ...
varcl_fakename_suffixSuffix for cl_fakename.
varcl_fakeshaftSmoothes out shaft movement, 0 means no smoothing at all, 1 = 100% smoothing; a value of about 0.5 ...
varcl_fix_mvdA fix for buggy MVD demos, making the client to parse them properly
varcl_forwardspeedThis allows you to set your forward speed. Obviously this is also limited by the server, usually to ...
varcl_fp_messagesThis variable is used in conjunction with the variable "cl_fp_persecond" to define when the floodpro...
varcl_fp_persecondThis variable is used in conjunction with the variable "cl_fp_messages" to define when the floodprot...
varcl_gameclockUse cl_gameclock_x and cl_gameclock_y to place it anywhere on the screen.
varcl_gameclock_offsetAllows using gameclock in custom mods that don't support standard KT-like clock synchronization
varcl_gameclock_xAdjusts horizontal placement of the clock with seconds.
varcl_gameclock_yAdjusts vertical placement of the clock with seconds.
varcl_hidenailsToggles nails visibility.
varcl_hiderocketsToggles rockets visibility. Variable cl_r2g must be 0 to cl_hiderockets 1 work.
varcl_hightrackTurns auto-tracking player with most frags ON when spectating or watching a demo.
varcl_hudEnables/Disables strings-hud. Strings hud is not mqwcl hud. It gives you ability put any string (or ...
varcl_idriveEmulates "strafe script". When turned on you will always move to some direction when holding both ke...
varcl_independentPhysicsThis enables independent physics. This means that you can achieve more FPS in the game than allowed ...
varcl_lerp_monstersEnables linear interpolation on Quake monsters and creatures
varcl_loadFragfilesAlso needed to parse stats for extended scoreboard and frags tracker.
varcl_maxfpsThis variable sets the maximum limit for frames-per-second. Please see vid_vsync, cl_independentphys...
varcl_mediarootChanges where demos, screenshots and logs are saved, how variables demo_dir, sshot_dir and log_dir a...
cmdcl_messagesPrints amount and size of messages sent from server to ezQuake client.
varcl_movespeedkeyThis variable is the multiplier for how fast you move when running (+speed) in relation to when walk...
varcl_multiviewThis client adds a multiview component to mvd playback. Upto four views can be displayed at once. Us...
varcl_mvdisplayhudAlso see cl_mvhudpos and cl_mvhudvertical when this is set to a value greater than 1.
varcl_mvhudflipThis only works when cl_mvdisplayhud is greater than 1. See also cl_mvhudvertical and cl_mvhudpos.
varcl_mvhudposThis only applies to the mini-HUD when cl_mvdisplayhud has a value greater than 1. Otherwise old min...
varcl_mvhudverticalThis only applies if cl_mvdisplayhud has a value greater than 1, otherwise the old style is used for...
varcl_mvinsetTurns inset screen with multitrack on/off.
varcl_mvinsetcrosshairTurn crosshair in inset POV in multiview on/off.
varcl_mvinsethudTurns inset HUD for inset POV with multiview on/off.
varcl_name_as_skinThere are many other skin settings that can override, e.g. all enemy*skin, team*skin settings overri...
varcl_newlerpExperimental rockets/grenades/spikes smoothing code. Default value 0.1 means: use 90% of our 'vis...
varcl_nodeltaControl the network packet delta compression. When you get blue lines in your netgraph, you should s...
varcl_nofakeThis command effects name faking using $/ or cl_fakename used by players.
varcl_nolerpAllows you to disable the linear interpolation (lerp) of objects in the game. Information about obje...
varcl_nolerp_onentityDisables linear interpolation only when player is standing on an entity. It is a workaround to remo...
varcl_nolerp_on_entityDisables linear interpolation only when player is standing on an entity. It is a workaround to remo...
varcl_nopredFor debugging, disables movement prediction for your character; other players are still predicted.
varcl_novwepsTurns off client-side vwep support (drawing of other players' weapon models). Effective after recon...
varcl_onloadTells what will be the start-up screen of the client
varcl_parseFunCharsFull list: $R - red lamp $G - green lamp $B - blue lamp $Y - yellow lamp $\ - carridge return $( - b...
varcl_parseWhiteTextConvert text between { and } to white or not in chat/team chat.
varcl_pext_256packetentitiesAllow protocol extension for allowing more packet entities.
varcl_pext_chunkeddownloadsEnables protocol extension called \"Chunked downloads\". Allows you to download maps and demos from ...
varcl_pext_otherAllows other protocol extensions other than Chunked downloads
varcl_physfpsSets the amount of FPS used to communicate with the server. This variable is used when cl_independen...
varcl_physfps_spectatorAmount of updates the client will send/receive while being spectator. Lower values make the client s...
varcl_pitchspeedThis variable determines how fast you you turn up/down when using "+lookup" and "+lookdown".
varcl_predict_halfThe new default eliminates player models' jittering when independent physics is enabled; a possible ...
varcl_predict_playersThis toggles the prediction for other players' movement. Unless you are having problems this variab...
varcl_proxyaddrThis will override the /connect and /reconnect commands so that the connection is established via gi...
varcl_restrictionsFuhQuake always behave as cl_restrictions 1. QW262 by default it have cl_restrictions 1.
varcl_rollalphaYou can turn off the 'dodging' or 'rolling' effect for your own point of view while still see other ...
varcl_rollangleThis variable controls how much your screen tilts when strafing.
varcl_rollspeedThis variable controls how quickly you and other players straighten out after strafing.
varcl_savehistorySave console commands history to .ezquake_history. Loads history from this file while starting ezqua...
varcl_sayfilter_coloredtextColored text is not supported by some other clients. See cl_sayfilter_sendboth for compatibility mod...
varcl_sayfilter_sendbothWhen used with cl_sayfilter_coloredtext, sends two versions of the teamplay colored messages: colore...
varcl_showkeycodesThis variable enables/disables the output of informations to the currently pressed and/or released k...
varcl_shownetThis variable toggles the display of current net info.
varcl_sidespeedThis allows you to set your strafe speed. Obviously this is also limited by the server, usually to "...
varcl_solid_playersWhether the movement prediction engine should treat other players as solid.
varcl_startupdemoDemo that should be played on client's startup.
varcl_timeoutThis variable defines the timeout value in seconds until the client considers himself to be disconne...
varcl_trueLightningOld name for the cl_fakeshaft cvar. Smoothes out shaft movement, 0 means no smoothing at all, 1 - 1...
varcl_upspeedThis allows you to set the speed with which you move up and down in liquids or in spectator mode. Ob...
varcl_useimagesinfraglogTurns on using images in the frags tracker window to show which weapon did take the role in the frag
varcl_useproxyThis toggles whether Qizmo should be used (if detected) to a server. When enabled the server browser...
varcl_verify_qwprotocolWhen enabled and the client is not associated with handling of qw:// URLs, user will be prompted if ...
varcl_voip_capturingvolVoice (VOIP) support. Volume multiplier applied while capturing, to avoid your audio from being hear...
varcl_voip_micampAmplifies your microphone when using voip.
varcl_voip_playEnables voip (voice chat) playback.
varcl_voip_sendCommands +void / -void emulate toggling this value to 2.
varcl_voip_showmeterShows your speech volume above the at the bottom-left of the screen.
varcl_voip_showmeter_xAdjust horizontal position of the voice volume meter.
varcl_voip_showmeter_yAdjust vertical position of the voice volume meter.
varcl_voip_vad_delayKeeps sending voice data for this many seconds after voice activation would normally stop.
varcl_voip_vad_threshholdThis is the threshhold for voice-activation-detection when sending voip data.
varcl_vsync_lag_fixWhen vid_vsync is set to 1, an artificial delay in the input can appear, enabling this should elimin...
varcl_vsync_lag_tweakToo low values (0.2 or lower) may significantly decrease FPS and make it not synced with display fre...
varcl_warncmdNote: Not saved to config with cfg_save command.
varcl_weaponhideThis is used in majority of teamplay games. If you don't have ammo for shotgun the axe gets selected...
varcl_weaponhide_axeDetermines if axe should be used as "dummy" weapon when using automated weapon hiding (cl_weaponhide...
varcl_weaponpreselectWhen using the weapon command, this variable allows weapon preselection instead of standard immediat...
varcl_window_captionChoose different window caption formats for your taskbar when you play in windowed mode or when the ...
varcl_yawspeedThis variable defines how quickly you turn left (+left) or right (+right).
cmdcmdSends a command directly to the server.
cmdcmdlistPrints a list of all available commands into the console.
cmdcmdlist_reThis command same as cmdlist, but supports (perl) regexp matching.
cmdcolorThis command sets the color for the player's shirt and pants. Note: If only the shirt color is give...
optconbufsizeSets the console buffer size in kilobytes. Default is 64 kB. Maximum is 4 MB.
optcondebugThis switch enables logging of the console text in the "qconsole.log" file in the quake/qw/ director...
optconheightThis switch specifies the vertical resolution for the console screen. Note: You can use this comman...
cmdconnectConnects your client to a QuakeWorld server.
optconwidthThis switch will set the width of the console screen based on the resolution specified.
varcon_completion_changed_markWhether add or not asterisk before variables which values were changed.
varcon_completion_color_changed_markColor of changed mark used in modern completion formatting.
varcon_completion_color_colonColor of colon used in modern completion formatting.
varcon_completion_color_nameColor of variable name in used in modern completion formatting.
varcon_completion_color_quotes_currentColor of quotes of current variable value used in modern completion formatting.
varcon_completion_color_quotes_defaultColor of quotes of default variable value used in modern completion formatting.
varcon_completion_color_titleColor of completion type title (variables, aliases or commands) used in modern completion formatting...
varcon_completion_color_value_currentColor of current variable value used in modern completion formatting.
varcon_completion_color_value_defaultColor of default variable value used in modern completion formatting.
varcon_completion_formatModern - plain list with colorization. Old - somehow grouped list without colorization.
varcon_completion_paddingNumber of spaces to pad command completion variants.
varcon_fragmessagesControls whether frag messages should be printed into console and notification area.
varcon_funchars_modeOrange text, LEDs and special chars with [Ctrl] key - kind of MQWCL behaviour when set to 1
varcon_hide_chat_inputHides the input of own chat text in the console.
varcon_highlightConsole highlighting mode. Will highlight a line in the console which contains your nickname.
varcon_highlight_markSpecifies the text that will be used to highlight lines with con_highlight 2 and 3.
varcon_notifyNotification area is the place where chat and game messages are displayed
varcon_notifylinesThis variable sets the number of notify lines (default 4, max 20) to be used at the top of the scree...
varcon_notifytimeHow long console messages stay on screen.
varcon_particles_alphaSets the transparency of con_particles_images.
varcon_particles_imagesSet the number of images you have in /textures/conpart.png.
varcon_prompt_charcodeValue must be between 32 and 255
varcon_shiftAdjusts vertical offset of background of the console.
varcon_sound_mm1_fileYou can specify notification sound for messagemode1 (/messagemode or /say foo) messages.
varcon_sound_mm1_volumeYou can specify volume of notification sound for messagemode1 (/messagemode or /say foo) messages.
varcon_sound_mm2_fileYou can specify notification sound for messagemode2 (/messagemode2 or /say_team foo) messages.
varcon_sound_mm2_volumeYou can specify volume of notification sound for messagemode2 (/messagemode2 or /say_team foo) messa...
varcon_sound_other_fileYou can specify notification sound for other messages (than messagemode, messagemode2 and from spect...
varcon_sound_other_volumeYou can specify volume of notification sound for other messages (than messagemode, messagemode2 and ...
varcon_sound_spec_fileYou can specify notification sound for spectator messages.
varcon_sound_spec_volumeYou can specify volume of notification sound for spectator messages.
varcon_tilde_modeWhen enabled, allows you to use the tilde key also in the console and when typing messages.
varcon_timestampsToggles time stamps before mm1 or spectator messages. Does not apply to messages with cl_fakename.
varcoopWhether the next "map" command should start a coop (cooperative) game. Only works when deathmatch v...
varcrosshairalphaThis command regulates crosshair transparency, you can use any value from "0" to "1".
varcrosshaircolorThis variable defines the color of the crosshair.
varcrosshairimageTo load the crosshair use "crosshairimage image_name" where 'image_name' is the name of the crosshai...
varcrosshairsizeBasically crosshairsize scales the size of the crosshair. Example: crosshairsize 0.5 halves the siz...
optcurrentThis switch can be used to start the game in the current video mode for OpenGL.
cmdcvarlistThis command supports wildcards. Ex: cvarlist *gl*
cmdcvarlist_reThis command same as cvarlist, but supports (perl) regexp matching.
cmdcvar_resetThis will reset cvar to default. Example: cvar_reset topcolor will set topcolor to default.
cmdcvar_reset_reThis will reset cvar to default. Example: cvar_reset ^gl_.* - resets all OpenGL settings to defaul...
varcvar_viewdefaultWhen you type a cvar name into console (like 'gl_gamma' or 'r_rocketlight'), the client will tell yo...
varcvar_viewhelpAutomatically prints manual page when a variable name is typed in the console.
varcvar_viewlatchedLatched values are used for example for renderer settings. Variable value is latched until the rende...
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cmddateShows current time, date, month and year.
vardeathmatchChooses between basic multiplayer gameplay modes; 1 = weapons disappear after pickup (used in 4on4),...
optdedicatedSupport for dedicated "pingers", which can be set up on your isp or some close by server on a fat pi...
vardefault_fovVery useful in TeamFortress, and other mods that reset your fov when you spawn to 90. Basically, w...
vardemo_autotrackServer-side autotrack is recorded in MVD demos and in QTV stream allowing all the observers of the m...
vardemo_benchmarkdumpsAllows you to automatically dump timedemo benchmark results into $log_dir/timedemo.log file. The out...
vardemo_browser_democolorColor of the demo entries in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_dircolorColor of the dir entries in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_interlineSize of the space between entries in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_scrollnamesToggle scrolling of the filenames in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_selectedcolorColor of the selected entries in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_showdateToggle the date column in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_showsizeToggle the file size column in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_showstatusToggle the display of the status bar in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_showtimeToggle the time column in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_sortmodeSorting mode in the demo browser. Each number represents one column. Their order represents the prio...
vardemo_browser_stripnamesToggle stripping of the filenames in the demo browser
vardemo_browser_zipcolorColor of the zip entries in the demo browser
cmddemo_captureSee demo_capture_fps, demo_capture_codec, demo_capture_dir, demo_capture_mp3 etc.
vardemo_capture_codecDetermines what codes should be used for captured video stream compression. E.g. XVID, DIVX, ...
vardemo_capture_dirChange the default capture directory.
vardemo_capture_fpsChange the default capture fps.
vardemo_capture_mp3When set to 1 .avi capturing captures sound compressed in MP3 format.
vardemo_capture_mp3_kbpsSets bitrate for captured sound stream when demo_capture_mp3 is set to 1.
vardemo_capture_steadycamChanges behaviour of keyboard/mouse input when capturing.
vardemo_dirChange the demos and autorecord directory.
vardemo_formatSpecifies the demo file format used when recording demo with Match tools.
vardemo_getpingsThis toggles whether the client should always record pings into the demo or only when the player die...
cmddemo_jumpThis jumps playback to a point in time you specify. Examples: demo_jump 120 will make playback jum...
cmddemo_jump_statusType demo_jump_status in the console to get closer description of the possible condition formats.
cmddemo_playlist_clearclears the demo playlist
vardemo_playlist_loopwill toggle playlist looping
cmddemo_playlist_nextwill go to the next demo in the playlist
cmddemo_playlist_prevwill go to the previous demo in the playlist
cmddemo_playlist_stopwill stop the demo playlist playback
vardemo_playlist_track_namewill set the default track name in the demo playlist for mvd demos example: jogi, will always track...
cmddemo_setspeedYou can vary the speed of demo playback with the 'demo_setspeed' command. 'demo_setspeed x' sets th...
cmddescribePrints manual info about given variable or command into the console.
optdetailtrailsMore detailed particle trails. (VULT particles).
vardeveloperEnables debug mode which prints more messages into the console than for normal user
cmddevmapTry it in cheats mode, start a map (devmap dm6) and type fly.
optdibonlyDescription: Enable windowed video modes only. This switch can be extremly useful for LAPTOP users...
optdinputThis switch enables the use of DirectInput. This is necessary when using Advanced Mouse Smoothing fo...
cmddisconnectThis command will disconnect you from the server/demo/proxy you are currently connected to.
cmddnsPerforms dns lookups and reverse lookups.
cmddownloadManually download a quake file from the server. Example: download skins/foo.pcx
vardraw_fpsSubstitutes the "time" column with a "FPS" in scores showing how much FPS each player has.
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cmdeasyrecordThis start recording demo and rename it like you have put with match_* settings.
cmdechoThis command will print text to your local console.
cmdedictReports information on a given edict in the game.
cmdedictcountDisplays summary information on the edicts in the game.
cmdedictsDisplays information on all edicts in the game.
varenemybothskinOverrides the enemy quad pent skin so you can define the skin which applies to enemys with both the ...
varenemybottomcolorDetermines the color of the pants of the enemies you see. Overrides player's skin settings.
cmdenemycolorThis will overwride enemy color. Example: enemycolor 12 13 Note: If only the shirt color is given...
varenemyforceskinsAllows you to set different skin for every enemy player even if they all have same skin names set or...
varenemypentskinOverrides the enemy pent skin so you can define the skin which applies to enemy pents.
varenemyquadskinOverrides the enemy quad skin so you can define the skin which applies to enemy quads.
varenemyskinOverrides the enemies skin so you can define the skin which applies to enemies.
varenemytopcolorDetermines the color of the shirt of the enemies you see. Overrides player's skin settings.
cmdevalEvaluates given expression and prints the result into the console
cmdexecExecutes a config file from \qw, \id1 or \ezquake.
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cmdfilterMessage filtering system. Only team messages are filtered. Use filter with no parameters to list cu...
cmdfloodprotThese settings are not saved into your config.
varfloodprotmsgSets the message displayed after flood protection is invoked. Example: floodprotmsg "Shut up whiner!...
cmdflushThis command will clear the current game cache. It is usually used by developers to flush the memor...
cmdflyYou can fly around the map with flymode on. Note: Needs cheat support by server.
cmdfogType RGB value (the range is 0-1) e.g. "0.5 0.5 0.5" goes for gray, "0.8 0.2 0.2" for red-like.
optforceThis switch will force the client to start up in the specified video mode. Note: You can use the "v...
optforceTextureReloadForces reloading textures.
cmdforce_centerviewThis command centers the player's screen. It was created because the original "centerview" command ...
varfovThe default value is 90, however many players prefer using a higher FOV. Note that this would typic...
varfraglimitAmount of frags any player has to reach before the match is over
cmdfraglogfileEnables logging of kills to a file. Useful for external frag polling programs. The file name is fra...
varfreelookdirection up or down.
optfreqIn case of problems try setting this to 75 or 60. Your video hardware, graphics driver and monitor ...
varfs_cacheEnables Quake File System caching of files lists
cmdfs_searchE.g. player.mdl searches all *player.mdl files in all dirs in all paks.
cmdfullinfoUsed by QuakeSpy and Qlist to set setinfo variables. Note: Use the setinfo command to see the outpu...
optfullsbarEnable the refreshing of the full status bar. Note: Normally the game will not refresh the full st...
optfullscreenFullscreen mode.
cmdf_modifiedAll the usual dm models, sounds, palettes etc are included in the check. In teamfortress the teamfo...
cmdf_serverPrints proxies you are using.
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optgameSame as gamedir for server.
cmdgamedirSpecifies the directory where the QWPROGS.DAT file is found and other additional files such as maps...
optgammaChange the gamma of the screen.
cmdgfxinfoThis command will print out useful information about your video card, GL version, and refresh rate, ...
cmdgiveGive user a certain amount of an item. Items: 1 - Axe 2 - Shotgun 3 - Double-Barrelled Shotgun ...
vargl_affinemodelsMakes texture rendering quality better if set to 1. Note: 3dfx thing, not sure. //fuh check this.
vargl_alphafontWhen turned on allows the alpha transparency layer support for the console font.
vargl_anisotropicCheck your VGA card desctiption / drivers for supported levels and what number they have.
vargl_anisotropyDepends on your Graphics card capabilities and settings. Make sure you have enabled "Application con...
vargl_bounceparticlesBouncing particles look nicer, but may eat up CPU.
vargl_buildingsparksBuildings that are destroyed in TF will continue to throw sparks until they disapear.
vargl_causticsTurns reflections on walls covered with liquids (water, lava, slime) when set to 1. Multi-texturing ...
cmdgl_checkmodelsNot well implemented yet. Quickly looks at the pmodel and emodel listed in every player's infokey an...
vargl_clearThis variable will toggle the clearing of the screen between each frame. This can be helpful when s...
vargl_clearColorSets clear color (gl_clear 1)
vargl_colorlightsThis implementation does not give a speed increase when gl_colorlights is set to 0, but it does not ...
vargl_consolefontChanges your console font. Put all your charset images in qw/textures/charsets/*.png (and *.tga) an...
vargl_contrastChange contrast.
vargl_coronasAdds coronas to some effects:Explosions - Basically just a bright flash since the default explosions...
vargl_coronas_teleAllows you to turn on/off blue light when spawning.
vargl_cshiftpercentThis variable sets the percentage value for palette shifting effects (damage flash, powerup blend). ...
vargl_cullThis variable toggles the use of internal OpenGL functions for removing covered objects. When this ...
vargl_cutf_tesla_effectWhen a shambler is preparing to throw lightning, or a tesla coil (TF) is charging to fire, a particl...
vargl_detailTurns on/off fine detailed textures.
vargl_detpacklightsA little green light appears on the detpack, and when the timer reaches 5, the light changes to red....
optgl_extPrints loaded OpenGL extensions into the console on startup.
vargl_externalTextures_bmodelsnon-world .bsp models (any .bsp that isn't the actual map. Ex. health and ammo boxes).
vargl_externalTextures_worldworld .bsp model (i.e. the actual map).
vargl_extratrailsMisc trails that appear on objects that frequently move, such as TF grenades, caltrops, etc. Railgun...
vargl_ext_texture_compressionEnable reducing memory held by textures on cards that support it (but textures loaded slower and may...
vargl_finishThis variable toggles the calling of the gl_finish() OpenGL function after each rendered frame.
vargl_flashblendThis variable affects when glow bubbles are displayed in the client. You can change the color of the...
vargl_fogTurns fog effect on and off (GL-Only). See /gl_fogstart /gl_fogend /gl_fogsky and /fog too.
vargl_fogblueBlue factor in the color of the fog
vargl_fogendSets ending distance for rendering the fog. When fog is turned on, you cannot see behind this distan...
vargl_foggreenGreen factor in the color of the fog
vargl_fogredRed factor in the color of the fog
vargl_fogskyWhen turned on, fog effect affects sky too. We suggest turning this on otherwise fog looks ridiculou...
vargl_fogstartSets starting distance for rendering the fog. The greater the number is, the better visibility in ga...
vargl_gammaChange GL gamma.
vargl_hwblendNote: 1 can be slow on wintNT/2K.
cmdgl_infernoClientside (noone else can see it) hard-striking rocket, serves well for your entertainment.
vargl_inferno_speedChanges speed of gl_inferno missile trail.
vargl_inferno_trailChanges type of gl_inferno missile trail.
vargl_lighting_colourAlias models are effected by coloured lights around them.
vargl_lighting_vertexAlias models no longer have the same level of light on all sides. This may not work correctly if col...
vargl_lightning_colorThe RGB color of particle lightning beam and sparks.
vargl_lightning_sizeAdjusts size of ligtning particle beam.
vargl_lightning_sparksSparks fly from walls when hit by lightning gun.
vargl_lightning_sparks_sizeSize of lightning sparks.
vargl_lumaTexturesTurns using of luma textures (named *_luma) ON when set to 1 and allowed by server.
vargl_luma_levelSome luma textures have black (in RGB format its 0,0,0) non-transparent pixels. This can make them t...
vargl_maxtmu2Allow only two texturing units. Sometimes usefull for buggy ATI cards. If you don't need this, don't...
vargl_max_sizeThis variable determines the detail level for loaded textures. When set to "1", the objects and wall...
vargl_miptexLevelIt is essentially a GL 'equivalent' to d_mipcap in software. It has no affect when loading external...
vargl_motiontrailsWhen enabled, flags and keys leave behind a kind of after-image. Fiends also leave trails when they ...
vargl_motiontrails_wtfSame as gl_motiontrails but works for all players and creatures.
vargl_nailtrailAdds a white trail onto nails as they fly around. This feature wont work on servers not running wit...
vargl_nailtrail_plasmaAdds plasma trail to nails.
vargl_nailtrail_turbSwitches between two type of bubbles nails leave behind in water.
vargl_no24bitDisables support of alternate 24bit textures. Requires a vid_restart to take effect.
vargl_particle_blood_colorChanges colour of blood.
vargl_particle_blood_typeChooses among types of blood particles.
vargl_particle_explosionsTurns particle alternatives to each r_explosiontype on or off.
vargl_particle_fireReplaces torches with a particle flame effect. Includes people being burnt by the pyro in TF.
vargl_particle_firecolorColor of the fire particle
vargl_particle_fulldetailAllows full detail depth for gl_particle_* effects
vargl_particle_muzzleflashAdds particle effect when firing a weapon.
vargl_particle_shockwaves0 - Turns off explosion shockwaves. 1 - Turns on explosion shockwaves.
vargl_particle_sparksTrails appear more beam-like and don't look stupid when they bounce. This applies for wizards and kn...
vargl_particle_trail_lenghtX - Multiplies the length of the trail on particle trails.
vargl_particle_trail_timeX - Multiplies the length of time the particle bounces around for.
vargl_particle_trail_widthChanges width of trail particle e.g.: wall hitted by nail, explosion particles trail, etc.
vargl_part_detpackexplosion_fire_colorChange color of the detpack explosion fire (TF).
vargl_part_detpackexplosion_ray_colorChange the color of the detpack explosion rays (Team Fortress).
vargl_part_tracer1_colorChanges the color of the tracer1 trail, which allows you to customize the rockettrail color (see rem...
vargl_part_tracer2_colorChanges the color of the tracer2 trail, which allows you to customize the rockettrail color (see rem...
vargl_picmipThis variable determines the the level of detail for textures used on walls. You can use this variab...
vargl_playermipDetermines the level of detail of player models. This variable is useful if you are experience game...
vargl_polyblendControls a short burst of screen tinting on various events. Variables to look at are: gl_cshiftperce...
vargl_powerupshellsEnables a flashing layer over players carrying powerups
vargl_powerupshells_sizeSize of the powerupshells effect layer
vargl_powerupshells_styleStyle of the powerupshells effect layer
vargl_rl_globeHelps customize rocket light independant of gl_flashblend. 0 - treated as feature off. 1 - rocket ...
cmdgl_setmodeQuickly sets many variables to fit pre-defined scheme. Try using "newtrails" or "vultwah".
vargl_simpleitemsInstead of 3D item models in the game display 2D images representing them.
vargl_smoothfontSmoothens out the font (which = good). But in some cases the font wasn't designed to be smoothened (...
vargl_squareparticlesToggles between circle and square particles
vargl_stringsRead-only variable with info about your OpenGL renderer
vargl_subdivide_sizeThis variable sets the division value for the sky brushes. The higher the value the better the perf...
vargl_surface_lavaAdds boiling bubbles over the lava.
vargl_surface_slimeAdds bubbles and fumes of slime over the slime.
vargl_texturelessTrue textureless map textures, but preserving original colors. For custom colors - look for r_drawf...
vargl_texturemodeGL_NEAREST* modes are often used with gl_miptexlevel 3
vargl_texturemode2dTexture mode used for objects in the head up display, such as font, image of armor, player's face or...
vargl_triplebufferThis has nothing to do with 3D rendering, it will not increase graphics "lag" or anything like that....
vargl_turbalphaThis variable determines the level of opacity for liquids, which requires the use of maps that were ...
vargl_turbfogControls amount of fog when inside liquid (water, lava, slime). Density is controlled by choosing a ...
vargl_turbfogDensityControl of density of liquid (water, lava, slime...) fog
vargl_turbfog_color_lavaColor of fog in lava.
vargl_turbfog_color_slimeColor of fog in slime.
vargl_turbfog_color_waterColor of fog in water.
vargl_turbripplePut your life vests on, waves are coming! Creates an effect of waves on liquids.
vargl_turb_trailsThis gives rockets/grenades/nails and other things an alternate underwater trail. Very nice to have ...
vargl_weather_rainTurns on rain out of doors, the density of rain is equal to whatever gl_weather_rain is set to. If y...
vargl_weather_rain_fastAdjusts speed of rain.
vargl_ztrickThis variables toggles the use of a trick to prevent the clearning of the z-buffer between frames. ...
cmdgodYou are immortal with god mode on. Note: Needs cheats support by server.
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optheapsizeThis switch will specify the amount of memory in kilobytes allocated for Quake. Note: You might nee...
cmdheartbeatForces a heartbeat to be sent to the master server. A heartbeat informs the master server of the se...
optheightThis switch specifies the width of the video resolution to run the game in. Note: You should also u...
cmdhelpEnters manual pages. Use arrows, [Page Down], [Page Up], [Tab] and [Enter] for navigation.
varhelp_files_dircolorThe RGB color of directories in the help browser.
varhelp_files_filecolorThe RGB color for files in the help browser.
varhelp_files_interlineAdjust interlining of file list in /help filebrowser.
varhelp_files_scrollnamesShould the filenames in the help browser get scrolled if they don't fit when the file is selected?
varhelp_files_selectedcolorThe RGB color of a selected file in the help browser.
varhelp_files_showdateShows column displaying file last modification date in /help file browser.
varhelp_files_showsizeShows column displaying file size in /help file browser.
varhelp_files_showstatusShow quick info about selected help file in /help file browser.
varhelp_files_showtimeShows column displaying file last modification time in /help file browser.
varhelp_files_sortmodeSwitches sorting methods of files /help file browser.
varhelp_files_stripnamesStrips filenames of help files.
varhostnameServer variable, changes the name of the server displayed in server browsers and server lists.
cmdhud262_addcreates or changes a hud element with hud_name; the following types of hud elements are avaliable: ...
cmdhud262_alphaSets a transparency for strings-hud element
cmdhud262_bgdefines a color of the hud element backgdround; 0 - transparent (default).
cmdhud262_blinkThis command supports (perl) regexp matching for hud element's name.
cmdhud262_bringtofrontTransfers all hud elements created after hud_name element (including) to the end of drawing list, th...
cmdhud262_disableprohibits to display one or more hud elements.
cmdhud262_enableallows to display one or more hud elements.
cmdhud262_listprints a list of strings-hud elements.
cmdhud262_movemoves a hud element; dx and dy deviations are measured in symbols.
cmdhud262_positionindicates position of a hud element on the screen;
cmdhud262_removekills a hud element.
cmdhud262_widthforces a hud element width and cuts undesired space or adds it when needed.
varhud_ammo1_alignSets align of number of shells for both horizontal and vertical direction.
varhud_ammo1_align_xSets horizontal align of number of shells
varhud_ammo1_align_ySets vertical align of number of shells
varhud_ammo1_digitsSets number of digits for number of shells
varhud_ammo1_frameSets frame visibility and style for number of shells
varhud_ammo1_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the ammo1 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_ammo1_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_ammo1_placeSets relative positioning for number of shells
varhud_ammo1_pos_xSets horizontal position of number of shells
varhud_ammo1_pos_ySets vertical position of number of shells
varhud_ammo1_scaleSets size of number of shells
varhud_ammo1_showSwitches showing of number of shells
varhud_ammo1_styleSwitches graphical style of number of shells
varhud_ammo2_alignSets align of number of nails
varhud_ammo2_align_xSets horizontal align of number of nails
varhud_ammo2_align_ySets vertical align of number of nails
varhud_ammo2_digitsSets number of digits for number of nails
varhud_ammo2_frameSets frame visibility and style for number of nails
varhud_ammo2_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the ammo2 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_ammo2_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_ammo2_placeSets relative positioning for number of nails
varhud_ammo2_pos_xSets horizontal position of number of nails
varhud_ammo2_pos_ySets vertical position of number of nails
varhud_ammo2_scaleSets size of number of nails
varhud_ammo2_showSwitches showing of number of nails
varhud_ammo2_styleSwitches graphical style of number of nails
varhud_ammo3_alignSets align of number of rockets
varhud_ammo3_align_xSets horizontal align of number of rockets
varhud_ammo3_align_ySets vertical align of number of rockets
varhud_ammo3_digitsSets number of digits for
varhud_ammo3_frameSets frame visibility and style for
varhud_ammo3_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the ammo3 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_ammo3_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_ammo3_placeSets relative positioning for
varhud_ammo3_pos_xSets horizontal position of number of rockets
varhud_ammo3_pos_ySets vertical position of number of rockets
varhud_ammo3_scaleSets size of number of rockets
varhud_ammo3_showSwitches showing of number of rockets
varhud_ammo3_styleSwitches graphical style of number of rockets
varhud_ammo4_alignSets align of number of cells
varhud_ammo4_align_xSets horizontal align of number of cells
varhud_ammo4_align_ySets vertical align of number of cells
varhud_ammo4_digitsSets number of digits for number of cells
varhud_ammo4_frameSets frame visibility and style for number of cells
varhud_ammo4_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the ammo4 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_ammo4_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_ammo4_placeSets relative positioning for number of cells
varhud_ammo4_pos_xSets horizontal position of number of cells
varhud_ammo4_pos_ySets vertical position of number of cells
varhud_ammo4_scaleSets size of number of cells
varhud_ammo4_showSwitches showing of number of cells
varhud_ammo4_styleSwitches graphical style of number of cells
varhud_ammo_alignSets align of current ammo value
varhud_ammo_align_xSets horizontal align of current ammo value
varhud_ammo_align_ySets vertical align of current ammo value
varhud_ammo_digitsSets number of digits for current ammo value
varhud_ammo_frameSets frame visibility and style for current ammo value
varhud_ammo_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the ammo HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_ammo_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_ammo_placeSets relative positioning for current ammo value
varhud_ammo_pos_xSets horizontal position of current ammo value
varhud_ammo_pos_ySets vertical position of current ammo value
varhud_ammo_scaleSets size of current ammo value
varhud_ammo_showSwitches showing of current ammo value
varhud_ammo_styleSwitches graphical style of current ammo value
varhud_armordamage_alignSets armordamage HUD element alignment.
varhud_armordamage_align_xSets armordamage HUD element horizontal alignment.
varhud_armordamage_align_ySets armordamage HUD element vertical alignment.
varhud_armordamage_digitsSets highest possible number of digits displayed in HUD element armordamage.
varhud_armordamage_durationSets how long armordamage should be visible after last damage to armor has been done.
varhud_armordamage_frameSets frame visibility and style for this HUD element.
varhud_armordamage_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the armordamage HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_armordamage_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_armordamage_placeFirst you have to decide, if the element that you are locating now (element B) is to be positioned i...
varhud_armordamage_pos_xSets horizontal position of this HUD element.
varhud_armordamage_pos_ySets vertical position of this HUD element.
varhud_armordamage_scaleSets overall size of this HUD element.
varhud_armordamage_showToggles visibility of this HUD element.
varhud_armordamage_styleToggles between different numbers styles.
varhud_armor_alignSets align of armor level
varhud_armor_align_xSets horizontal align of armor level
varhud_armor_align_ySets vertical align of armor level
varhud_armor_digitsSets number of digits for armor level
varhud_armor_frameSets frame visibility and style for armor level
varhud_armor_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the armor HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_armor_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_armor_placeSets relative positioning for armor level
varhud_armor_pos_xSets horizontal position of armor level
varhud_armor_pos_ySets vertical position of armor level
varhud_armor_scaleSets size of armor level
varhud_armor_showSwitches showing of armor level
varhud_armor_styleSwitches graphical style of armor level
varhud_bar_armor_directionDirection of colored part inside HUD element that designates amount of armor.
varhud_bar_health_directionDirection of colored part inside HUD element that designates amount of health.
varhud_clock_align_xSets horizontal align of clock
varhud_clock_align_ySets vertical align of clock
varhud_clock_bigSwitches unsing larger version of clock
varhud_clock_blinkSwitches blinking colon of clock
varhud_clock_formatControls in what format the clock is displayed
varhud_clock_frameSets frame visibility and style for clock
varhud_clock_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the clock HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_clock_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_clock_placeSets relative positioning for clock
varhud_clock_pos_xSets horizontal position of clock
varhud_clock_pos_ySets vertical position of clock
varhud_clock_scaleSize of the clock HUD element
varhud_clock_showSwitches showing of clock
varhud_clock_styleSwitches graphical style of clock
varhud_democlock_align_xVertical alignment of the democlock HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_democlock_align_yVertical alignment of the democlock HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_democlock_bigEnables larger version of the democlock.
varhud_democlock_blinkEnables democlock colon blinking
varhud_democlock_frameOpacity of the background of the democlock HUD element
varhud_democlock_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the democlock HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_democlock_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_democlock_placePlacement of the democlock HUD element. HUD elements can be place into various screen areas or other...
varhud_democlock_pos_xHorizontal relative position of the democlock HUD element
varhud_democlock_pos_yVertical relative position of the democlock HUD element
varhud_democlock_scaleSize of the democlock HUD element
varhud_democlock_showVisibility of the democlock HUD element
varhud_democlock_styleToggles democlock render styles
varhud_digits_trimChanges how large numbers are treated in Head Up Display
cmdhud_editorToggles the HUD editor on or off.
varhud_editor_allowalignThis can also be toggled when in the HUD editor by using the F3 button.
varhud_editor_allowmoveThis can also be toggled when in the HUD editor by using the F1 button.
varhud_editor_allowplaceThis can also be toggled when in the HUD editor by using the F4 button.
varhud_editor_allowresizeThis can also be toggled when in the HUD editor by using the F2 button.
cmdhud_exportFile will be saved in <basedir>/ezquake/configs if no path is specified in <filename> parameter.
varhud_face_align_xSets horizontal align of player face
varhud_face_align_ySets vertical align of player face
varhud_face_frameSets frame visibility and style for player face
varhud_face_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the face HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_face_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_face_placeSets relative positioning for player face
varhud_face_pos_xSets horizontal position of player face
varhud_face_pos_ySets vertical position of player face
varhud_face_scaleSets size of player face
varhud_face_showSwitches showing of player face
varhud_fps_align_xSets horizontal align of fps counter
varhud_fps_align_ySets vertical align of fps counter
varhud_fps_decimalsHow many decimal number should the FPS HUD element contain
varhud_fps_dropSets the value which will trigger displaying the fps (requires hud_fps_style 2 or 3). For example, w...
varhud_fps_frameSets frame visibility and style for fps counter
varhud_fps_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the fps HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_fps_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_fps_placeSets relative positioning for fps counter
varhud_fps_pos_xSets horizontal position of fps counter
varhud_fps_pos_ySets vertical position of fps counter
varhud_fps_showSwitches showing of fps counter
varhud_fps_show_minSwitches showing of fps counter
varhud_fps_styleAlters how and when the fps is drawn. Please see hud_fps_drop for styles 2 and 3.
varhud_fps_titleSwitches displaying the text "fps" of fps counter
varhud_frags_align_xSets horizontal align of frags bar
varhud_frags_align_ySets vertical align of frags bar
varhud_frags_bignumChanges the scale of the fragcount number.
varhud_frags_cell_heightSets cell height of frags bar
varhud_frags_cell_widthSets cell width of frags bar
varhud_frags_colors_alphaSets the opacity of the players colors for the frags hud element.
varhud_frags_colsSets number of columns of frags bar
varhud_frags_extra_spec_infoEnables to see what people have rocket launchers, powerups and how much health and armor they have u...
varhud_frags_fliptextUse 'frags shownames 1' and/or 'frags showteams 1' to show names and team names of players.
varhud_frags_frameSets frame visibility and style for frags bar
varhud_frags_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the frags HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_frags_maxnameThe max number of characters to use for displaying the names in the frags element.
varhud_frags_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_frags_padtextUse 'frags shownames 1' and/or 'frags showteams 1'.
varhud_frags_placeSets relative positioning for frags bar
varhud_frags_pos_xSets horizontal position of frags bar
varhud_frags_pos_ySets vertical position of frags bar
varhud_frags_rowsSets number of rows in frags bar
varhud_frags_showSwitches showing of frags bar
varhud_frags_shownamesDraws players names next to frag counts in 'frags' HUD element.
varhud_frags_showself_alwaysForces the client to show the part of frags table where you are.
varhud_frags_showteamsDraws players' team tags next to frag counts in 'frags' HUD element.
varhud_frags_space_xSets vertical spacing of frags bar
varhud_frags_space_ySets horizontal spacing of frags bar
varhud_frags_stripSwitches stripped version of frags bar
varhud_frags_styleSets drawing style of 'frags' HUD element.
varhud_frags_teamsortSwitches sorting by teams in frags bar
varhud_frags_verticalSwitches vertical rendering of frags bar
varhud_gameclock_align_xVertical alignment of the gameclock HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gameclock_align_yVertical alignment of the gameclock HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gameclock_bigDraw the text of the gameclock using big numbers.
varhud_gameclock_blinkBlink the colon on the gameclock hud element every second.
varhud_gameclock_countdownChanges the direction of the game clock (gameclock HUD element)
varhud_gameclock_frameOpacity of the background of the gameclock HUD element
varhud_gameclock_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gameclock HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gameclock_offsetAllows using gameclock in custom mods that don't support standard KT-like clock synchronization
varhud_gameclock_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gameclock_placePlacement of the gameclock HUD element. HUD elements can be place into various screen areas or other...
varhud_gameclock_pos_xHorizontal relative position of the gameclock HUD element
varhud_gameclock_pos_yVertical relative position of the gameclock HUD element
varhud_gameclock_scaleSize of the gameclock HUD element
varhud_gameclock_showVisibility of the gameclock HUD element
varhud_gameclock_styleSets the style of the gameclock hud element.
varhud_group1_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 1
varhud_group1_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 1
varhud_group1_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 1
varhud_group1_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group1 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group1_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 1
varhud_group1_nameSets name of grouping object 1
varhud_group1_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group1_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 1
varhud_group1_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group1 HUD element
varhud_group1_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group1 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group1_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 1
varhud_group1_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 1
varhud_group1_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 1
varhud_group1_showSwitches showing of grouping object 1
varhud_group1_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 1
varhud_group2_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 2
varhud_group2_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 2
varhud_group2_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 2
varhud_group2_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group2 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group2_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 2
varhud_group2_nameSets name of grouping object 2
varhud_group2_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group2_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 2
varhud_group2_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group2 HUD element
varhud_group2_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group2 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group2_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 2
varhud_group2_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 2
varhud_group2_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 2
varhud_group2_showSwitches showing of grouping object 2
varhud_group2_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 2
varhud_group3_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 3
varhud_group3_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 3
varhud_group3_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 3
varhud_group3_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group3 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group3_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 3
varhud_group3_nameSets name of grouping object 3
varhud_group3_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group3_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 3
varhud_group3_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group3 HUD element
varhud_group3_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group3 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group3_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 3
varhud_group3_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 3
varhud_group3_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 3
varhud_group3_showSwitches showing of grouping object 3
varhud_group3_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 3
varhud_group4_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 4
varhud_group4_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 4
varhud_group4_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 4
varhud_group4_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group4 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group4_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 4
varhud_group4_nameSets name of grouping object 4
varhud_group4_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group4_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 4
varhud_group4_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group4 HUD element
varhud_group4_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group4 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group4_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 4
varhud_group4_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 4
varhud_group4_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 4
varhud_group4_showSwitches showing of grouping object 4
varhud_group4_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 4
varhud_group5_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 5
varhud_group5_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 5
varhud_group5_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 5
varhud_group5_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group5 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group5_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 5
varhud_group5_nameSets name of grouping object 5
varhud_group5_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group5_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 5
varhud_group5_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group5 HUD element
varhud_group5_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group5 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group5_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 5
varhud_group5_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 5
varhud_group5_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 5
varhud_group5_showSwitches showing of grouping object 5
varhud_group5_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 5
varhud_group6_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 6
varhud_group6_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 6
varhud_group6_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 6
varhud_group6_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group6 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group6_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 6
varhud_group6_nameSets name of grouping object 6
varhud_group6_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group6_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 6
varhud_group6_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group6 HUD element
varhud_group6_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group6 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group6_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 6
varhud_group6_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 6
varhud_group6_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 6
varhud_group6_showSwitches showing of grouping object 6
varhud_group6_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 6
varhud_group7_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 7
varhud_group7_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 7
varhud_group7_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 7
varhud_group7_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group7 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group7_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 7
varhud_group7_nameSets name of grouping object 7
varhud_group7_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group7_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 7
varhud_group7_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group7 HUD element
varhud_group7_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group7 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group7_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 7
varhud_group7_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 7
varhud_group7_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 7
varhud_group7_showSwitches showing of grouping object 7
varhud_group7_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 7
varhud_group8_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 8
varhud_group8_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 8
varhud_group8_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 8
varhud_group8_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group8 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group8_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 8
varhud_group8_nameSets name of grouping object 8
varhud_group8_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group8_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 8
varhud_group8_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group8 HUD element
varhud_group8_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group8 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group8_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 8
varhud_group8_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 8
varhud_group8_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 8
varhud_group8_showSwitches showing of grouping object 8
varhud_group8_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 8
varhud_group9_align_xSets horizontal align of grouping object 9
varhud_group9_align_ySets vertical align of grouping object 9
varhud_group9_frameSets frame visibility and style for grouping object 9
varhud_group9_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the group9 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_group9_heightSets vertical size of grouping object 9
varhud_group9_nameSets name of grouping object 9
varhud_group9_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_group9_pictureSets background picture of grouping object 9
varhud_group9_pic_alphaTransparency level of the background image of the group9 HUD element
varhud_group9_pic_scalemodeChanges the style how the background picture is aligned and stretched for the group9 HUD element. Va...
varhud_group9_placeSets relative positioning for grouping object 9
varhud_group9_pos_xSets horizontal position of grouping object 9
varhud_group9_pos_ySets vertical position of grouping object 9
varhud_group9_showSwitches showing of grouping object 9
varhud_group9_widthSets horizontal size of grouping object 9
varhud_gun2_align_xSets horizontal align of shotgun icon
varhud_gun2_align_ySets vertical align of shotgun icon
varhud_gun2_frameSets frame visibility and style for shotgun icon
varhud_gun2_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gun2 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gun2_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gun2_placeSets relative positioning for shotgun icon
varhud_gun2_pos_xSets horizontal position of shotgun icon
varhud_gun2_pos_ySets vertical position of shotgun icon
varhud_gun2_scaleSets size of shotgun icon
varhud_gun2_showSwitches showing of shotgun icon
varhud_gun2_styleSwitches the graphical style of the shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_align_xSets horizontal align of super shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_align_ySets vertical align of super shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_frameSets frame visibility and style for super shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gun3 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gun3_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gun3_placeSets relative positioning for super shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_pos_xSets horizontal position of super shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_pos_ySets vertical position of super shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_scaleSets size of super shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_showSwitches showing of super shotgun icon
varhud_gun3_styleSwitches the graphical style of the super shotgun icon
varhud_gun4_align_xSets horizontal align of nailgun icon
varhud_gun4_align_ySets vertical align of nailgun icon
varhud_gun4_frameSets frame visibility and style for nailgun icon
varhud_gun4_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gun4 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gun4_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gun4_placeSets relative positioning for nailgun icon
varhud_gun4_pos_xSets horizontal position of nailgun icon
varhud_gun4_pos_ySets vertical position of nailgun icon
varhud_gun4_scaleSets size of nailgun icon
varhud_gun4_showSwitches showing of nailgun icon
varhud_gun4_styleSwitches the graphical style of the nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_align_xSets horizontal align of super nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_align_ySets vertical align of super nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_frameSets frame visibility and style for super nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gun5 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gun5_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gun5_placeSets relative positioning for super nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_pos_xSets horizontal position of super nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_pos_ySets vertical position of super nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_scaleSets size of super nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_showSwitches showing of super nailgun icon
varhud_gun5_styleSwitches the graphical style of the super nailgun icon
varhud_gun6_align_xSets horizontal align of grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun6_align_ySets vertical align of grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun6_frameSets frame visibility and style for grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun6_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gun6 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gun6_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gun6_placeSets relative positioning for grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun6_pos_xSets horizontal position of grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun6_pos_ySets vertical position of grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun6_scaleSets size of grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun6_showSwitches showing of grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun6_styleSwitches the graphical style of the grenade launcher icon
varhud_gun7_align_xSets horizontal align of rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun7_align_ySets vertical align of rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun7_frameSets frame visibility and style for rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun7_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gun7 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gun7_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gun7_placeSets relative positioning for rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun7_pos_xSets horizontal position of rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun7_pos_ySets vertical position of rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun7_scaleSets size of rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun7_showSwitches showing of rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun7_styleSwitches the graphical style of the rocket launcher icon
varhud_gun8_align_xSets horizontal align of lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_align_ySets vertical align of lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_frameSets frame visibility and style for lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gun8 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gun8_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gun8_placeSets relative positioning for lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_pos_xSets horizontal position of lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_pos_ySets vertical position of lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_scaleSets size of lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_showSwitches showing of lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_styleSwitches the graphical style of the lightning gun icon
varhud_gun8_wideSwitches wide and short of version of lightning gun icon
varhud_gun_align_xSets horizontal align of current weapon icon
varhud_gun_align_ySets vertical align of current weapon icon
varhud_gun_frameSets frame visibility and style for current weapon icon
varhud_gun_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the gun HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_gun_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_gun_placeSets relative positioning for current weapon icon
varhud_gun_pos_xSets horizontal position of current weapon icon
varhud_gun_pos_ySets vertical position of current weapon icon
varhud_gun_scaleSets size of current weapon icon
varhud_gun_showSwitches showing of current weapon icon
varhud_gun_styleSwitches graphical style of the current weapon's icon
varhud_gun_wideSwitches between wide and short version of current weapon icon
varhud_healthdamage_alignSets healthdamage HUD element alignment.
varhud_healthdamage_align_xSets healthdamage HUD element horizontal alignment.
varhud_healthdamage_align_ySets healthdamage HUD element vertical alignment.
varhud_healthdamage_digitsSets highest possible number of digits displayed in HUD element healthdamage.
varhud_healthdamage_durationSets how long healthdamage should be visible after last damage to health has been done.
varhud_healthdamage_frameSets frame visibility and style for this HUD element.
varhud_healthdamage_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the healthdamage HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_healthdamage_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_healthdamage_placeFirst you have to decide, if the element that you are locating now (element B) is to be positioned i...
varhud_healthdamage_pos_xSets horizontal position of this HUD element.
varhud_healthdamage_pos_ySets vertical position of this HUD element.
varhud_healthdamage_scaleSets overall size of this HUD element.
varhud_healthdamage_showToggles visibility of this HUD element.
varhud_healthdamage_styleToggles between different numbers styles.
varhud_health_alignSets align of health level
varhud_health_align_xSets horizontal align of health level
varhud_health_align_ySets vertical align of health level
varhud_health_digitsSets number of digits for health level
varhud_health_frameSets frame visibility and style for health level
varhud_health_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the health HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_health_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_health_placeSets relative positioning for health level
varhud_health_pos_xSets horizontal position of health level
varhud_health_pos_ySets vertical position of health level
varhud_health_scaleSets size of health level
varhud_health_showSwitches showing of health level
varhud_health_styleSwitches graphical style of health level
varhud_iammo1_align_xSets horizontal align of shells icon
varhud_iammo1_align_ySets vertical align of shells icon
varhud_iammo1_frameSets frame visibility and style for shells icon
varhud_iammo1_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the iammo1 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_iammo1_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_iammo1_placeSets relative positioning for shells icon
varhud_iammo1_pos_xSets horizontal position of shells icon
varhud_iammo1_pos_ySets vertical position of shells icon
varhud_iammo1_scaleSets size of shells icon
varhud_iammo1_showSwitches showing of shells icon
varhud_iammo1_styleSwitches graphical style of shells icon
varhud_iammo2_align_xSets horizontal align of nails icon
varhud_iammo2_align_ySets vertical align of nails icon
varhud_iammo2_frameSets frame visibility and style for nails icon
varhud_iammo2_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the iammo2 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_iammo2_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_iammo2_placeSets relative positioning for nails icon
varhud_iammo2_pos_xSets horizontal position of nails icon
varhud_iammo2_pos_ySets vertical position of nails icon
varhud_iammo2_scaleSets size of nails icon
varhud_iammo2_showSwitches showing of nails icon
varhud_iammo2_styleSwitches graphical style of nails icon
varhud_iammo3_align_xSets horizontal align of rockets icon
varhud_iammo3_align_ySets vertical align of rockets icon
varhud_iammo3_frameSets frame visibility and style for rockets icon
varhud_iammo3_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the iammo3 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_iammo3_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_iammo3_placeSets relative positioning for rockets icon
varhud_iammo3_pos_xSets horizontal position of rockets icon
varhud_iammo3_pos_ySets vertical position of rockets icon
varhud_iammo3_scaleSets size of rockets icon
varhud_iammo3_showSwitches showing of rockets icon
varhud_iammo3_styleSwitches graphical style of rockets icon
varhud_iammo4_align_xSets horizontal align of cells icon
varhud_iammo4_align_ySets vertical align of cells icon
varhud_iammo4_frameSets frame visibility and style for cells icon
varhud_iammo4_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the iammo4 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_iammo4_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_iammo4_placeSets relative positioning for cells icon
varhud_iammo4_pos_xSets horizontal position of cells icon
varhud_iammo4_pos_ySets vertical position of cells icon
varhud_iammo4_scaleSets size of cells icon
varhud_iammo4_showSwitches showing of cells icon
varhud_iammo4_styleSwitches graphical style of cells icon
varhud_iammo_align_xSets horizontal align of current ammo icon
varhud_iammo_align_ySets vertical align of current ammo icon
varhud_iammo_frameSets frame visibility and style for current ammo icon
varhud_iammo_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the iammo HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_iammo_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_iammo_placeSets relative positioning for current ammo icon
varhud_iammo_pos_xSets horizontal position of current ammo icon
varhud_iammo_pos_ySets vertical position of current ammo icon
varhud_iammo_scaleSets size of current ammo icon
varhud_iammo_showSwitches showing of current ammo icon
varhud_iammo_styleSwitches graphical style of current ammo icon
varhud_iarmor_align_xSets horizontal align of armor icon
varhud_iarmor_align_ySets vertical align of armor icon
varhud_iarmor_frameSets frame visibility and style for armor icon
varhud_iarmor_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the iarmor HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_iarmor_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_iarmor_placeSets relative positioning for armor icon
varhud_iarmor_pos_xSets horizontal position of armor icon
varhud_iarmor_pos_ySets vertical position of armor icon
varhud_iarmor_scaleSets size of armor icon
varhud_iarmor_showSwitches showing of armor icon
varhud_iarmor_styleSwitches graphical style of armor icon
varhud_key1_align_xSets horizontal align of silver key
varhud_key1_align_ySets vertical align of silver key
varhud_key1_frameSets frame visibility and style for silver key
varhud_key1_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the key1 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_key1_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_key1_placeSets relative positioning for silver key
varhud_key1_pos_xSets horizontal position of silver key
varhud_key1_pos_ySets vertical position of silver key
varhud_key1_scaleSets size of silver key
varhud_key1_showSwitches showing of silver key
varhud_key1_styleSwitches graphical style of silver key
varhud_key2_align_xSets horizontal align of gold key
varhud_key2_align_ySets vertical align of gold key
varhud_key2_frameSets frame visibility and style for gold key
varhud_key2_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the key2 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_key2_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_key2_placeSets relative positioning for gold key
varhud_key2_pos_xSets horizontal position of gold key
varhud_key2_pos_ySets vertical position of gold key
varhud_key2_scaleSets size of gold key
varhud_key2_showSwitches showing of gold key
varhud_key2_styleSwitches graphical style of gold key
varhud_mouserate_align_xVertical alignment of the mouserate HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_mouserate_align_yVertical alignment of the mouserate HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_mouserate_frameOpacity of the background of the mouserate HUD element
varhud_mouserate_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the mouserate HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_mouserate_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_mouserate_placePlacement of the mouserate HUD element. HUD elements can be place into various screen areas or other...
varhud_mouserate_pos_xHorizontal relative position of the mouserate HUD element
varhud_mouserate_pos_yVertical relative position of the mouserate HUD element
varhud_mouserate_showVisibility of the mouserate HUD element
varhud_mp3_time_align_xSets mp3_time HUD element horizontal alignment.
varhud_mp3_time_align_ySets mp3_time HUD element vertical alignment.
varhud_mp3_time_frameSets frame visibility and style for this HUD element.
varhud_mp3_time_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the mp3_time HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_mp3_time_on_scoreboardToggles whether HUD element 'mp3_time' will be drawn even if scoreboard is displayed.
varhud_mp3_time_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_mp3_time_placeFirst you have to decide, if the element that you are locating now (element B) is to be positioned i...
varhud_mp3_time_pos_xSets horizontal position of this HUD element.
varhud_mp3_time_pos_ySets vertical position of this HUD element.
varhud_mp3_time_showToggles visibility of this HUD element.
varhud_mp3_time_styleNote that display of seconds is disabled in ruleset smackdown.
varhud_mp3_title_align_xSets mp3_title HUD element horizontal alignment.
varhud_mp3_title_align_ySets mp3_title HUD element vertical alignment.
varhud_mp3_title_frameSets frame visibility and style for this HUD element.
varhud_mp3_title_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the mp3_title HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_mp3_title_heightSets height of 'mp3_title' HUD element.
varhud_mp3_title_on_scoreboardToggles whether HUD element 'mp3_title' will be drawn even if scoreboard is displayed.
varhud_mp3_title_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_mp3_title_placeFirst you have to decide, if the element that you are locating now (element B) is to be positioned i...
varhud_mp3_title_pos_xSets horizontal position of this HUD element.
varhud_mp3_title_pos_ySets vertical position of this HUD element.
varhud_mp3_title_scrollToggles scrolling of mp3_title text.
varhud_mp3_title_scroll_delaySets speed of text scrolling in mp3_title HUD element.
varhud_mp3_title_showToggles visibility of this HUD element.
varhud_mp3_title_styleSets format of text of 'mp3_title' HUD element.
varhud_mp3_title_widthSets width of mp3_title HUD element.
varhud_mp3_title_wordwrapToggles word wrapping inside mp3_title element.
varhud_netgraph_align_xSets horizontal align of everything about net
varhud_netgraph_align_ySets vertical align of everything about net
varhud_netgraph_alphaSets transparency level of everything about net
varhud_netgraph_frameSets frame visibility and style for everything about net
varhud_netgraph_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the netgraph HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_netgraph_fullWhen turned on, netgraph is more detailed this way, but looks ugly; in GL this can be fixed with a l...
varhud_netgraph_heightSets vertical size of everything about net
varhud_netgraph_inframessetting this to "1" lets you measure your latency in an alternate way every level of netgraph will m...
varhud_netgraph_lostscalelets you cut down those red, yellow, blue and gray bars, which are always full-height; possible valu...
varhud_netgraph_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_netgraph_placeSets relative positioning for everything about net
varhud_netgraph_plossprint packet loss or not everything about net
varhud_netgraph_pos_xSets horizontal position of everything about net
varhud_netgraph_pos_ySets vertical position of everything about net
varhud_netgraph_scaleSets size of everything about net
varhud_netgraph_showSwitches showing of everything about net
varhud_netgraph_swap_xreverse horizontally, like for placing at left edge of the screen
varhud_netgraph_swap_yreverse vertically, like for top edge
varhud_netgraph_widthSets horizontal size of everything about net
varhud_net_align_xSets horizontal align of net statistics
varhud_net_align_ySets vertical align of net statistics
varhud_net_frameSets frame visibility and style for net statistics
varhud_net_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the net HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_net_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_net_periodSets period for updating net statistics
varhud_net_placeSets relative positioning for net statistics
varhud_net_pos_xSets horizontal position of net statistics
varhud_net_pos_ySets vertical position of net statistics
varhud_net_showSwitches showing of net statistics
varhud_offscreenWhen scr_newhud is 1 this let's you set whetever HUD elements should be allowed to be partially off ...
varhud_pent_align_xSets horizontal align of pentagram icon
varhud_pent_align_ySets vertical align of pentagram icon
varhud_pent_frameSets frame visibility and style for pentagram icon
varhud_pent_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the pent HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_pent_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_pent_placeSets relative positioning for pentagram icon
varhud_pent_pos_xSets horizontal position of pentagram icon
varhud_pent_pos_ySets vertical position of pentagram icon
varhud_pent_scaleSets size of pentagram icon
varhud_pent_showSwitches showing of pentagram icon
varhud_pent_styleSwitches graphical style of pentagram icon
varhud_ping_align_xSets horizontal align of small net statistics
varhud_ping_align_ySets vertical align of small net statistics
varhud_ping_blinkEnable yellow blinking dot, which shows when your ping is recalculated
varhud_ping_frameSets frame visibility and style for small net statistics
varhud_ping_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the ping HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_ping_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_ping_periodperiod of time between updates (minimum value is your frame time)
varhud_ping_placeSets relative positioning for small net statistics
varhud_ping_pos_xSets horizontal position of small net statistics
varhud_ping_pos_ySets vertical position of small net statistics
varhud_ping_showSwitches showing of small net statistics
varhud_ping_show_devSwitches showing of small net statistics
varhud_ping_show_maxSwitches showing of small net statistics
varhud_ping_show_minSwitches showing of small net statistics
varhud_ping_show_plSwitches showing of small net statistics
varhud_planmodeToggles special hud-editing mode where all hud elements are being displayed.
varhud_quad_align_xSets horizontal align of quad icon
varhud_quad_align_ySets vertical align of quad icon
varhud_quad_frameSets frame visibility and style for quad icon
varhud_quad_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the quad HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_quad_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_quad_placeSets relative positioning for quad icon
varhud_quad_pos_xSets horizontal position of quad icon
varhud_quad_pos_ySets vertical position of quad icon
varhud_quad_scaleSets size of quad icon
varhud_quad_showSwitches showing of quad icon
varhud_quad_styleSwitches graphical style of quad icon
varhud_radar_align_xVertical alignment of the radar HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_radar_align_yVertical alignment of the radar HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_radar_autosizeAutomatically size the Radar hud item to show the radar picture at the resolution it was created for...
varhud_radar_fade_playersFade players (make them more transparent) as they lose health/armor.
varhud_radar_frameOpacity of the background of the radar HUD element
varhud_radar_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the radar HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_radar_heightNote that if hud_radar_autosize is set, this value will be ignored.
varhud_radar_highlightChange the color of the higlight using the hud_radar_highlight_color variable.
varhud_radar_highlight_colorSets the RGBA color of the highlight of the tracked player for the radar HUD element.
varhud_radar_itemfilterAny character/whitespace can be used as a delimiter. Make sure you enter the value between quotes if...
varhud_radar_onlytpThe radar will NOT be visible when playing as a normal player no matter what you set this to, this o...
varhud_radar_opacityThe opacity of the radar.
varhud_radar_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_radar_otherfilterDecides what "other" things, such as projectiles (rockets, nails, shaft beam), gibs, and explosions,...
varhud_radar_placePlacement of the radar HUD element. HUD elements can be place into various screen areas or other ele...
varhud_radar_player_sizeIf show_height is turned on, then this ofcourse depends on what height the player is located at.
varhud_radar_pos_xHorizontal relative position of the radar HUD element
varhud_radar_pos_yVertical relative position of the radar HUD element
varhud_radar_showVisibility of the radar HUD element
varhud_radar_show_heightShould the players become bigger as they move to higher points on the map or not?
varhud_radar_show_holdIt is not recommended to have this visible at all times. Instead it's meant for a quick glance to k...
varhud_radar_show_namesShow the names of the players on the radar.
varhud_radar_show_powerupsHighlight players with powerups on the radar hud item with a colored circle around them, depending o...
varhud_radar_show_statsThe team stats are calculated depending on how strong a player is. A strong player with a good weapo...
varhud_radar_weaponfilterAny character/whitespace can be used as a delimiter. Make sure you enter the value between quotes if...
varhud_radar_widthNote that if hud_radar_autosize is set, this value will be ignored.
cmdhud_recalculateRefresh the positions of your HUD elements
varhud_ring_align_xSets horizontal align of ring icon
varhud_ring_align_ySets vertical align of ring icon
varhud_ring_frameSets frame visibility and style for ring icon
varhud_ring_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the ring HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_ring_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_ring_placeSets relative positioning for ring icon
varhud_ring_pos_xSets horizontal position of ring icon
varhud_ring_pos_ySets vertical position of ring icon
varhud_ring_scaleSets size of ring icon
varhud_ring_showSwitches showing of ring icon
varhud_ring_styleSwitches graphical style of ring icon
varhud_score_bar_format_big%d - score difference between you and enemy. %D - score difference between you and enemy, red chars...
varhud_score_bar_format_small%d - score difference between you and enemy. %D - score difference between you and enemy, always si...
varhud_score_bar_style0 - use small chars (conchars) 1 - use big chars (num* and anum* images)
varhud_sigil1_align_xSets horizontal align of sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil1_align_ySets vertical align of sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil1_frameSets frame visibility and style for sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil1_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the sigil1 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_sigil1_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_sigil1_placeSets relative positioning for sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil1_pos_xSets horizontal position of sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil1_pos_ySets vertical position of sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil1_scaleSets size of sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil1_showSwitches showing of sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil1_styleSwitches graphical style of sigil 1 icon (rune)
varhud_sigil2_align_xSets horizontal align of sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil2_align_ySets vertical align of sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil2_frameSets frame visibility and style for sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil2_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the sigil2 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_sigil2_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_sigil2_placeSets relative positioning for sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil2_pos_xSets horizontal position of sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil2_pos_ySets vertical position of sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil2_scaleSets size of sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil2_showSwitches showing of sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil2_styleSwitches graphical style of sigil 2 icon
varhud_sigil3_align_xSets horizontal align of sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil3_align_ySets vertical align of sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil3_frameSets frame visibility and style for sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil3_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the sigil3 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_sigil3_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_sigil3_placeSets relative positioning for sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil3_pos_xSets horizontal position of sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil3_pos_ySets vertical position of sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil3_scaleSets size of sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil3_showSwitches showing of sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil3_styleSwitches graphical style of sigil 3 icon
varhud_sigil4_align_xSets horizontal align of sigil 4 icon
varhud_sigil4_align_ySets vertical align of sigil 4 icon
varhud_sigil4_frameSets frame visibility and style for sigil 4 icon
varhud_sigil4_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the sigil4 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_sigil4_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_sigil4_placeSets relative positioning for sigil 4 icon
varhud_sigil4_pos_xSets horizontal position of sigil 4 icon
varhud_sigil4_pos_ySets vertical position of sigil 4 icon
varhud_sigil4_scaleSets size of sigil 4 icon
varhud_sigil4_showSwitches showing of sigil 4 icon
varhud_sigil4_styleSwitches graphical style of sigil 4 icon
varhud_speed2_align_xVertical alignment of the speed2 HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_speed2_align_yVertical alignment of the speed2 HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_speed2_color_fastSets the color of the speed2 hud item when the speed is above the wrap speed.
varhud_speed2_color_fastestSets the color of the speed2 hud item when the speed is above 2x wrap speed.
varhud_speed2_color_insaneSets the color of the speed2 hud item when the speed is above 3x wrap speed.
varhud_speed2_color_normalSets the color of the speed2 hud item when the speed is between 1 and the wrap speed.
varhud_speed2_color_stoppedSets the color of the speed2 hud item when the speed is 0. Default is green.
varhud_speed2_frameOpacity of the background of the speed2 HUD element
varhud_speed2_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the speed2 HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_speed2_opacitySets the opacity of the speed2 hud item.
varhud_speed2_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_speed2_orientationThe orientation of the speed2 hud item. This can be set to, up, down, left and right. That is, the d...
varhud_speed2_placePlacement of the speed2 HUD element. HUD elements can be place into various screen areas or other el...
varhud_speed2_pos_xHorizontal relative position of the speed2 HUD element
varhud_speed2_pos_yVertical relative position of the speed2 HUD element
varhud_speed2_radiusSets the radius of the half circle. The width and height is based on this.
varhud_speed2_showVisibility of the speed2 HUD element
varhud_speed2_wrapspeedSets the speed when the speed needle will reset to the original position, and the next color is show...
varhud_speed2_xyzBase the speed calculation on up/down movement also.
varhud_speed_align_xSets horizontal align of your current speed
varhud_speed_align_ySets vertical align of your current speed
varhud_speed_color_fastSets the color of the speed hud item when the player is moving at a "fast" speed (above 500).
varhud_speed_color_fastestSets the color of the speed hud item when the player is moving at a really "fast" speed (above 1000)...
varhud_speed_color_insaneSets the color of the speed hud item when the player is moving at a crazy speed (above 1500... I thi...
varhud_speed_color_normalSets the color of the speed hud item when the player is moving at a "normal" speed (below 500).
varhud_speed_color_stoppedThe color that the fill part of the speed hud item has when the player isn't moving. Default is gree...
varhud_speed_frameSets frame visibility and style for your current speed
varhud_speed_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the speed HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_speed_heightSets the height of the speed hud item.
varhud_speed_opacitySets the opacity of the speed hud item.
varhud_speed_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_speed_placeSets relative positioning for your current speed
varhud_speed_pos_xSets horizontal position of your current speed
varhud_speed_pos_ySets vertical position of your current speed
varhud_speed_showSwitches showing of your current speed
varhud_speed_text_alignSets how the text on the speed hud item should be aligned.
varhud_speed_tick_spacingSets the "tick spacing" for the speed hud item.
varhud_speed_verticalAlso see hud_speed_vertical_text to choose if the text should be drawn vertically also.
varhud_speed_vertical_textSets whetever the text on the speed hud item should be drawn vertically when the hud item itself is ...
varhud_speed_widthSets the width of the speed hud item.
varhud_speed_xyzSets This toggles whether the speed is measured over the XY axis (xyz 0) or the XYZ axis (xyz 1)
varhud_suit_align_xSets horizontal align of suit icon
varhud_suit_align_ySets vertical align of suit icon
varhud_suit_frameSets frame visibility and style for suit icon
varhud_suit_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the suit HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_suit_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_suit_placeSets relative positioning for suit icon
varhud_suit_pos_xSets horizontal position of suit icon
varhud_suit_pos_ySets vertical position of suit icon
varhud_suit_scaleSets size of suit icon
varhud_suit_showSwitches showing of suit icon
varhud_suit_styleSwitches graphical style of suit icon
varhud_teamfrags_align_xSets teamfrags HUD element horizontal alignment.
varhud_teamfrags_align_ySets teamfrags HUD element vertical alignment.
varhud_teamfrags_bignumChanges the scale of the fragcount number.
varhud_teamfrags_cell_heightSets cell height for cells in 'teamfrags' HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_cell_widthSets cell width for cells in 'teamfrags' HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_colors_alphaSets the opacity of the teams colors for the teamfrags hud element.
varhud_teamfrags_colsSets number of columns used to draw table in 'teamfrags' HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_extra_spec_infoEnables to see what people have rocket launchers, powerups and how much health and armor they have u...
varhud_teamfrags_fliptextToggles alignment of team names in 'teamfrags' HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_frameSets frame visibility and style for this HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the teamfrags HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_teamfrags_maxnameThe max number of characters to use for displaying the teamnames in the teamfrags element.
varhud_teamfrags_onlytpDecides whetever the teamfrags hud item should be shown only when in teamplay mode.
varhud_teamfrags_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_teamfrags_padtextToggles text padding in 'frags' HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_placeFirst you have to decide, if the element that you are locating now (element B) is to be positioned i...
varhud_teamfrags_pos_xSets horizontal position of this HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_pos_ySets vertical position of this HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_rowsSets number of rows used to draw table in 'teamfrags' HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_showToggles visibility of this HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_shownamesDraws players' team tags next to frag counts in 'teamfrags' HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_space_xSets horizontal spacing for teamfrags fields.
varhud_teamfrags_space_ySets vertical spacing for teamfrags fields.
varhud_teamfrags_stripToggles stripped formatting of teamfrags fields.
varhud_teamfrags_styleSets drawing style of 'teamfrags' HUD element.
varhud_teamfrags_verticalToggles vertical ordering of teamfrags fields.
varhud_teamholdbar_align_xVertical alignment of the teamholdbar HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_teamholdbar_align_yVertical alignment of the teamholdbar HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_teamholdbar_frameOpacity of the background of the teamholdbar HUD element
varhud_teamholdbar_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the teamholdbar HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_teamholdbar_heightHeight of the teamholdbar HUD element in pixels. Some elements support relative heights, e.g. 25%
varhud_teamholdbar_onlytpDecides whetever the teamholdbar hud item should be shown only when in teamplay mode, or demo playba...
varhud_teamholdbar_opacitySets the opacity of the background for the teamholdbar.
varhud_teamholdbar_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_teamholdbar_placePlacement of the teamholdbar HUD element. HUD elements can be place into various screen areas or oth...
varhud_teamholdbar_pos_xHorizontal relative position of the teamholdbar HUD element
varhud_teamholdbar_pos_yVertical relative position of the teamholdbar HUD element
varhud_teamholdbar_showVisibility of the teamholdbar HUD element
varhud_teamholdbar_show_textvertical_text can be used when vertical mode is set to draw the text vertically also.
varhud_teamholdbar_verticalUse vertical_text to make the text vertical also.
varhud_teamholdbar_vertical_textDraw the text vertically for the teamholdbar.
varhud_teamholdbar_widthWidth of the teamholdbar HUD element in pixels. Some elements support relative width, e.g. 25%
varhud_teamholdinfo_align_xVertical alignment of the teamholdinfo HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_teamholdinfo_align_yVertical alignment of the teamholdinfo HUD element. See the HUD manual for more info.
varhud_teamholdinfo_frameOpacity of the background of the teamholdinfo HUD element
varhud_teamholdinfo_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the teamholdinfo HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_teamholdinfo_heightHeight of the teamholdinfo HUD element in pixels. Some elements support relative heights, e.g. 25%
varhud_teamholdinfo_itemfilterAny character/whitespace can be used as a delimiter. Make sure you enter the value between quotes if...
varhud_teamholdinfo_onlytpDecides whetever the teamholdinfo hud item should be shown only when in teamplay mode, or demo playb...
varhud_teamholdinfo_opacitySets the background opacity for the teamholdinfo hud element.
varhud_teamholdinfo_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_teamholdinfo_placePlacement of the teamholdinfo HUD element. HUD elements can be place into various screen areas or ot...
varhud_teamholdinfo_pos_xHorizontal relative position of the teamholdinfo HUD element
varhud_teamholdinfo_pos_yVertical relative position of the teamholdinfo HUD element
varhud_teamholdinfo_showVisibility of the teamholdinfo HUD element
varhud_teamholdinfo_styleThe style of the teamholdinfo hud item.
varhud_teamholdinfo_widthWidth of the teamholdinfo HUD element in pixels. Some elements support relative width, e.g. 25%
varhud_teaminfo_loc_widthNumber of character spaces used to display the location information in hud_teaminfo.
varhud_teaminfo_name_widthNumber of character spaces used to display the player name in hud_teaminfo.
varhud_teaminfo_showEnemy information can be enabled through hud_teaminfo_show_enemies 1.
varhud_teaminfo_show_enemiesShow information about the enemy team(s) in the teaminfo window. Displays a header for each team con...
varhud_teaminfo_show_selfDisplay your self (or player spectated) in the teaminfo list.
varhud_tp_needE.g.: Use with 'tp_need_health 40' and your health indicator will display red numbers if your health...
varhud_tracking_align_xSets tracking HUD element horizontal alignment.
varhud_tracking_align_ySets tracking HUD element vertical alignment.
varhud_tracking_formatChanges the format of descriptive text displayed when you are tracking someone as spectator or watch...
varhud_tracking_frameSets frame visibility and style for this HUD element.
varhud_tracking_frame_colorDefines the color of the background of the tracking HUD element. See HUD manual for more info.
varhud_tracking_orderThis defines the order of drawing the HUD elements. That means you can change will be drawn on top o...
varhud_tracking_placeFirst you have to decide, if the element that you are locating now (element B) is to be positioned i...
varhud_tracking_pos_xSets horizontal position of this HUD element.
varhud_tracking_pos_ySets vertical position of this HUD element.
varhud_tracking_showToggles visibility of this HUD element.
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cmdif<expr1> <operator> <expr2> <cmd1> [else <cmd1>]
cmdif_existsif an object <name> of a type <type> exists, a command <cmd1> will be issued, or a command <cmd2> if...
cmdignoreYou can give ignore either a player's name (name completion is useful for this) or a userid (ignore...
cmdignorelistPrints ignorelist
varignore_flood_durationYou can change the 4 second cooldown with the 'ignore_flood_duration' variable.
cmdignore_idignore_id is identical except it only accepts user id's (only useful if there is a player whose nam...
varignore_modeSomeone is on your ignore list, you won't see any messagemode (/say hello) messages from them (even...
varignore_qizmo_specIgnores all Qizmo spectators (= observers). Very useful on big matches with 100 and more spectators.
varignore_qtvIgnore chat messages from the Quake-TV broadcast.
cmdignore_teamYou can ignore teams instead of players. Example: ignoreteam nine will ignore whole clan nine.
varimage_jpeg_quality_levelYou can set quality of jpeg screenshots with 'image_jpeg_quality_level x' where x is an integer fro...
varimage_png_compression_levelYou can set the amount of png compression with 'image_png_compression_level x' where x is an intege...
cmdimpulseThis command calls a game function or QuakeC function. Often impulses are used by the mod by defini...
cmdincIncrements a variable by one or adds to it the optional second argument. There are no 'add' or 'dec...
optindphysEnables Independent Physics. This desyncronises client framerate from physics and you can use full s...
varin_builtinkeymapAllows you tu use old Quake keyboard mapping
varin_di_bufferedThis setting has been added only because Direct Input allows such mode of use. It is not going to de...
varin_di_bufsizeOn some circumstances the default size does not have to be sufficient
varin_evdeviceSpecify device for evdev mouse. Should be absolute path like /dev/input/event0 use in_evdevlist com...
cmdin_evdevlistprint list of evdev devices if you got empty list, probably you dont have access rights to /dev/inp...
varin_mmtMultithreaded mouse. For most users in_mmt 1 + evdev gives the most smooth input
varin_mouseLinux: You have to set in_evdevice to proper value (/dev/input/eventX). Use command in_evdevlist to ...
varin_m_mwhookIn some circumstances allows you to bind additional mouse buttons on Logitech mouse controllers. Dep...
varin_m_os_parametersAllows you to use your system mouse settings in the client
varin_m_smoothEnables advanced mouse smoothing. You have to be using Direct Input for this to work.
varin_raw_allbuttonsForces RAW Input handler to treat more incoming signals as mouse buttons. Helps if you cannot get so...
optipServer command. For multi-homed machines (machines with more than one network adapter you can force ...
varirc_server_addressIP address of the IRC server to connect to on irc connect command.
varirc_server_passwordPassword for IRC server connection.
varirc_server_portPort number for IRC server connection.
varirc_user_nickYour nickname used to log-in to the IRC server.
varirc_user_realnameReal name field used to log-in to the IRC server.
varirc_user_usernameUsername used to log-in to the IRC server.
cmditemsclockHUD element displaying items that will spawn soon in the game. Works only in MVD and QuakeTV playbac...
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cmdjoinjoins a specified server as player. If no address is specified, join will reconnect to the last visi...
cmdjoyadvancedupdateThis command initializes the joystick's advanced features. It is necessary to issue this command af...
optjoystickEnable the joystick.
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cmdkeycodeIf no key is given, the current mapping of the scancode will be printed. The first call to that comm...
cmdkeymaplistThis command prints all the current keymappings to the quake console.
cmdkeymap_initThis resets the current keymapping and then generates a copy of the internal defaults (US keyboard) ...
cmdkeymap_listThis command prints all the current keymappings to the quake console.
cmdkeymap_loadThis command first resets the current keymappings and then loads a new mapping from the given file.
varkeymap_nameThis holds the name of the current keymappings; it has (currently) only informational purposes. If n...
cmdkeymap_resetThis command switches off the current keymappings and sets it back to the internal defaults; it also...
cmdkeymap_saveIf the layoutname is given, "keymap_name" will be set before saving. If the filename contains no dir...
cmdkickRemoves a user from the server. Use the status command to receive the user's id. Example: kick 123...
cmdkillSuicide. (-2 frags on ktpro/kteam servers)
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cmdlegacyquakeWhen the optional argument is specified, legacyquake will disable new features from specified versio...
cmdlistipPrints out the current list of IPs on the server list. Not to be confused with the status command w...
cmdloadLoad 123 loads saved game 123.
cmdloadcharsetYou can change your console font from within ezQuake. Put all your charset images in qw/textures/cha...
cmdloadfragfileloadfragfile 123 loads fragfile 123
cmdloadlocLoads a loc file (must be located in id1/locs, qw/locs, or ezquake/locs. The ".loc" extention is op...
cmdloadskyLoads your skybox (qw\env). Example: loadsky snow
cmdlocalinfoShows or sets localinfo variables. Useful for mod programmers who need to allow the admin to change...
cmdlocnameCreate a new location in the current spot.
cmdlogIf you type "log filename" it will log console to filename.log in your gamedir. It overwrites logs ...
varlog_dirThe logging dir.
varlookspringThis variable toggles the centering of the screen after the -klook command.
varlookstrafeThis variable toggles the automatic strafing when the +klook command is used. When set to "1" and th...
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cmdmacrolistMacro is a special type of string that is replaced in your custom command with value given by state ...
cmdmaploads a map and start a game. Example: map e1m1
cmdmapgroupCommon mapgroups for TeamFortress: mapgroup 1on1fortr 1on1forts 1on1fort kjforts mapgroup 2fort5r ...
varmapnameContains the name of the current map
varmatch_auto_logconsoleWhen set to 1 or 2, a temp console log will automatically be created when a match starts (usually wh...
varmatch_auto_loguploadAutomatically upload match console log to remote server specified in match_auto_logurl.
varmatch_auto_minlengthWhen using 'match_auto_record 2', temp demo's auto recorded won't be saved automatically if they are...
varmatch_auto_recordWhen set to 1 or 2, a temp demo will automatically be recorded when a match starts (usually when the...
varmatch_auto_spectatingWhen set to 1, auto recording will also occur when in spectator mode.
varmatch_auto_sshotSet to 1 to automatically take a screenshot of the final scoreboard when a match ends. If your conso...
varmatch_auto_unminimizeBring client from minimized state on countdown start.
varmatch_challengeWhen enabled, sends announcements to duel ladder server about match start and match end. Can be acti...
varmatch_challenge_urlWeb address where POST requests announcing challenge match start and end will be sent.
cmdmatch_forcestartSimulates the start of a match (so that auto recording etc is triggered). Useful if you join a ktpr...
varmatch_format_2on2Each match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_3on3Each match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_4on4Each match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_arenaEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_coopEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_duelEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_ffaEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
cmdmatch_format_macrolistPrints a list of the macros and their meaning for autorecording and autoscreenshots.
varmatch_format_multiteamEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_raceEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_soloEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_tdmEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_tf_clanwarEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_format_tf_duelEach match category has a name format variable associated with it. This variable is called match_for...
varmatch_ladder_idIdentification of the current duel ladder. Not used right now, always 1.
varmatch_name_andUsed for separating names in %k and %l.
varmatch_name_nick%n uses this if its not "", otherwise it uses your in game name.
varmatch_name_onUsed for separating numbers in %a.
varmatch_name_specThis is placed after your nick when using %n and are in spec mode. Eg. if you use "match_name_nick f...
varmatch_name_versusUsed for separating names in %b.
cmdmatch_saveIf you are using 'match_auto_record 1' then a temp demo will be recorded to c:\quake\ezquake\temp\_...
varmaxclientsHighest number of players allowed on the server
varmaxspectatorsHighest number of spectators allowed to connect to the server
optmaxtmu2Prevents using more than two texture units. Intended for buggy ATI cards. Lowers performance so don'...
optmdevMouse device, default is
optmemSpecify memory in megabytes to allocate (default is 8MB, which should be fine for most needs).
varmenu_advancedShows/hides advanced options entries in the Options menu
cmdmenu_demosThis command will display the demos menu.
cmdmenu_fpsThis command will display the fps menu.
cmdmenu_helpThis command will display the help menu.
varmenu_ingameEnables/disables ingame menu - menu that typically appears if you press Esc key during the game.
cmdmenu_keysThis command will display the keys menu.
cmdmenu_loadThis command will display the load menu to load singleplaying saves.
cmdmenu_mainThis command will display the main menu.
varmenu_marked_bgcolorThe color of the selected entry in options menu.
varmenu_marked_fadeSpeed of menu entry highlight flashing. Zero disables the flashing effect.
cmdmenu_mp3_controlThis command will display the mp3 menu.
cmdmenu_mp3_playlistThis command will display the mp3 playlist menu.
cmdmenu_multiplayerThis command will display the multiplayer menu.
cmdmenu_optionsThis command will display the options menu.
cmdmenu_quitThis command will display the quit menu.
cmdmenu_saveThis command will display the save menu to save singleplaying games.
cmdmenu_setupThis command will display the setup menu.
cmdmenu_singleplayerThis command will display the singleplayer menu.
cmdmenu_slistThis command will display the server browser.
cmdmenu_videoThis command will display the video menu.
cmdmessagemodePrompts for string to broadcast to all other players.
cmdmessagemode2Prompts for string to broadcast to team members.
cmdmessagemodeqtvtogameGo into message mode for chatting in the Quake TV chat.
optmevdevplay with it. If you have one keyboard and one mouse it will be event0 or event1.
optminmemoryThis switch allows you to define the minimum amount of memory that should be allocated for Quake. E...
optmmtEnables EVDEV support.
optmodeThis switch is used to specify the video mode that the client should start up in.
cmdmp3_fadeoutLike stop but fades out.
cmdmp3_fforwardFast forward 5seconds.
varmp3_grabvolumeToggles client control of your music player volume.
cmdmp3_loadplaylistLoads the playlist filename.m3u Example: mp3_loadplaylist top10 will load top10.m3u
cmdmp3_nextNext song.
cmdmp3_pausePause mp3.
cmdmp3_playPlay mp3.
varmp3_playerWindows - winamp supported Linux - audacious, xmms2, xmms, mpd supported Mac - None
cmdmp3_playlistDisplays playlist. Currently playign track is highlighted.
cmdmp3_playtrackPlay track number #num from playlist. Example: mp3_playtrack 5 will play track 5 from playlist.
cmdmp3_prevPrevious song.
cmdmp3_repeatRepeat playlist.
cmdmp3_rewindRewind 5seconds.
varmp3_scrolltitleToggles scrolling of the song info in mp3 player control window.
varmp3_showtimeToggles displaying song time information in mp3 player control window.
cmdmp3_shuffleShuffle mp3s.
cmdmp3_songinfodisplays song title and other info like time elapsed, total time, and whether paused, stopped or pl...
cmdmp3_startwinampStarts winamp if winamp is not running.
cmdmp3_stopStop mp3.
varmp3_volumeControls volume of your external music player.
varmp3_winamp_dirTells your client the path where it should look for your external music player.
optmrateSvgalib stuff (Linux)
cmdmsg_triggerDefault trigger level is 2. Therefore, if you want to react on chat messages, you need to use parame...
varmumble_enabledRequires mumble to be loaded before toggling this on.
varmvd_autohudWill load different Head Up Display settings when watching MultiView Demos.
varmvd_autotrackYou can change the switching algorithm properties using mvd_autotrack_1on1, mvd_autotrack_2on2, etc....
varmvd_autotrack_1on1Will be used if mvd_autotrack = 1 and a 1on1 game is played. Its an algorythm for selecting the best...
varmvd_autotrack_1on1_valuesAllows you to customize autotrack algoritm. See autotrack manual page for more info.
varmvd_autotrack_2on2Will be used if mvd_autotrack = 1 and a 2on2 game is played. Its an algorythm for selecting the best...
varmvd_autotrack_2on2_valuesAllows you to customize autotrack algoritm. See autotrack manual page for more info.
varmvd_autotrack_4on4Will be used if mvd_autotrack = 1 and a 4on4 game is played. Its an algorythm for selecting the best...
varmvd_autotrack_4on4_valuesAllows you to customize autotrack algoritm. See autotrack manual page for more info.
varmvd_autotrack_customWill be used if mvd_autotrack = 2. Its an algorythm for selecting the best player.
varmvd_autotrack_custom_valuesAllows you to customize autotrack algoritm. See autotrack manual page for more info.
varmvd_autotrack_instantIn KTPro autotrack tracked player is changed only when some events happen. In instant mvd_autotrack ...
varmvd_autotrack_lockteamIf set to 1, autotrack will keep switching POVs only from players within the same team.
cmdmvd_dumpstatsWill dump statistics gathered from a MVD demo into a "stats.xml" file in the current working directo...
varmvd_infoWhen watching Multi View Demo (.mvd) you can show a table on the screen with full info about players...
varmvd_info_setupExample: "%p %f %n %l %h" will display powerup, frags, nickname, location and health of each player....
varmvd_info_show_headerWill show a line above the mvd_info table telling you wich column is armor/health/location etc.
varmvd_info_xSee scr_mvdinfo and scr_mvdinfo_setup description for more details.
varmvd_info_ySee scr_mvdinfo and scr_mvdinfo_setup description for more details.
varmvd_moreinfoWhen playing MultiView Demo (MVD), you can turn on more messages printed in the console, like those ...
varmvd_multitrack_1Will be used if mvd_autotrack = 3 and cl_multiview is enabled. Its an algorythm for selecting the b...
varmvd_multitrack_1_valuesAllows you to customize autotrack algoritm. See autotrack manual page for more info.
varmvd_multitrack_2Will be used if mvd_autotrack = 3 and cl_multiview is enabled. Its an algorythm for selecting the b...
varmvd_multitrack_2_valuesAllows you to customize autotrack algoritm. See autotrack manual page for more info.
varmvd_multitrack_3Will be used if mvd_autotrack = 3 and cl_multiview is enabled. Its an algorythm for selecting the b...
varmvd_multitrack_3_valuesAllows you to customize autotrack algoritm. See autotrack manual page for more info.
varmvd_multitrack_4Will be used if mvd_autotrack = 3 and cl_multiview is enabled. Its an algorythm for selecting the b...
varmvd_multitrack_4_valuesAllows you to customize autotrack algoritm. See autotrack manual page for more info.
varmvd_pc_pent_1Describes the position and viewing angles of the p1 cam. x y z rot_x rot_y
varmvd_pc_pent_2Describes the position and viewing angles of the p2 cam. x y z rot_x rot_y
varmvd_pc_pent_3Describes the position and viewing angles of the p3 cam. x y z rot_x rot_y
varmvd_pc_quad_1Describes the position and viewing angles of the q1 cam. x y z rot_x rot_y
varmvd_pc_quad_2Describes the position and viewing angles of the q2 cam. x y z rot_x rot_y
varmvd_pc_quad_3Describes the position and viewing angles of the q3 cam. x y z rot_x rot_y
varmvd_pc_view_1Sets the powerup camera for viewport 1
varmvd_pc_view_2Sets the powerup camera for viewport 2
varmvd_pc_view_3Sets the powerup camera for viewport 3
varmvd_pc_view_4Sets the powerup camera for viewport 4
varmvd_powerup_camFor setting up the viewports cams look at mvd_pc_view_1-4 and for setting the locations of the ca...
varmvd_statusShows information of the player you are currently tracking. Information includes. taken/dropped it...
varmvd_status_xAdjusts the horizontal placement of mvd_status table
varmvd_status_yAdjusts the vertical placement of mvd_status table
varmvd_write_xmlEnables dumping of XML stats from a MVD.
varm_accelSets mouse acceleration like in q3.
varm_filterThis variable toggles mouse input filtering. When set to "1", the values which are received from the...
varm_forwardThis variable controls how fast the player should move forward and back when the mouse is moved for...
optm_mwhookAllows you to bind up to eight mouse buttons on Logitech mouse. You have to use MouseWare. You must ...
varm_pitchThis variable sets the level of precision when the mouse is used to make the player look up and dow...
varm_rateThis variable should be set to your mouse rate (in Hz). Note: need -m_smooth and -dinput to commandl...
varm_showrateNote: need -m_smooth and -dinput to commandline.
varm_sideWhen the +strafe command is active or when "lookspring" is set to "1" this variable is used to cont...
optm_smoothThis is meant to smooth your mouse movements and maximize mouse responsiveness. If you're unlucky an...
varm_yawThis variable controls how fast the player turns left and right when the mouse is moved left and ri...
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varnamePlayer's name.
cmdnetproblemHUD element - icon displayed when network traffic is experiencing problems like lost packets, large ...
optno24bitPrevents loading 24-bit textures, charsets, images, etc.
optnoadjustaspectWhen not used, client uses following algorithm adjusting the size of the screen: If the width is mor...
varnoaimThis variable toggles whether a server-sided aiming-help should be used when shooting rockets (not p...
optnoalsaChanges ALSA to OSS sound output. By default ezQuake uses ALSA sound output, if ALSA cant be init...
cmdnoclipYou can fly and go thru objects (free mode as spectator) Note: Needs cheats support by server.
optnoconinputLinux server stuff.
optnodgaLinux only. Do not use direct (mouse, keyboard) input.
optnodirectdrawThis switch will disable support for DirectDraw video modes. Also allows to use widescreen modes.
optnoforcemaccelDescription: Disable the forcing of mouse acceleration on startup. Note: This parameter should only...
optnoforcemparmsDescription: Disable the forcing of mouse parameters on startup. Note: This parameter should only b...
optnoforcemspdDescription: Disable the forcing of mouse speed on startup. Note: This parameter should only be use...
optnoforcevgaDescription: Disable the forcing of the VGA 0x13 video mode on startup.
optnofulldibThis will disable fullscreen, borderless window video modes. Note: DIB full screen modes are nothin...
optnohwgammaDisables hardware gamma control.
optnohwtimerTurns off new precise timer and returns back old behaviourturns off new precise timer and returns ba...
optnoindphysDisables Independent Physics.
optnokbdDisables the keyboard.
optnokdgaDo not use direct keyboard input. Might solve linux application switching problems.
optnolibjpgPrevents loading library for writing .jpg images.
optnolibpngPrevents loading library for writing .png images.
optnomdgaLinux (glx) only. Do not use direct mouse input.
optnomouseThis switch will disable mouse support. Using this switch will increase your FPS, but obviously the ...
optnomp3volumectrlDisables control of volume of mp3 player.
optnomtexThis extension will be autodetected and used. If for some reason it is not working correctly, specif...
optnomultithreadedglDisables the use of multithreaded OpenGL. The default is to use multithreaded OpenGL if the system h...
optnopriorityServer for Win32 automatically sets itself as a high priority task (HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS). This is ne...
optnorjscriptsDisables usage of movement scripts by setting allow_scripts 0
optnoscriptsDisables usage of movement scripts by setting allow_scripts 0
optnoshadowsDifferent map lighting mode. Not allowed in usual games.
optnosockrawDisables usage of different pinging method (for Server Browser).
optnosoundThis switch will disable sound support. Using this switch will increase your FPS, but obviously the ...
optnostdoutThis behavior can be modified using the -nostdin or -allstdin flags. Standard output and error are a...
optnoswapctrlWhen used prevents loading Vsync control extensions.
optnotriplebufThis switch will disable triple-buffer page flipping for the video. Note: This parameter will disab...
optnovbeafThis command line switch will disable support for the Accelerated VESA video modes.
optnovesaThis command line switch will disable support for all VESA video modes.
optnowdDisable support for VESA video modes in favor of DirectX DirectDraw video modes.
optnowindirectThis switch will disable support for VESA video modes in favor of DirectX DirectDraw video modes or ...
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cmdobserveobserve connects you to a server as a spectator. If no address is specified, observe will reconnect ...
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cmdpacketSends a packet with specified contents to the destination. Example: packet "...
optparticlesThis switch specifies the maximum number of particles to be rendered on the screen at once.
cmdpasswordSet the password to enter a password protected server.
cmdpathShows what paths ezQuake is using.
cmdpausePauses a game. Note: Servers must support pausing.
cmdplayPlays a sound effect. Example: play misc/runekey.wav
cmdplaydemoPlays a recorded demo. Example: playdemo thresh.qwd
cmdplayvolPlays a sound at a given volume. Examples: playvol items/protect.wav .5 playvol items/protect.wav...
varpm_airstepAirstep player-move-extension. Changes the physics of the game and allows to do jumps on stairs.
varpm_bunnyspeedcapThis is experimental code intended to restore class balance in TF. If you set this cvar to somethin...
varpm_ktjumpYou can change value of ktjump.
varpm_pgroundThis extension makes use of Z_EXT_PF_ONGROUND to ensure correct movement prediction by clients. Pred...
varpm_slidefixWhen set to 1, Upon decsension from a sloped surface, the player doesn't "drop" (which is a bug in Q...
cmdpointfileIf qbsp generates a non-zero .pts file a leak exists in the level. This file is created in the maps ...
optportSet the UDP port for game server.
optprimarysoundThis switch will force the client to use DirectSound's primary buffer output for sound instead of se...
cmdprofileReports information about QuakeC stuff.
varpushlatencyThis variable is outdated and exists for compatibility with old configs.
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varqconsole_log_sayLog chat messages into the main server console log.
varqizmo_dirChange the default qizmo directory.
varqportLocal port the client uses to connect to servers
cmdqtvConnects you to internet QuakeTV broadcasting some action, using your local proxy. Starts local Quak...
varqtv_adjustbufferWhen turned on, the speed of the playback may change sometimes - that's how the buffer lenght is bal...
varqtv_adjusthighstartThe level on which QTV buffer auto-adjusting will start. E.g. when set to 1.5, (and qtv_adjustbuffer...
varqtv_adjustlowstartThe bottom level on which QTV buffer auto-adjusting will start. E.g. when set to 0.5, (and qtv_adjus...
varqtv_adjustmaxspeedThe fastest possible playback speed when QTV buffer becomes excessive and auto-adjusting starts. The...
varqtv_adjustminspeedNot allowing to slow down enough, buffer level might still drop down to zero if there were longer ne...
varqtv_buffertimeThis determines the "delay" you will get from what is actually happening. For example if you want to...
varqtv_chatprefixString that will be added at the beginning of all messages send to a QTV chat.
varqtv_event_changenameText pattern used when an user changes his name on a QTV stream
varqtv_event_joinText pattern used when an user joins a QTV stream
varqtv_event_leaveText pattern used when an user leaves a QTV stream
varqtv_gamechatprefixString that will be added at the beginning of all messages send from QTV to the server where the bro...
varqtv_passwordPassword required for QTV to connect to the streamport.
cmdqtv_reconnectReconnect to last QuakeTV server the client was connected to.
varqtv_streamportServer variable, TCP port on which the server will listen for QTV connections.
cmdquitExit - disconnects from the server and closes the client.
varqwdtools_dirSpecifies the qwdtools utility placement
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cmdradarManipulate with it as with every other HUD element: scr_newhud 1; show radar; ... Works while watch...
varrailcolorPossible values are: 1 - 7
varrateSets the maximum amount of bytes per second that the server should send to the client.
cmdrconIssue the set of commands to the server you are currently connected to or have set in rcon_address....
varrcon_addressAddress of the server to query with remote console commands
varrcon_passwordPassword used for remote console communication
cmdreconnectReconnects to the last server/proxy.
cmdrecordRecords a demo. Example: record test records test.qwd to qw folder
cmdremoveipRemoves an IP address from the server IP list. Examples: removeip removeip 123.12...
cmdremovelocRemove the closest location (use teamsay to see which)
optresetwinposThis switch will reset the position of the game window on the desktop. If the game window will ever ...
cmdre_triggerA trigger is activated as soon as a string defined in this regexp is detected. At the same time a pa...
cmdre_trigger_deletedeletes the corresponding trigger.
cmdre_trigger_disabledisables activation of one or more triggers.
cmdre_trigger_enableenables activation of one or more triggers.
cmdre_trigger_matchallows to direct a <string> to a trigger <trigger_name>. If this string match regexp, then a corresp...
varre_trigger_match_0Whole matched pattern of the regular expression match.
varre_trigger_match_1First matched subpattern of the regexp match.
cmdre_trigger_optionsenable allows activation of a trigger (default). disable prohibits activation of a trigger. Trigge...
cmdrotaterotates the player by x degrees. Note: Negative values can also be used for the desired angle. Exa...
optrtctimerUse RTC (Real Time Clock) timer insteand of 'gettimeofday' system call. RTC timer frequency must ...
optrulesetUsed to specify a ruleset for toggling certain features, e.g: Disables triggers,truelighting and en...
varr_aliastransadjNot much is known about this variable except for that increasing the value will cause the player mod...
varr_aliastransbaseNot much is known about this variable except for that increasing the value will cause the player mod...
varr_ambientThis variable controls the amount of ambient lighting on the map. When this variable is increased t...
varr_bloomLights will have a \"diamond\" effect near them
varr_bloom_alphaTransparency level of the blooming effect
varr_bloom_darkenLevel of \"darkness\" of the blooming effect
varr_bloom_diamond_sizeSize of the diamond particle used in the blooming effect
varr_bloom_fast_sampleFaster variant of the blooming effect.
varr_bloom_intensityIntensity of the blooming effect
varr_bloom_sample_sizeSize of the particle used in the blooming effect
varr_chaticons_alphaOpacity of chaticons.
varr_clearcolorThis variable changes the color of the areas outside the map, commonly seen when free floating as a ...
varr_damagestatsDisplays the amount of damage taken recently on the screen above your armour and health.
varr_drawentitiesThis variable can be used to disable that any object entities are drawn. This command is useful to ...
varr_drawflatDisables textures and walls and floors them with a solid color (/r_wallcolor or /r_floorcolor) depen...
varr_draworderAllows you to see through object - for development purposes only.
varr_drawviewmodelNote: Transparency works in GL only.
varr_drawvwepsIn order for vweps to work, you must have the appropriate models (vwplayer.mdl and w_*.mdl), and the...
varr_enemyskincolorAllows you to set color for enemies you see in RGB format
varr_explosionLightColorDetermines the color of the explosion light.
varr_explosionType0 = Fire + sparks 1 = Fire only 2 = Teleport 3 = Blood 4 = Big blood 5 = Double gunshot 6 = Bl...
varr_farclipCan be used to overcome vision being limited to 4096 units in GL clients (good for xpress2 etc).
varr_floorcolorChanges color of floors and ceilings when r_drawflat is set to 1. Enter RGB value here, e.g. r_floor...
varr_fullbrightThis variable can only be used when the server is running with cheats enabled (for example "mvdsv ...
varr_fullbrightSkinsDetermines the fullbright percentage of skins. Fullbright skins can always be used during demo playb...
varr_glstatsWhen enabled, it creates a window in the top right of the screen showing the number of particles and...
varr_graphheightThis variable used to set the number of lines displayed in the "r_timegraph" command.
varr_grenadeTrailCustomizable grenade trails.
varr_lavacolorChanges colour of lava when r_fastturb set to 1
varr_lgbloodColorDetermines the color of the blood (for standard particles). The QW-default value is 225.
varr_maxedgesThis variable sets the maximum number of plane surface edges to be rendered. Actual default (and mi...
varr_maxsurfsThis variable sets the maximum number of plane surfaces to be rendered. Actual default (and minimal...
varr_nearclipDistance of clipping nearest objects (v_models).
varr_netgraphIf during your play, you frequently see a string of messages with the term "U_REMOVE" in them, and y...
varr_netstatsShows information about ping, packetloss, average packet size and incoming/outgoing traffic. Equival...
varr_novisThis variable toggles the use of VIS information from the map data. When this variable is set to "1...
varr_particles_countYou can adjust graphics performance with this.
varr_reportsurfoutToggle the display of how many surfaces where not displayed. This shouldn't happen during normal gam...
varr_rocketLightColorDetermines the colour of the rocket light.
varr_rocketTrailCustomizable rocket trails.
varr_shaftalphaAdds transparency to the lightning gun beam (shaft).
varr_shiftbeamDoesn't work with smackdown ruleset. Intended for movies.
varr_skincolormodeToggles different modes of how colors from r_enemyskincolor and r_teamskincolor are applied to playe...
varr_skycolorChanges colour of sky when r_fastsky set to 1
varr_skynameIf you wan't to use skybox name snow type r_skyname snow, disable skybox with r_skyname ""
varr_slimecolorChanges colour of slime when r_fastturb set to 1
varr_speedsToggles the displaying of drawing time and stats of what is currently being viewed. Example: 32.7 ms...
varr_teamskincolorAllows you to set color for teammates you see in RGB format
varr_telecolorChanges colour of teleport when r_fastturb set to 1
varr_telesplashToggles teleport splash effect.
varr_tracker_align_rightControls the alignment of the extra frag messages window.
varr_tracker_flagsSee r_tracker_*, cl_parseFrags and cl_loadFragFiles variables description for further info.
varr_tracker_fragsControls which frag messages will be shown in extra window, beside the standard onscreen chat (notif...
varr_tracker_frame_colorControls the opacity and color of the background of the extra frag messages window.
varr_tracker_messagesSee other r_tracker_*, cl_parseFrags and cl_loadFragFiles variables description for further info.
varr_tracker_positive_enemy_suicideIf enabled frag tracker draws enemy suicides using color value of r_tracker_color_good variable.
varr_tracker_scaleAllows you to change the font size in the extra frag messages.
varr_tracker_streaksEverytime a player makes a set number of consecutive kills, it will display a message showing they a...
varr_tracker_timeNumber of seconds the tracker information is drawn on the screen.
varr_tracker_xSee other r_tracker_* variables description for more info.
varr_tracker_ySee other r_tracker_* variables description for more info.
varr_turbwarpSW only! This variable has the same effect as r_waterwarp in other quake clients.
varr_viewmodellastfiredDisplay last fired weapon instead of currently held one on MVD / QTV playback.
varr_viewmodeloffsetMoves the gun model to the right (positive value) or to the left (negative value). Good for people w...
varr_viewmodelSizeThis allows you to change the size of the viewmodel (the model of your active weapon displayed on ...
varr_viewpreselgunWill show a gun that was picked as the best by weapon pre-selection.
varr_wallcolorChanges color of walls when r_drawflat is set to 1. Enter RGB value here, e.g. r_wallcolor "128 128 ...
varr_watercolorChanges color of water when r_fastturb set to 1
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varsamelevelWhen enabled, the same level will be played once the match is over
cmdsaveTo save games in singleplaying. Example: save 123
cmdsavelocSaves the current locs in memory to the specified file.
cmdsayBroadcasts a string to all other players. Example: say ezQuake rules!
cmdsay_teamBroadcasts a string to teammates. Example: say_team stop boring!
varsb_autohideThis toggles in which cases the server browser should automatically hide itself when connecting to ...
varsb_autoupdateEnabled auto-updates (pings & refreshes status) servers from actually marked server sources in Serve...
varsb_findroutesEnables automatic lookup of lowest ping path via proxies for connection to each server in the server...
varsb_hidedeadThis toggles whether ezQuake should hide dead servers.
varsb_hideemptyThis toggles whether ezQuake should hide empty servers.
varsb_hidefullThis toggles whether ezQuake should hide full servers.
varsb_hidehighpingRemove servers with high ping from the server list and also exclude them from querying servers for d...
varsb_hidenotemptyThis toggles whether ezQuake should hide empty servers.
varsb_inforetriesThis determines how often ezQuake should try to retrieve information from a server until it is cons...
varsb_infospersecThis determines how many serverinfos per second ezQuake should retrieve when scanning servers. When...
varsb_infotimeoutThis determines how long ezQuake will wait for a reply when trying to retrieve information from a se...
varsb_listcacheCache the list of alive servers and load it on next startup of the client.
varsb_liveupdateThis will determine how often ezQuake should refresh the serverinfo window, the specified value sets...
varsb_mastercacheThis toggles whether ezQuake should cache the results of queries to master server (in directory qw/...
varsb_masterretriesThis determines how often ezQuake should try to retrieve information from a master server until it ...
varsb_mastertimeoutThis determines how long ezQuake will wait for a reply when trying to retrieve information from a ma...
varsb_maxheightThis set the maximum height for the server browser menu in pixels.
varsb_maxwidthThis set the maximum width for the server browser menu in pixels.
varsb_nosockrawDisable ICMP pinging in server browser and use UDP QW Ping packet to query servers for their ping (m...
varsb_pinglimitLimit ping for servers to be visible when sb_hidehighping is enabled.
varsb_pingsThis determines how many pings ezQuake will send to a server when trying to determine your ping to i...
cmdsb_pingsdumpDumps a list of pairs (IP address, ping) into the console based on the current content of the Server...
varsb_pingspersecThis determines how many pings per second ezQuake should sent out when scanning servers. If you set ...
varsb_pingtimeoutThis determines how long ezQuake will wait for a reply when trying to ping a server until the attem...
cmdsb_refreshSame effect as if you press [Space] in the Server Browser main tab.
varsb_showaddressThis toggles whether ezQuake should display the server IP column in the server list.
varsb_showcountersThis toggles whether ezQuake should display the number of servers or players in the status line.
varsb_showfraglimitThis toggles whether ezQuake should display the fraglimit column in the server list.
varsb_showgamedirThis toggles whether ezQuake should display the gamedir column in the server list, for example to se...
varsb_showmapThis toggles whether ezQuake should display the map column in the server list.
varsb_showpingThis toggles whether ezQuake should display the ping column in the server list.
varsb_showplayersThis toggles whether ezQuake should display the players column in the server list that shows how man...
varsb_showproxiesToggle display of proxy servers (QWFwd and Qizmo) in the Server Browser.
varsb_showtimelimitThis toggles whether ezQuake should display the timelimit column in the server list.
varsb_sortplayersThis determines sort order in the players list. This uses the numbers from the description of the co...
varsb_sortserversThis determines sort order in the servers list. This uses the numbers from the description of the co...
varsb_sortsourcesOrdering instructions for server browser sources list are stored in this variable. You can order sou...
cmdsb_sourceaddAdds new server list source.
cmdsb_sourcemarkMarks "source-name" as selected server source list.
cmdsb_sourcesupdateReload server lists from all marked server sources.
cmdsb_sourceunmarkallUnmarks all servers sources.
varsb_sourcevalidityThis sets the time of master servers validity in minutes. Master servers that were updated within th...
varsb_starttabSets default tab in Server Browser. This tab will be displayed when you enter Server Browser for the...
varsb_statusThis toggles whether the server status should be displayed in the two bottom lines of the server br...
cmdscore_differenceHUD element which displays the frag difference between you (your team) and your enemy (enemy team).
cmdscore_enemyHUD element which displays amount of frags made by all the enemies.
cmdscore_ownHUD element which display your (or the person's you are observing) amount of frags.
cmdscore_positionHUD element which displays your position on the frag leaders board.
cmdscreenshotSaves a still picture of current screen to your harddrive.
varscr_autoidOnly works when spectating. You can remove the drawing of the playername by using scr_autoid_drawnam...
varscr_autoid_drawnameControls if the player name should be drawn when using scr_autoid >0.
varscr_centershiftShifts all centerprints. If you are playing in 1280x1024 and want to watch some demo recorded in 320...
varscr_centertimeThis variable sets the amount of time in seconds that centerprinted messages stay on the screen.
varscr_coloredfragsFrag messages will be colored according to your teamcolor/enemycolor settings.
varscr_coloredTextAllows colored text in scoreboard, console and notify area. scr_coloredText
varscr_conbackAllows display of map preview as a console background
varscr_conpicturePut console images into id1/gfx or qw/gfx or ezquake/gfx
varscr_conspeedThis variable controls the speed at which the console screen scrolls up and down.
varscr_cursor_alphaLevel of transparency of the cursor used in menus and HUD editor.
varscr_cursor_iconoffset_xOffset of the cursor image used in menus and HUD editor.
varscr_cursor_iconoffset_yOffset of the cursor image used in menus and HUD editor.
varscr_cursor_scaleSize of the cursor image used in menus and HUD editor.
varscr_cursor_sensitivityMouse sensitivity for the cursor used in menus and HUD editor.
varscr_drawHFragsRequired settings for this to work: scr_newhud 0 or 2, viewsize below 110, cl_sbar 1 or cl_sbar 0 bu...
varscr_drawVFragsShows vertical row with frag stats on the right side of the old hud. When teamplay mode is on, will ...
varscr_menudrawhudDraw HUD elements/crosshair/etc in background of main menu. Useful when HUD distracting you in serve...
varscr_newhud_clearForce full screen refresh on low viewsize values to prevent uncleared HUD elements background.
varscr_printspeedThis variable controls how fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes.
varscr_qtvbufferMakes it able to check how much of the stream is buffered on the client side
varscr_qtvbuffer_xHorizontal position of the qtvbuffer counter
varscr_qtvbuffer_yVertical position of the qtvbuffer counter
varscr_sbar_drawammoThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_sbar_drawammocountsThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_sbar_drawammoiconThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_sbar_drawarmorThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_sbar_drawarmoriconThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_sbar_drawfaceiconThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_sbar_drawgunsThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_sbar_drawhealthThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_sbar_drawitemsTurns drawing of items (powerups and keys) in status bar on/off.
varscr_sbar_drawsigilsThis variable applies for old HUD <= 'scr_newhud 0'.
varscr_scoreboard_borderlessControls scoreboard border behavior
varscr_scoreboard_centeredControls X-position of scoreboard
varscr_scoreboard_death_colorChanges the color of the "dths" (deaths) column in your scoreboard when >0. Uses RGB values.
varscr_scoreboard_drawfpsSubstitutes the "time" column with a "FPS" in scores showing how much FPS each player has.
varscr_scoreboard_fadescreenshadowing level, when scoreboard is displayed.
varscr_scoreboard_fillalphaChange scoreboard fillalpha.
varscr_scoreboard_fillcoloredModify scoreboard fillcolour.
varscr_scoreboard_kill_colorChanges the color of the "kills" column in your scoreboard when >0. Uses RGB values.
varscr_scoreboard_posxControls the X-offset of the scoreboard.
varscr_scoreboard_posyControls the Y-offset of the scoreboard.
varscr_scoreboard_spectator_nameThis variable will change what spectators are called in the scoreboard. When teamplay is not on, thi...
varscr_scoreboard_tk_colorChanges the color of the "tks" column in your scoreboard when >0. Uses RGB values.
varscr_showcrosshairAllows you to force the display of the crosshair when in menus or in scoreboard
varscr_shownick_xHorizontal position of the shownick label
varscr_shownick_yVertical position of the shownick label
varscr_spectatorMessageSwitch on/off the text at the bottom of the screen when spectating in free mode: "SPECTATOR MODE | P...
varscr_teaminfoDisplays team info when you are spectating or watching mvd demo.
varscr_teaminfo_align_rightAligns scr_teaminfo left or right
varscr_teaminfo_armor_styleChanges %a to different styles.
varscr_teaminfo_frame_colorChanges the color and transparency of scr_teaminfo's frame.
varscr_teaminfo_loc_widthSets the width for %l
varscr_teaminfo_low_healthSets a minimum health value to display red. E.g. if scr_teaminfo_low_health is 20, and a teammate ha...
varscr_teaminfo_name_widthSets name width in scr_teaminfo
varscr_teaminfo_orderChanges the order of displayed items in scr_teaminfo
varscr_teaminfo_scaleScales scr_teaminfo.
varscr_teaminfo_show_enemiesWorks only for MVD playback (servers do not send info about enemies to you anyway).
varscr_teaminfo_show_selfWill show row with the status of the current player in the teaminfo table.
varscr_teaminfo_weapon_styleChanges %w to different styles.
varscr_teaminfo_xMoves scr_teaminfo in the x-direction
varscr_teaminfo_yMoves scr_teaminfo in the y-direction
varscr_trackingChanges the format of descriptive text displayed when you are tracking someone as spectator or watch...
varscr_weaponstatsDisplays weapons stats on server that support it
varscr_weaponstats_orderAccept next tokens %1 %2 %3 ... %8 which expands in to weapons accuracy, %1 - axe, %2 - sg ... %8 - ...
varscr_weaponstats_xHorizontal placement of the weapon stats table
varscr_weaponstats_yVertical placement of the weapon stats table
varsensitivityThis variable sets the sensitivity of the mouse, it is one of the most important variables in the w...
cmdserverinfoDeathmatch, timelimit, fraglimit, maxspectators and other information are stored in here.
cmdserverstatusApplies to the ezQuake server you are running, not the server you are connected to.
cmdsetSets a variable to a given value.
cmdsetinfoSets information about your FuhWorld user. Used without a key it will list all of your current sett...
cmdsetmasterLists the server with up to eight masters. When a server is listed with a master, the master is awa...
cmdset_alias_stralias test "say_team foo bar" set_alias_str test_var test echo $test_var --> say_team foo bar
cmdset_bind_strbind mouse1 +rl set_bind_str old_bind_m1 mouse1 echo $old_bind_m1 --> +rl
cmdset_calcExamples: set_calc a strlen "cool string" --> a=11 You can use names of cvars instead of strings of ...
cmdset_exassigns a new value to a variable, expansion of %macros and variables is performed even in case if a...
optshowliberrorsPrints all errors of loading modules.
varshow_fps_xDetermine where the show_fps is positioned on your screen on the X co-ordinate.
varshow_fps_yDetermine where the show_fps is positioned on your screen on the Y co-ordinate.
varshow_speedDisplays a speed counter in the top right corner in the client's units (Horizontal velocity). (320 -...
varshow_speed_xDetermine where the show_speed is positioned on your screen on the X co-ordinate.
varshow_speed_yDetermine where the show_speed is positioned on your screen on the Y co-ordinate.
varshow_velocity_3dSee also show_velocity_3d_offset_forward, show_velocity_3d_offset_down.
optsimsoundThis switch will disable sound playback but simulate sound playback for code testing. When this swit...
cmdsizedownReduces the screen size.
cmdsizeupIncreases the screen size.
varskinSets the skin name for the player.
cmdskinsRefreshes skin settings. Note: If you have set noskins to 0 and do this it will download all skins ...
varskin_browser_democolorColor of the demo entries in the skin browser
varskin_browser_dircolorColor of the dir entries in the skin browser
varskin_browser_interlineSize of the space between entries in the skin browser
varskin_browser_scrollnamesToggle scrolling of the filenames in the skin browser
varskin_browser_selectedcolorColor of the selected entries in the skin browser
varskin_browser_showdateToggle the date column in the skin browser
varskin_browser_showsizeToggle the file size column in the skin browser
varskin_browser_showstatusToggle the display of the status bar in the skin browser
varskin_browser_showtimeToggle the time column in the skin browser
varskin_browser_sortmodeSorting mode in the skin browser. Each number represents one column. Their order represents the prio...
varskin_browser_stripnamesToggle stripping of the filenames in the skin browser
varskin_browser_zipcolorColor of the zip entries in the skin browser
cmdskygroupYou assing one skybox texture to group of maps.
cmdsnapRemote screenshot from a player. Example: snap 1234 (server request remote screenshot from user 12...
cmdsnapallRemote screenshots from all players.
optsndbitsThis defines how many sampling bits should be used, when using 16 bits the interpolation quality wil...
optsnddevAllows you to choose from multiple sound devices.
optsndmonoUse the mono sound. only for OSS sound output.
optsndspeedThe client includes "sound interpolation" which allows it to play sounds at higher frequencies, than...
optsndstereoUse the stereo sound system. only for OSS sound output.
cmdsnd_restartRestarts sounds.
optsnoforceformatThis switch will disable the forcing of the soundcard into the appropriate sound mode. Note: When t...
cmdsoundinfoReports information on the sound system.
cmdsoundlistReports a list of sounds in the cache.
cmdspectator_passwordSets spectator password to ezQuake local server. Note: spectator (password) to connect server that ...
cmdspeedShows your current movement speed.
cmdspeed2An alternative speed-o-meter that is drawn as a half-circle.
varsshot_autonameAdd the map name as screenshot filename prefix.
varsshot_dirChange the screenshot directory.
varsshot_formattga = Tga screenshots (gl only) png = Png screenshots jpg = Jpg screenshots (gl only) pcx = Pcx scre...
optstartwindowedSame as "-window" option.
cmdstatusReports information on the current connected clients and the server.
cmdstopStops demo recording.
cmdstopsoundStops all sounds currently being played.
optsurfcachesizeThis switch sets the amount of memory in kilobytes that should be allocated in kilobytes for the sur...
varsv_accelerateSets the acceleration value for the player.
varsv_aimSets the value for auto-aiming leniency.
varsv_airaccelerateSets how quickly the player accelerates in air.
varsv_downloadchunksperframeServer-side. Clients can set high amount of chunks per frame allowed and make your data eat connecti...
varsv_fastconnectactually no help.
varsv_forcenqprogsForce loading of NetQuake progs - if progs.dat (typically from Quake 1 sigle player / mods) is prese...
varsv_frictionSets the friction value for the player.
cmdsv_gamedirDisplays or determines the value of the serverinfo *gamedir variable. This is the directory clien...
varsv_gravitySets the global value for the amount of gravity.
varsv_mapcheckNote: A player who has edited his map files to cheat by removing textures from walls will not be ab...
varsv_maxpitchEZQuake and ZQuake (may be some other) clients understand this physics change, old clients will be c...
varsv_maxrateMaximum rate for clients.
varsv_maxspeedSets the maximum speed a player can move.
varsv_maxticThe maximum amount of time in seconds before a client a receives an update from the server.
varsv_maxvelocitySets the maximum velocity an object can travel.
varsv_minpitchEZQuake and ZQuake (may be some other) clients understand this physics change, old clients will be c...
varsv_minticThe minimum amount of time the server will wait before sending packets to a client.
varsv_nailhacksmoother and point in the right direction.
varsv_pausedread-only variable that gives you current pause state (condition).
varsv_phsof the map.
varsv_spectatormaxspeedSets the maximum speed a spectator can move.
varsv_stopspeedSets the value that determines how fast the player should come to a complete stop.
varsv_timeoutSets the amount of time in seconds before a client is considered disconnected if the server does no...
varsv_wateraccelerateSets the water acceleration value.
varsv_waterfrictionSets the water friction value.
varsw_contrastChange contrast.
varsw_gammaChange gamma.
varsys_disableWinKeysNote: Windows keys are now bindable (LWINKEY, RWINKEY, WINKEY, POPUPMENU). Obviously only useful on ...
varsys_inactiveSoundEnables sounds when the application is not focused
varsys_yieldcpuControls CPU sharing when client is waiting to draw a frame. When disabled, client will run a loop, ...
vars_alsa_deviceSets which device ALSA will be trying to open (when s_driver is set to alsa). Default is: "default",...
vars_alsa_latencySpecifies latency for ALSA. If you got distortion in sound, upper the value a bit. If you experience...
vars_alsa_noworkaroundIf you are having problems with ALSA you can try to set this var to 1 before you try legacy drivers.
vars_ambientfadeHow fast the volume of ambient sounds changes as you move around the map.
vars_ambientlevelVolume level of ambient sounds (produced by liquid and sky brushes).
vars_bitsThis defines how many sampling bits should be used, when using 16 bits the interpolation quality wil...
vars_chat_customControls usage of s_mm*, s_chat_*, s_otherchat_* and s_spec_* variables.
vars_deviceLinux only. Use snd_restart after you change it. For OSS you should use "/dev/dsp", "/dev/dsp0",...
vars_driverSpecifices which sounddriver to use: ALSA/OSS or experimental Pulseaudio.
vars_khzThe client includes "sound interpolation" which allows it to play sounds at higher frequencies, than...
vars_loadas8bitThis will give a little performance boost when playing the game at the cost of quality for the soun...
vars_mixaheadOnly affects OSS and legacy ALSA: This variable defines the delay time for sounds. How low you ca...
vars_mm1_fileYou can specify notification sound for messagemode1 (/messagemode or /say foo) messages.
vars_mm1_volumeYou can specify volume of notification sound for messagemode1 (/messagemode or /say foo) messages.
vars_mm2_fileYou can specify notification sound for messagemode2 (/messagemode2 or /say_team foo) messages.
vars_mm2_volumeYou can specify volume of notification sound for messagemode2 (/messagemode2 or /say_team foo) messa...
vars_noalsaDeterminates sound output for linux clients: ALSA (0=default) or OSS.
vars_oss_deviceSpecifies which device OSS will try to open. Default is "/dev/dsp"
vars_otherchat_fileYou can specify notification sound for other messages (than messagemode, messagemode2 and from spect...
vars_otherchat_volumeYou can specify volume of notification sound for other messages (than messagemode, messagemode2 and ...
vars_other_fileYou can specify notification sound for other messages (than messagemode, messagemode2 and from spect...
vars_pulseaudio_latencySpecifies latency for Pulseaudio. If you got distortion in sound, upper the value a bit. If you expe...
vars_raw_volumeControls volume of voice (voip) playback.
cmds_restartRestarts sounds.
vars_showToggles displaying how many and/or which sound files are currently being played.
vars_spec_fileYou can specify notification sound for spectator messages.
vars_spec_volumeYou can specify volume of notification sound for spectator messages.
vars_stereoLinux only. Use s_restart after you change it.
vars_uselegacydriversIf you are having problems with the new ALSA/OSS drivers you can enable this to be able to use legac...
vars_volumeEven higher values than 1 are possible, but sound usually gets faithless with them.
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cmdtcl_evalexecute <string> as tcl code
cmdtcl_execexecute a config as tcl script
cmdtcl_procexecute a Tcl-procedure <name> with parameters <parameters>. Procedure must be difened before thru t...
cmdtcpconnectConnects your client to a QuakeWorld server via TCP.
opttcpportDefault is 0 i.e. no TCP port - only UDP.
varteamSet the team name.
varteambothskinOverrides the team quad pent skin so you can define the skin which applies to team quads pents.
varteambottomcolorDetermines the color of the pants of the teammates you see. Overrides player's skin settings.
cmdteamcolorThis will overwride team color. Example: teamcolor 12 13 Note: If only the shirt color is given, t...
varteamforceskinsAllows you to set different skin for every team player even if they all have same skin names set or ...
cmdteamholdbarDisplays overall map control per team when watching multiview demo.
cmdteamholdinfoDisplays items possession stats per team when watching multiview demo.
varteamlockObserving feature. Do not toggle enemy recognition when you switch players. One team will always rem...
varteampentskinOverrides the team pent skin so you can define the skin which applies to team pents.
varteamplayNowadays only value 2 is used; value 1 prevents you from killing your teammates including yourself
varteamquadskinOverrides the team quad skin so you can define the skin which applies to team quads.
varteamskinOverrides the team skin so you can define the skin which applies to team mates.
varteamtopcolorDetermines the color of the shirt of the teammates you see. Overrides player's skin settings.
cmdtempaliascfg_save won't save tempaliases to your config.
cmdtimedemoThis command will load and play a demo at full speed. It will then divide the total number of frames...
vartimelimitNumber of minutes the match will take
vartimeoutSets the amount of time in seconds before a client is considered disconnected if the server does no...
cmdtimerefreshThis command will perform a 360 degree turn and calculate the frames-per-second rate.
cmdtoggleYou can turn off/on cvars. Example: toggle sensitivity turns off sensitivity and toggle sensitivit...
cmdtoggleconsoleSee scr_conspeed, scr_conalpha, scr_consize.
cmdtogglemenuThis command is usually bound to the [Esc] key.
cmdtoggle_reYou can turn variable values ON and OFF. Example: toggle ^gl_part.* - turns all particle effects o...
vartopcolorSets the shirt color.
cmdtp_comingWill send a message to your teammates telling them where you are coming from, and what your status i...
cmdtp_enemypwrThis command could be used for all cases involving players with powerup. If you, a teammate, or enem...
vartp_forceTriggersControls whether f_took, f_death etc are forced to execute even if the game isn't a team game.
cmdtp_getpentInforms your teammates to get the pent. Will print enemy/team pent if you, teammate, or enemy has pe...
cmdtp_getquadInforms your teammates to get the quad. Reports team/enemy quad if you, a teammate, or an enemy has ...
cmdtp_helpstyle: (yellow_led)(yellow_led) help location powerup weapon
vartp_loadlocsControls whether to load locs for teamplay reporting. Note: The locs should be in your "/id1/locs/",...
cmdtp_lostWill send a message to your teammates telling them you died at a location. Also tells them how many ...
cmdtp_msgcomingWill send a message to your teammates telling them where you are coming from, and what your status i...
cmdtp_msgenemypwrThis command could be used for all cases involving players with powerup. If you, a teammate, or enem...
cmdtp_msggetpentInforms your teammates to get the pent. Will print enemy/team pent if you, teammate, or enemy has pe...
cmdtp_msggetquadInforms your teammates to get the quad. Reports team/enemy quad if you, a teammate, or an enemy has ...
cmdtp_msghelpRequests help at a location. Also gives your status.
cmdtp_msglostWill send a message to your teammates telling them you died at a location. Also tells them how many ...
cmdtp_msgneedEquivalent of %u (need macro). Will display what you need (health/armor/ammo).
cmdtp_msgpointWill report to your team item you see in your point at its location. Will report team/enemy powerup ...
cmdtp_msgquaddeadReports quad is dead. Will print enemy/team powerup if you, a teammate, or an enemy have quad and ar...
cmdtp_msgreplaceRequests a teammate to replace you at your location.
cmdtp_msgreportWill send a message to your teammates about your current status - health, armor, location, powerups,...
cmdtp_msgsafeWill send a message to your teammates informing them your current location is safe. Will print nothi...
cmdtp_msgtookInforms your team of the last item you took. Saves each item in memory for 15 seconds.
cmdtp_msgtrickRequests a trick at a location. Best for cases like dm2 when you need a teammate to help you get qua...
vartp_msgtriggersFor ruleset 'Smackdown' message triggers always are off.
vartp_name_armorCustomizes item
vartp_name_armortype_gaCustomizes output of %A macro for green armor.
vartp_name_armortype_raCustomizes output of %A macro for red armor.
vartp_name_armortype_yaCustomizes output of %A macro for yellow armor.
vartp_name_atCustomizes item
vartp_name_axeCustomizes item
vartp_name_backpackCustomizes item
vartp_name_cellsCustomizes item
vartp_name_dispCustomizes item
vartp_name_enemyCustomizes item
vartp_name_eyesSets the name for ring (invisibility) powerup for teamplay messages.
vartp_name_flagCustomizes item
vartp_name_gaCustomizes item
vartp_name_glCustomizes item
vartp_name_healthCustomizes item
vartp_name_lgCustomizes item
vartp_name_mhCustomizes item
vartp_name_nailsCustomizes item
vartp_name_ngCustomizes item
vartp_name_noneCustomizes item
vartp_name_nothingCustomizes item
vartp_name_pentCustomizes item
vartp_name_pentedCustomizes item
vartp_name_quadCustomizes item
vartp_name_quadedCustomizes item
vartp_name_raCustomizes item
vartp_name_ringCustomizes item
vartp_name_rlCustomizes item
vartp_name_rlgCustomizes item
vartp_name_rocketsCustomizes item
vartp_name_rune1Sets name of the first rune (Resistance Rune) used for teamplay messages.
vartp_name_rune2Sets name of the second rune (Strength Rune) used for teamplay messages.
vartp_name_rune3Sets name of the third rune (Haste Rune) used for teamplay messages.
vartp_name_rune4Sets name of the fourth rune (Regeneration Rune) used for teamplay messages.
vartp_name_sentrySets the name for sentry tower in teamplay messages.
vartp_name_separatorCustomizes item
vartp_name_sgCustomizes item
vartp_name_shellsCustomizes item
vartp_name_sngCustomizes item
vartp_name_someplaceCustomizes item
vartp_name_ssgCustomizes item
vartp_name_status_blueCustomizes item
vartp_name_status_greenCustomizes item
vartp_name_status_redCustomizes item
vartp_name_status_whitetp_name_status_ cvars are used by the client when generating teamplay messages
vartp_name_status_yellowCustomizes item
vartp_name_suitCustomizes item
vartp_name_teammateCustomizes item
vartp_name_weaponCustomizes item
vartp_name_yaCustomizes item
vartp_need_cellsCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_gaCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_healthCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_nailsCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_raCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_rlCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_rocketsCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_shellsCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_weaponCustomizes the %u macro
vartp_need_yaCustomizes the %u macro
cmdtp_pickupItem can be: quad, pent, ring, suit, ra, ya, ga, mh, health, lg, rl, gl, sng, ng, ssg, pack, cells,...
cmdtp_pointSpecifies which items will be used in point (%x or $point) macro. If you point at an item and such i...
vartp_pointprioritiesPriorities of object are given in tp_point command. You have to type all objects manually in tp_poin...
cmdtp_quaddeadReports quad is dead. Will print enemy/team powerup if you, a teammate, or an enemy have quad and ar...
cmdtp_reportWill send a message to your teammates about your current status - health, armor, location, powerups,...
cmdtp_safeWill send a message to your teammates informing them your current location is safe. Will print nothi...
vartp_soundtriggerSoundTrigger like proxys. A SoundTrigger must be terminated by either a CR, LF or filter. The .wav e...
cmdtp_tookSpecifies which items will be included in the took (%X or $took) macro. If you took an item and it's...
vartp_weapon_orderThis allows you to define the order from best to worst weapon. The default value is "78564321", whic...
cmdtrack-This means when you are spectating or watching an mvd, keys will automatically be assigned to track...
cmdtrackkillerWill switch view to the player who killed the player we are tracking at the moment
cmdtrackteamWhen using MultiView, allows you to assign all available points of view to a desired team.
cmdtroubleshootPerforms a check on client settings and displays possible sources of issues.
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cmdunaliasExample: unalias myreport removes myreport alias.
cmdunaliasallRemoves all aliases.
cmdunalias_reDeletes given alias(es). Example: unalias ^_zoom. - removes all aliases beginning with '_zoom', e.g....
cmdunbindExample: unbind x delete strings on x button.
cmdunbindallRemoves all keyboard bindings.
cmdunignoreunginore name or userid number to remove ignore.
cmdunignoreAllRemoves all users from the ignore list.
cmdunignoreAll_teamRemoves all ignored teams.
cmdunignore_idunignore usedid removed player from ignore.
cmdunignore_teamIf you have ignored team nine and wan't to remove team nine from ignore so type unignore_team nine ...
cmdunsetremoves user-created variable
cmdunset_reThis command supports (perl) regexp matching.
optuse8bitEnable 8bit mode.
cmduserThis command queries the user for his setinfo information.
optuserdirA userdir command can be used for addition of directories to the list searched for files by the clie...
cmduserinfoThings like rate, name, team or client version version are stored here and are being sent to server ...
cmdusersReports information on connected players and retrieve user ids.
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cmdvalidate_clientsThis shows authed ezQuake users, nonauthed and non ezQuake users.
optverboseLinux stuff.
cmdversionPrints client version number and date into the console.
varvid_borderlessWhen in windowed mode, window will not have a border
varvid_colorbitsHighest quality is \"24\"
varvid_conaspectAlways changes vid_conheight when you change vid_conwidth.
varvid_config_xThis variable sets the width of the vid_mode 2 window, the minimum possible value is "640".
varvid_config_yThis variable sets the width of the vid_mode 2 window, the minimum possible value is "400"
varvid_conheightCannot be higher than the height of the current game resolution.
varvid_conwidthCan\'t be higher than the height of the current game resolution
varvid_customheightScreen resolution width for custom screen mode
varvid_customwidthScreen resolution height for custom screen mode
varvid_displayfrequencySets horizontal frequency for your monitor (in hertz - Hz).
varvid_flashonactivityWhen there is activity in the server, ezQuake's taskbar window will flash. Activity includes chat, h...
cmdvid_forcemodeThis command will force ezQuake to use a certain video mode.
varvid_forcerestoregammaForce restore gamma after returning to minimized application.
cmdvid_fullscreenThis command will switch to a fullscreen video mode specified in the "vid_fullscreen_mode" variable...
varvid_fullscreen_modeThis variable sets the full screen video mode that the game will switch to when the "vid_fullscreen"...
cmdvid_gfxinfoThis command will print out useful information about your video card, GL version, and refresh rate, ...
cmdvid_minimizeThis command will minimize the windowed game screen. It was made available because the game takes c...
varvid_modeThis variables sets the next video mode to be used, any change of this variable will cause the video...
cmdvid_modelistPrints all supported video modes.
varvid_nopageflipThis variable toggles the use of page-flipping during supported video modes. By default the game wi...
varvid_resetonswitchezQuake and the screen gets garbaged. When enabled, the client will reset your Windows video mode e...
cmdvid_restartWill restart your video renderer. Needed for some changes to take affect.
varvid_stretch_by_2half-resolution in each direction and stretched up to the specified size.)
cmdvid_testmodeThis command will switch to the specified video mode for 5-seconds in order to test it.
varvid_vsyncSyncs your FPS with your monitor's vertical refresh rate. This will override cl_maxfps.
varvid_wideaspectRecalculates screen proportions so that they suit wide-screen displays. If you toggle this variable ...
cmdvid_windowedThis command will switch the a windowed video mode specified in the "vid_windowed_mode" variable.
varvid_windowed_modeThis variable sets the windowed video mode that the game will switch to when the "vid_windowed" com...
varvid_window_xThis variable sets the x-axis location of the top left corner of the game window on the desktop.
varvid_window_yThis variable sets the y-axis location of the top left corner of the game window on the desktop.
varvid_xposHorizontal position of the client window.
varvid_yposVertical position of the client window
cmdviewaliasExample: viewalias mystatus print mystatus alias.
varviewsizeThis variable determines how large the viewable screen size is.
optvisualidLinux stuff.
varvolumeEven higher values than 1 are possible, but sound quality degrades.
varv_centermoveThis variable sets the distance that the player must move before the screen automatically centers i...
varv_centerspeedThis variable sets how quickly your view returns to the center after looking up or down and moving a...
varv_contentblendTurning this variable on will temporarily change the hue of your screen when inside liquid (water/sl...
cmdv_cshiftThis adjusts all of the colors currently being displayed. Used when you are underwater, hit, have t...
varv_damagecshiftThis variable (0..1) will temporarily add a red hue to your screen when you've taken damage. Needs g...
varv_dlightcshiftTurning this variable on will blend light when you're inside a light bubble. Also need to set gl_fla...
varv_gunkickKickback effect when the weapon is fired.
optv_hzLinux (glx) only. Vertical refresh frequency.
varv_idlescaleThis variable controls the amount that the screen should sway automatically. When this variable is s...
varv_ipitch_cycleThis variable controls the speed at which the screen should sway up and down when "v_idlescale" is s...
varv_ipitch_levelThis variable controls the distance that the screen should sway up and down when "v_idlescale" is se...
varv_iroll_cycleThis variable controls the speed at which the screen should roll clockwise and counter clockwise wh...
varv_iroll_levelThis variable controls the distance the screen should roll clockwise and counter clockwise when "v_i...
varv_iyaw_cycleSets how quickly you look left and right when v_idlescale is active.
varv_iyaw_levelSets how far you look left and right when v_idlescale is active.
varv_kickpitchThis variable controls the distance that the screen should move up or down when the player is shot...
varv_kickrollThis variable controls the distance that the screen should roll clockwise or counter clockwise whe...
varv_kicktimeThis variable controls the amount of time v_kickpitch and v_kickroll take effect.
varv_pentcshiftThis variable (0..1) will add a temporary red hue to your screen if you are carry the Pent powerup. ...
varv_quadcshiftThis variable (0..1) will add a temporary blue hue to your screen if you are carry the Quad powerup....
varv_ringcshiftThis variable (0..1) will add a temporary yellow hue to your screen if you are carry the Ring poweru...
varv_suitcshiftThis variable (0..1) will add a temporary green hue to your screen if you are carry the Suit powerup...
varv_viewheightNew variable v_viewheight can be used to get the effect of negative/zero values of cl_bobcycle etc...
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cmdwaitAdds one wait frame.
varwatervisIt's a bad idea to use watervis 1 if the maps the server is using are not watervised. Liquids will a...
optwavonlyThis switch is used to disable DirectSound support in favor of WAV playback. If your sound card does...
cmdweaponExample: weapon 7 8 3 2 1 will select rocket launcher if you have it and also some rockets else it w...
optwidthThis switch specifies the width of the video resolution to run the game in. Note: You also need the...
optwindowThis switch forces OpenGL version of the client to run in a windowed mode.
cmdwindowsSwitches away from client and back to the Windows OS.
optwinsizeSet the winsize (Linux?)
cmdwriteconfigWrites all your binds and cvars to a custom config file. Example: writeconfig test
cmdwriteipRecords all IP addresses on the server IP list. The file name is listip.cfg.
varw_switchThis variable allows you to define the highest weapon that the client should switch to when picking...
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varzombietimeThe number of minutes that the server will keep the character of a player on the map who seems to ...
optzoneThis switch is used to allocate additional memory to the alias memory space. It is usually necessary...
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var_vid_default_modeThis variable sets the default video mode that the client uses.
var_vid_default_mode_winThis variable sets the default video mode that the client uses when windowed.

Last update: 31.10.2011 06:14 UTC

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