ezQuake Manual: Keymap support

Keymap Features

This feature is Windows-only.

Here are a few explanations of the keymap-features.
To have more information about the keymap-files, look at the included keymap files; e.g. "german.kmap" (made by me) or "dvorak.kmap" (this is a port of the dvorak.kmap-file which came with zquake, made by Tonik and extended by Rowdy) or one of the other included keymaps.

The keymap-files should be placed in the qw- or in the fuhquake-subdirectory.

The original keymap feature was made by Tonik and included in ZQuake. I restructured the whole keymap-feature to be (in my eyes) more consistent. Unfortunetely my changes made it necessesary to break the compatibility to the zquake keymap-files.
Tonik was able to solve this and now ZQuake is compatible with the changed file format - so if you want to use the files for both engines, you better use the new format :-)

I made a bunch of new commands and variables for the keymappings:

New variable "cl_showkeycodes":

This variable enables/disables the output of informations to the currently pressed and/or released keys.
The following values are possible:
"0" switch off output of scancode/keymapping information (Default).
"1", information about keys will be printed when the keys are pressed.
"2", information about keys will be printed when releasing the keys.
"3", information about keys will be printed when the keys are pressed and also when they are released.

New variable/command "keymap_name":

This holds the name of the current keymappings; it has (currently) only informational purposes. If no keymapping is active, it will contain the name "Default". If a keymapping will be active and no name has been set, "Custom" will be used as name. It can easily be set with "keymap_name <layoutname>"

New command "keycode":

This command enables the setting of a new keymapping.
The syntax is:
keycode [ext] <scancode> <key> [<shiftmap>] [<altgrmap>]
If no key is given, the current mapping of the scancode will be printed. The first call to that command (when no keymapping is active) copies the internal used default for an US keyboard to the keymapping tables.

New command "keymap_reset":

This command switches off the current keymappings and sets it back to the internal defaults; it also restores "keymap_name" to its default name "Default". The defaults are an internally defined (and not changeable) keymapping for US keyboards.

New command "keymap_init".

This resets the current keymapping and then generates a copy of the internal defaults (US keyboard) to be the new keymappings. This can be used as a base to generate a new keymapping file. It has the same (unchangeable) mapping as the example keymap-file "default.kmap"

New command "keymap_load".

This command first resets the current keymappings and then loads a new mapping from the given file.
The syntax is:
keymap_load [layoutname] <filename>
If the layoutname is given, "keymap_name" will be set directly after loading the file. The default file extension is ".kmap"; the syntax of the file has slightly changed compared to ZQuake (newer ZQuake versions also support this changed format). Look at the "german.kmap" which is included in the zip. In theory (untested) it is now possible to load such files with a normal "exec" command because they contain only "official" commands; but it is not recommended; the recommended way is to load the file with the "keymap_load" command, so that errors could easily be detected. The loading-mechanism searches first in the subdirectory "keymaps" for the file and if it could not be found it searches without subdirectory. So it searches through the "usual" directories (it uses the FS_FOpenFile-function), that means "fuhquake", "qw" and "id1". Recommended place for keymap files is "qw/keymaps/"

New command "keymap_save":

With this command the active keymappings will be written to a kmap-file (including a descriptive header which explains the usage).
The syntax is:
keymap_save [layoutname] <filename>
If the layoutname is given, "keymap_name" will be set before saving. If the filename contains no directory, it writes itself to the "qw"-directory.

New command "keymaplist":

This command prints all the current keymappings to the quake console.

I'm always open for comments, wishes and of course want to know about problems.
Please post them at the FuhQuake-forum, I'll read them :-)

And please send me your generated keymaps, so that I can collect them and distribute them in later releases!

Matthias Mohr, aka "Massa"

Last update: 29.04.2006 08:29 UTC

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