ezQuake Manual: Server Browser settings

ezQuake Server Browser

ezQuake's Server Browser works pretty much like GameSpy except that it is much
faster and more accurate. It allows you to use master servers, source files,
add servers to lists manually, search for specific servers or players, sort
them by several criteria and supports Qizmo when connecting to servers (you
connect to a Qizmo and then choose a server to connect to in the ezQuake Server
Browser and ezQuake will automatically use that Qizmo if you set it up to do so).

Contents of this readme

  1. Basic Information
    1. How to add a master server to your sources-list
    2. How to make your own serverlist
    3. How to bookmark servers
    4. How to move servers between source-files
  2. Columns available in servers/players lists
  3. Server Browser keys
    1. In "servers" list
    2. In "sources" list
    3. In "players" list
    4. Server info window
  4. Server Browser commands
    1. addserver <ip:port>
    2. menu_serverbrowser
  5. Server Browser variables
    1. sb_autohide <0|1|2>
    2. sb_hidedead <0|1>
    3. sb_hideempty <0|1>
    4. sb_hidefull <0|1>
    5. sb_hidenotempty <0|1>
    6. sb_inforetries <number of retries>
    7. sb_infospersec <serverinfos per second>
    8. sb_infotimeout <milliseconds until timeout>
    9. sb_liveupdate <seconds between window refreshes>
    10. sb_mastercache <0|1>
    11. sb_masterretries <number of retries>
    12. sb_mastertimeout <milliseconds until timeout>
    13. sb_maxwidth <width>
    14. sb_maxheight <height>
    15. sb_pings <pings per second>
    16. sb_pingspersec <pings per second>
    17. sb_pingtimeout <milliseconds until timeout>
    18. sb_showaddress <0|1>
    19. sb_showcounters <0|1>
    20. sb_showcounters <0|1>
    21. sb_showgamedir <0|1>
    22. sb_showmap <0|1>
    23. sb_showping <0|1>
    24. sb_showplayers <0|1>
    25. sb_showtimelimit <0|1>
    26. sb_sortplayers <sort order>
    27. sb_sortservers <sort order>
    28. sb_sourcevalidity <validity time>
    29. sb_status <0|1>
    30. useproxy <0|1>

Basic Information

The Server Browser uses the "sources.txt" file located in ezquake/sb/ directory.
Files containing their own server lists must be in this directory as well. The
format of a source file is as follows:

type [master/file], name [any name you want], [address:port/filename]


master "Poland"

How to add a master server to your sources-list:

- go to the Server Browser menu under sources and press [INS]. Type the
following info in the square brackets at each prompt:

type master
name Poland

and then accept. The source is now saved under your source-list for future

How to make your own serverlist:

- create a file under ezquake/sb/ with file-extentions *.scr, *.cfg, *.txt
or no file-extention at all,



- open the file with a text editor and add your servers like this:


Note: One IP per line only

- save the file and close it

- go to the Server Browser menu under sources and press [INS]. Type in the
following info in the square brackets at each prompt:

type file
name My private list
filename serverlist.scr

Note: obviously you are free to choose another name and you must specify the
file you just created

- the source is now saved under your source-list for future use

How to bookmark servers:

In the Server Browser there is also a sourcetype DUMMY called UNBOUND. When
adding servers from console (using command /addserver ip:port) these will be
placed into this temporary source. You can use this sourcetype for bookmarking.


You are playing on a server and people want to change server. They give you an
unknown ip and you want to add it for later use. You use the command "addserver
ip:port" and the server will be placed in source-type "DUMMY - TEMP" for

How to move servers between source-files:

When looking at the serverinfo you can move a server to another source-file by
clicking on the "sources" menu-flag.


You have your private serverlist called serverlist.txt, add that as file under
sources. You update a master server and find a server you want on your private
list. Press [ENTER] on the server and go to "source". Highlight "serverlist" and
and press [ESC]. Go to sources and highlight only your own serverlist. Now the
server will be updated on your list.

How to update sources

In ezQuake select the Server Browser menu, switch to the "sources" column with the
right-arrow key, press [SPACE] to update the sources.

How to scan servers

In ezQuake select the Server Browser menu, switch to the "servers" column and
press [SPACE] to scan the servers.

Columns available in servers/players list

1 - server name (hostinfo)
2 - server address (ip:port)
3 - ping to the server
4 - gamedir (mod played)
5 - map currently played
6 - number of players and max number of players
7 - fraglimit
8 - timelimit
9 - player name (only in "players" list)

Server Browser keys

In "servers" list:

letters, numbers - search server with given name

[ALT] + number - sort the list by given column

[TAB] - go to next tab

[ENTER] - first time you press [ENTER] it will open the serverinfo
window showing the server and players, second time you
press [ENTER] you will enter the server

[J], [P] - join server (connect as player)

[O], [S],
[CTRL]+[ENTER] - observe (connect as spectator)

[R] - refresh current server info

[SPACE] - get pings and infos

[CTRL] + [1]-[8] - enable/disable this column (check "Columns available in
servers/players list" above for an explanation of each

[C] - copy the servername with ip:port, so you can paste it in
in qw or other apps with [CTRL]+[V]

[CTRL]+[C] - copy only ip:port, so you can paste it in in qw or other
apps with [CTRL]+[V] to clipboard

[V] - send servername with ip:port to console (say)

[CTRL]+[V] - send servername with ip:port to console (say_team)

[N], [INS] - add new server to "unbound" source (as with "addserver"
console command)

In "sources" list:

[ENTER] - toggle source, move cursor down

[]] - toggle source

[+], [=] - select all sources

[-] - deselect all sources

[*] - invert selection

[1]-[3] - sort by this column (check "Columns available in
servers/players list" above for an explanation of each

[U] - update selected source (get servers)

[CTRL]+[SPACE] - update all sources

[SPACE] - update sources, that were not updates recently (period
specified by "sb_sourcevalidity")

[N], [INS] - add sources

[D], [DEL] - delete source (better backup sources first..)

In "players" list:

[ALT] + character - search players by name

[TAB] - go to players list, to corresponding server

[ENTER] - first time you press [ENTER] it will open the serverinfo
window showing the server and players, second time you
press it you will enter the server

[J], [P] - join server (connect as player)

[O], [S] - observe (connect as spectator)

[SPACE] - get pings and infos

[1]-[9] - sort by this column (check "Columns available in
servers/players list" above for an explanation of each

[CTRL] + [1]-[9] - enable/disable this column (check "Columns available in
servers/players list" above for an explanation of each

[C] - copy the servername with ip:port, so you can paste it in in
qw or other apps with [CTRL]+[V]

[CTRL]+[C] - copy only ip:port, so you can paste it in in qw or other
apps with [CTRL]+[V] to clipboard

[V] - send servername with ip:port to console (say)

[CTRL]+[V] - send servername with ip:port to console (say_team)

Server info window:

[ENTER] - join server (connect as player)

[CTRL]+[ENTER] - observe (connect as spectator)

[T] - test connection to selected server (netgraph will be shown)

[PGUP] / [PGDN] - previous/next server/player

[BACKSPACE], [ESC] - back to servers or players list

[J], [P] - join server (connect as player)

[O], [S],
[CTRL]+[ENTER] - observe (connect as spectator)

[C] - copy the servername with ip:port, so you can paste it in in
qw or other apps with [CTRL]+[V]

[CTRL]+[C] - copy only ip:port, so you can paste it in in qw or other
apps with [CTRL]+[V] to clipboard

[V] - send servername with ip:port to console (say)

[CTRL]+[V] - send servername with ip:port to console (say_team)

Server Browser commands

addserver <ip:port>

This allows you to add a server to the UNBOUND source. This can be used to
quickly bookmark servers.


This will open the the Server Browser menu. This is the same as accessing it
via the main menu, but you can bind this to a key.


bind f3 menu_serverbrowser

Server Browser variables

Please refer to Server Browser variables manual section for updated list of variables.

sb_autohide <0|1|2>

This toggles in which cases the server browser should automatically hide itself
when connecting to a server.

0 = Never hide server browser
1 = This will cause the server browser to always hide after connecting
2 = This will cause the server browser to hide after connecting only, if the
connected server is not a qizmo proxy, useful if you often connect to Qizmos
only for rerouting features (with "useproxy 1")

Default value is "1".

sb_hidedead <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should hide dead servers.

0 = don't hide dead servers
1 = hide dead servers

Default value is "1".

sb_hideempty <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should hide empty servers.

0 = don't hide empty servers
1 = hide empty servers

Default value is "0".

sb_hidefull <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should hide full servers.

0 = don't hide full servers
1 = hide full servers

Default value is "0".

sb_hidenotempty <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should hide empty servers.

0 = don't hide empty servers
1 = hide empty servers

Default value is "0".

sb_inforetries <number of retries>

This determines how often ezQuake should try to retrieve information from a server
until it is considered to be not responding.

Default value is "3".

sb_infospersec <serverinfos per second>

This determines how many serverinfos per second ezQuake should retrieve when
scanning servers. When setting this value too high you will flood your line,
causing you to not receive information from servers or lagging your connect
to the server you are currently connected to.

Default value is "100".

sb_infotimeout <milliseconds until timeout>

This determines how long ezQuake will wait for a reply when trying to retrieve
information from a server until the attempt times out.

Default value is "1000".

sb_liveupdate <seconds between window refreshes>

This will determine how often ezQuake should refresh the serverinfo window, the
specified value sets the delay in seconds. Setting it to "0" will disable
automatic refreshing.

Default value is "2".

sb_mastercache <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should cache the results of queries to master server
(in directory qw/sb/cache). If you restart ezQuake and don't update sources or if
a master server is down, ezQuake will use the cache.

0 = don't use cache for master servers
1 = use the cache for master servers when they are down or haven't been

Default value is "1".

sb_masterretries <number of retries>

This determines how often ezQuake should try to retrieve information from a master
server until it is considered to be not responding.

Default value is "3".

sb_mastertimeout <milliseconds until timeout>

This determines how long ezQuake will wait for a reply when trying to retrieve
information from a master server until the attempt times out.

Default value is "1000".

sb_maxwidth <width>

This set the maximum width for the server browser menu in pixels.

Default value is "512".

sb_maxheight <height>

This set the maximum height for the server browser menu in pixels.

Default value is "480".

sb_pings <pings per second>

This determines how many pings ezQuake will send to a server when trying to
determine your ping to it. A higher value will cause scanning servers to take
longer, but the result may be more exact. A lower value obviously makes scanning
faster, but pings may be inaccurate.

Default value is "150".

sb_pingspersec <pings per second>

This determines how many pings per second ezQuake should sent out when scanning
servers. If you set this value too high the result will be that the pings will
not be accurate because you overloaded your line. If you set it too low scanning
servers will take very long especially when you have a large server list.

Default value is "150".

sb_pingtimeout <milliseconds until timeout>

This determines how long ezQuake will wait for a reply when trying to ping a
server until the attempt times out.

Default value is "1000".

sb_showaddress <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should display the server IP column in the server

0 = do not show the server IP column
1 = show the server IP column

Default value is "0".

sb_showcounters <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should display the number of servers or players in
the status line.

0 = do not show the server/player counter in the status line
1 = show the server/player counter in the status line

Default value is "0".

sb_showfraglimit <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should display the fraglimit column in the server

0 = do not show the fraglimit column
1 = show the fraglimit column

Default value is "0".

sb_showgamedir <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should display the gamedir column in the server list,
for example to see which mod is being played.

0 = do not show the gamedir column
1 = show the gamedir column

Default value is "0".

sb_showmap <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should display the map column in the server list.

0 = do not show the map column
1 = show the map column

Default value is "0".

sb_showping <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should display the ping column in the server list.

0 = do not show the ping column
1 = show the ping column

Default value is "0".

sb_showplayers <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should display the players column in the server list
that shows how many players are on the server as well as how many players are

0 = do not show the players column
1 = show the players column

Default value is "1".

sb_showtimelimit <0|1>

This toggles whether ezQuake should display the timelimit column in the server

0 = do not show the timelimit column
1 = show the timelimit column

Default value is "0".

sb_sortplayers <sort order>

This determines sort order in the players list. This uses the numbers from the
description of the columns. Check "Columns available in servers/players list"
above for an explanation of each number. A "-" in front of the value reverses
the sort order for that value from ascending to descending.

Default value is "92". This means sort by player name first, then by server
address (ip:port).

sb_sortservers <sort order>

This determines sort order in the servers list. This uses the numbers from the
description of the columns. Check "Columns available in servers/players list"
above for an explanation of each number. A "-" in front of the value reverses
the sort order for that value from ascending to descending.

Default value is "32". This means sort by ping to the server first, then by
server address (ip:port).

sb_sourcevalidity <validity time>

This sets the time of master servers validity in minutes. Master servers that
were updated within the specified time will not be refreshed when updating
sources with [SPACE].

Default value is "30".

sb_status <0|1>

This toggles whether the server status should be displayed in the two bottom
lines of the server browser.

0 = do not display the status
1 = display the status

Default value is "1".

cl_useproxy <0|1>

This toggles whether Qizmo should be used (if detected) to a server. When
enabled the server browser will use an existing connection to a Qizmo when
connecting another server by using the ezQuake Server Browser.

0 = do not use Qizmo to connect a server chosen in the Server Browser
1 = use Qizmo to connect a server chosen in the Server Browser

Default value is "0".

Last update: 03.07.2007 09:46 UTC

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