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By  Wiebo de Wit 2/2/98 

"The Strogg have made a big mistake. Intelligence reports that a disc containing essential data needed for our main campaign is being held in a small Strogg Outpost. We managed to make a duplicate key pass which can be used to open the front door. A strike team consisting of five of our finest men has been dropped near the Strogg Outpost... They have not reported back. We do not want to send in another team as the Strogg are alerted. But, one man can sneak in and save this mission. You are that man." ~Wuebi de Wit 

...or woman, either way you're the poor sap who pulled the short straw for this mission, so you had better recharge your blaster and forget the "stun" setting. This is a shoot to kill assignment (aren't they all?). 

"The Strogg Downfall" begins with you approaching the Strogg outpost outside on foot. The tension is palpable as you peer around corners using every rock outcropping available for much needed cover. This is a fine beginning. There is something about starting outside and fighting your way in that gives this level a sense of purpose and logic. A nice switch from suddenly appearing and starting inside your objective. 

Gameplay throughout is excellent. Once inside there are switches and plans to be made. Wiebo makes smart use of well thought out and intelligent situations. It's great fun to destroy the Strogg heavyweights with a bit of ingenuity and finesse, versus the straight on approach. 

This level also has a very gritty, grimy functioning industrial look to it as well. Wiebo has judiously resisted overuse of colored lighting and bright textures which would have detracted from the overall theme and realisim he was able to bring to life here. 

Once you complete your goals and finish this mission there is a sense of true closure and accomplishment that is lacking from many other Quake2 levels. Wiebo has created a level that never wobbles or falls down in "The Strogg Downfall".

The foreboding main structure of the Strogg compound.   

The inner workings of the Strogg Wiebo factory. 

Tough guy eh..? Well, you know what they say, the bigger they are the harder they fall...