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"Find a way to permanently Disable Strogg's 20 gigawatt Ku relay transmitter. Disrupt all comm links between Planet Morgulon and the Stroggos mother planet Comm Center." ~Rick Troppman

"The Relay Station" (TRS) by Rick Troppman is a textbook primer on how to create a level with megaton gameplay. Within seconds of starting TRS you encounter some rather sinister sounds. Going... A few more seconds and you are making your way around mounds of crates, involved in a shoot-out with Strogg forces who seemingly appear out of nowhere Going... after clearing the area you make your way to the first door and run headlong into waiting Gunners Gone... Gone where? Gone to that nether world of fantasy, imagination and suspended belief. You are transported somewhere else...the void...the it what you will. It's that reality warping behind the eyelids refuge that all truly great works are able to transport you to. This time it happens to be Rick Troppman taking you there. And his vehicle is the mesmerizing "The Relay Station".

How does he do it? With Gameplay. Rick has created combat situations that require fast reflexes and also well thought out strategy. A blend which is often difficult to combine. He does it with architecture. Fully fleshed out and great to look at, it compliments the gameplay perfectly. The lighting is superb. Ranging from spooky shadows to depth enhancing water areas. Choice of enemy as well as health, ammo and weapon placement are also right on the money. 

Take a little trip to "The Relay Station", it's legal and fun Quake2 escapism at its best.
Just about everything!
It eventually will end.
Gameplay extreme. You will be hard pressed to download a better level than this one.

  Crate Mountain 
A perfectly designed room. Also a hub for your explorations.
Fantastically lit water.