Interviews by Author
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"I hate hype, and I think hype caused some folks to take for granted many of Quake 2's phenomenal features-hence all the whining.  It's a great game.  I'm sure the next flock of FPS is going to be great, but I think hype is going to get the best of them too."
Carson Utz
"On the editing side of things, I don't subscribe to the new dogma that you should only use surface lighting and that point lights are no good.  That's ridiculous.  You have to use what's right in each situation." 
Warren Marshall

"I put things in a level I want to do. I want to eject from my ship with shit flying everywhere. If I shoot a guard I want the glass behind him to shatter like a John Woo movie, so I set up some triggers. If I stumble across a weapons laboratory where Brains have just designed and built the BFG, I want a Strogg to blow himself to shit while he is working on something."
Marty Howe

"I'll have to say that Quake 2 is an enjoyable game, and looks really good, but that's about it.  In my opinion, the AI hasn't really improved since Doom, and that's a shame." 
Alex Richardson 
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